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Jonathan Hueso Period.

1 4-30-13

CST Reflection Graphic Organizer and Essay About the Test How did you feel before, during, and after the ELA part of the test? How did you feel before, during, and after the Math part of the test? How can you and others do even better next How can you and others do even better next year? Share some advice and tips you learned throughout this process. Ill do better by concentrating more.

The test was really hard.

I thought it was really hard.

I felt really scared because I didnt know practically nothing. When I opened it the questions were really hard. I took a lot of rest I closed my eyes for a while because I was really tired.

I was really Scared. It had very tricky questions.

It was a lot of reading. I was happy that I finished the test.

By not talking also.

Also by doing all my work and look for clues.

We take the CST for a reason! We take it so they can figure what class we will have in for the eighth grade. For my opinion it was very hard. At the beginning I thought I didnt know anything. But I am glad that I have teachers so they can teach me. At fist I was really scared but then I saw the questions and I was fine. There was allot of reading and my eyes started to get tired when I was on the first reading. Well my opinion was that it was really hard and it had a lot of tricky questions.

The way that I felt is I felt really scared. The comprehension part had allot of reading it was almost like a book! I took little breaks because my eyes hurt from all the reading. I took a lot of my time just on one of the questions because they were really hard. The questions were really tricky. It was really hard for my opinion. Last is I was really happy that I finished the comprehension part. The way that I felt for the math part was also really scared. For this part I was way more scared than the ELA part because for math I practically didnt know anything. When I opened the test booklet to the math part I was really scared because they all looked hard. They were way more tricky then the ELA part. I was really tired of questions because we had a lot of questions to do in one day. The way to do better is to pay more attention. If you pay attention you will have better test scores. Review everything after you learn it. If you review it will stay in your head. Do not eat unhealthy food the night before it may make you score lower.

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