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Exemplo: TO LIVE FORMA AFIRMATIVA I live You live He lives She lives It lives We live You live They live Forma negativa: DO NOT = DON T DOES NOT = DOESN T REGRAS:

viver FORMA INTERROGATIVA DO I live? DO you live? DOES he live? DOES she live? DOES it live? DO we live? DO you live? DO they live? FORMA NEGATIVA I do not live You do not live He does not live She does not live It does not live We do not live You do not live They do not live

- Coloca-se -S ou -ES nos verbos na forma afirmativa quando o sujeito for HE, SHE ou IT. - Verbos terminados em: S,SS,SH,CH,X,Z e O, recebem ES. - Verbos terminados em Y: Consoante + Y = tira-se o Y e acrescenta-se IES. Ex. I study She studies Vogal + Y = S Ex. I play - She plays - Nas formas Interrogativa e Negativa usamos os auxiliares DOES e DO, portanto, tira-se o -S dos verbos para HE, SHE e IT, pois o -S j est no auxiliar. Ex.: A: She plays tennis. I: Does she play tennis? N: She doesn t play tennis.

A: They play tennis. I: Do they play tennis? N: They don t play tennis.

ADVRBIOS E EXPRESSES: - ALWAYS - USUALLY - OFTEN - SOMETIMES - RARELY - NEVER Posio dos advrbios: - Os advrbios aparecem antes do verbo. Ex.: She always plays tennis. - As expresses aparecem no final da frase. Ex.: She plays tennis twice a week. - Se o verbo da frase for o TO BE, o advrbio ficar aps o verbo. Ex.: She is always late for school. - EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK, EVERY... - VERY OFTEN - ONCE A WEEK - TWICE A WEEK - THREE TIMES A DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR - ON + DIAS DA SEMANA. (ON MONDAYS)

Teacher Marina

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