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Tapp 1 Anthony Tapp INTL 3111 Robert Arnold 17 April 2013 Equilibrium Equilibrium is a film where human emotion

has become the root of all evil. Any emotionally stimulating material has been exiled and any individual who interacts to such will be persecuted. The citizens are forced to take daily injections of drugs to suppress their emotions and keep them as emotionless as possible. It came a time where Preston missed a dose and began to experience emotions. He then began questioning his own morality and the suspicious society that he lives in. From than on he attempts to remain undetected but slowly gets closer in overthrowing the government. This movie highly parallels with the book 1984 because of the control the government/resistance wants to have over the community. One main difference between the two dystopian societies is what they exactly want control of. In equilibrium the government wants to obtain control of the emotions of the individuals. They demand pills that take away the power to display emotion and think about it. It relates to 1984 because the government belittles their community and takes advantage of them to use them at their discretion. In 1984 they focused more on controlling the mind, using scare tactics to implement fear into the entire community. Also 1984 was led by a figure by the name Big brother, who was an individual that may have not even existed. They focused on torturing individuals who expressed themselves or attempted to over throw the tyranny.

Tapp 2 In the end both of these dystopias had a common goal of trying to obtain power and control over their societies. Even though it only worked in the movie equilibrium, it took its unfortunate toll on the individuals of the societies. As we have discussed in this class, politics have a strong influence on their respective cultures and communities, which cause heavy influence. However, unlike these two dystopias, we have a democracy in America we work together to make what is best for each individual in the country. We do not thrive on the over take of our communities to do what we say at any means necessary.

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