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Joshua Chandler Christine Germain English 1102 February 12, 2013 WTE #5 Do you recall when you were

younger looking up at the sky and seeing white trials lag behind the back of a jet? If you did these were called contrails. Now as you have grown up over the years and proceeded to take on this similar action have you noticed that these trials have begin to remain in the sky for long periods of time rather than dissipating? If you have these are not contrails but chemtrails. Chemtrails are a part of a global engineering project set out to cut down out global warming, basically creating the ozone 2.0. Sounds great right? Well what if you knew that these chemtrails contained harmful aerosols and chemicals which are detrimental to a humans health. And that in the future the chemtrails could possibly damage ones respiratory and nervous system? Would this still be deemed as a great idea to benefit the earth as whole? I think most peoples response would be a solid no, but not everyones opinion is the same. Chemtrails are made from different variations of aluminum oxide and barium oxide, which are two of the most toxic chemicals in the world. Now imagine breathing this is in everyday with your normal oxygen and nitrogen thinking everything to be normal, because the altitudes these chemicals are set at, theres no way the human senses came possibly distinguish between the two. Inhalation of aluminum and barium can cause various diseases such as cancer, heart failure, kidney failure and many others. Also psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, and many others. Does this sound like a typical commercial explaining a product that may benefit you, but could possibly have many side effects that are extreme risks to your body? They sound pretty similar. The only difference is that they dont tell you these things. This paper will serve as the commercial and advertisement for the amazing project our world engineers deem as chemtrials.

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