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Angel H, Bianca R PER 3 4/29/2013

Cst Reflection Graphic Organizer Essay

How did you How did you How can feel before, feel before, you and during, and during, and other do after the ELA after the even better part of the Math part of next year? test? the test? Share some advice and tips you learned throughout this process. Most of the I felt nerves I felt I will not questions were about the test. nervous look are the easy and some because room when

About the test


math is a bit hard for me

we are testing.

After the math part I felt like a did a little better than the first part I feel like I did I felt that I did Some people well. good or bad. took the third part of the math.

Took along time. And I was falling asleep.

And the test was hard and also long.

I learned that if you focus you would do better in the test. We all going to do all good.

Angel Hernandez Bianca Ramirez Period: 3 05.01.13

CST Reflection Essay Some things about the test are that most of the English and Math questions. In part 1 & 2 were a little bit hard. Also the CST test felt more like 2 hours. I read the questions carefully before I answered them. I felt like I did well on the Reading language part. That was about the test.

How felt nervous before the CST I studied hard for the math part. And I read everyday for the reading part. I also felt good after the reading part 1 & part 2. Because not only I read everyday but I was doing my reading logs everyday. Most of it was hard.

For the Math part it was okay for me. Some people in the other classes took a third part of the math CST. Also the English part 3. Now the 8th grade have to test.

Some of the kids dont look what they are doing. The teachers will get mad and get them in trouble. The teachers will tell you to do good on the test. We will do better on the CST.

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