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Creating Database, Table, Insert, Update, Delete.---------Good Views-------------Good Joins--------------OK(Need to practice more) SP-----------------OK(Need to practice more) SubQueies------Not ok Triggers----------Not ok Indexes----------Not ok Cursors----------Not ok


I can add an action which can do set of actions(By interacting with webservices and DB). I can do any design related tasks. JavaScript------OK(Need to practice more) LINQ-----------OK(Need to practice more) Havent done much of coding Using OOps concepts.

I Can Design the view.

I have just got an Idea of MVC Architecture, how view controller and Model interacts with one another and with Webservice and Database.

CIMS Application


It is a stock keeping unit, which refers to an individual unit of any product. Each SKU has diffrent attributes such as Style, Color, Size by which they can be diffrentiated. There are two types of SKU's PrepackSKUs and Each which we can Identify based on the UOM. Prepack SKU's are those which has SKU's of diffrent Dimentions or same dimentionced packed into one set according to the requirement of the vendor in any particular Location.



It is Licenced Plate Number, Which has SKU's of diffrent or same type. We can create InvLPNs if the inventory dosent exist for any particular order. We can even generate logical LPNs based on the users requirement with Owner, Cartontype as prefix. We can print Labels for LPN's by which we can Identify the LPN's with diffrent SKU's. We can also Print ShipLabel for LPNs.

Pallet is a wooden plank which is used to transfer the inventory from one location to the other location in the Warehouse. Pallet contaions the details of LPN's on that pallet and Location where that pallet is there. We can generate Pallet to Move the Inventory using our application.


Locations are initial partition into difftent zones in a warehouse which helps the user to easily trace where exactly the Inventory is available.

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