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Directions: For the next few vocabulary assignments you will need a partner. Pick wisely this will be your partner throughout those lessons. You will play Tic Tac Toe with your partner and wherever you choose to place your letter you will have to create or accomplish that spots assignment. Your activities should be created individually. Keep this sheet as you will need it for each of the lessons. Create an example for the word. Or relate it to personal experience. Create a riddle (or question) using the word. Ex: what kind of map starts off flat then rises, peaks, and then falls off? A story map. Draw a picture of the word. You can show the word in action or what the word means to you. Act out the meaning of the word. Create a one person play with the word at the center.
Lesson Two Words:

Craft an anecdote (short story), using the word as the center.

Create a map of your word. Think of other words that would lead to or away from your word or landmarks that would surround it. Write a song about the word or using the word for inspiration.

Write the opposite of the word. Explain how they are opposite.

Create a poem with the word in it.

Lesson One Words:

Lesson Three Words:

Bondage Chaos Premise Trek Procedure Prosper

Bitterness Repentance Reveal Succeed Tangible Status

Reservation Inhabitant Dynasty Vainly Sentiment Persist

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