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Long ago in 10 March,2011 im and my older sister was doing ceremony in Bali the people called Mapandes or Metatah.Its to drive out a negatif feel in our body,the name is SAD RIPU. When this ceremony my family so busy to does it because must make many fasilities or sesajen for God. Before do it,im so affraid because so many peoples in my home.They are my friends,my family and so on. The ceremonial start from 06.00 am.When i in east of my home Bale Dangin,my tooth will cuted by Pemangku,i looked all of my family and this make me so affraid again. After that im so happy,i was praying with my older sister,my father,and my mother and also i take picture with their in the temple. In the afternoon is reception of my ceremony,i was used minimalist make up by yellow kebaya shirt.The first time my friends in my village and my school was going to my house and they called me so beautiful and make me so happy again.This very nice moment for me,although we are poor family but im so proud with my parent .They could do my ceremonial simple and perfectly. My feel is calm after all of ceremonial finished because the people in Bali trust if we can done Metatah or Mapandes next time when we dead,in an other life we will meet with our parent. I think thiss nice experience for my self.I hope i have a good experience for my future and my self for next time.

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