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Chapter 11, 12 terms 1. Achievement- what has been learned as a result of instruction pg 370 2.

Attainment- what an individual has been learned pg 371 3. Norm referenced test that compares an individual performance of his or her performance of his or her peers. Pg 371 4. Standard referenced- are associated with specific educational outcome (standard) that comprise a states curriculum standards for elementary and secondary education. Pg. 379 5. Diagnostic achievement test- a tes designed to identify a students specific skill development strengths and weakness. Pg 373 6. Instructional match- instruction that is match to a students specific level of skill development. Pg 375 7. Normative update- The restandardization of a test by giving it to a new norm sample without changing the test items.pg376

Chapter 12.oral reading- a number of tests and subtests are designed to assesses the accuracy and or fluency of a students oral reading. Oral reading tests consist of a series of graded paragraph that are read sequentially by a 151 Word attack- are those used to derive the pronunciation or meaning of a word through phonic analysis, structural analysis, or context cues. Rate of reading- often used to measure reading skill; tells how quickly and automatically a student can decode words.pg378 Word recognition skills-used to refer to skills in recognizing words by sight rather than thorough use of word attack skills pg 380 Oral reading errors- Instances in which a student misreads a printed word. Pg376 Literal comprehension- understanding information that is explicit in the reading Inferential comprehension- Interpreting, synthesizing or extending the information that is explicit in the reading 374 Critical comprehension- Analyzing, evaluating, and making judgments about material read. Pg372

Affective comprehension- a readers personal and emotional response to the reading material. pg 370 Lexical comprehension- knowing the meaning of key vocabulary.pg375

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