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Nutrition Terminology & Guidelines Discussion Guide Week of January 28 Reference Reading: 2.1 2.

.4 What are the Dietary Reference Intakes? How are they used?

Nutrient Recommendations: - Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA): Intakes that are sufficient to meet the nutrient needs of 50% of individuals in a gender and life-stage group. Example: - Adequate Intakes (AI): Intakes that should be used as a goal when no RDA exists. These values are an approximation of the average nutrient intake that appears to sustain a desired indicator of health. Example: - Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL): Maximum daily intakes that are unlikely to pose a risk of adverse health effects to almost all individuals in the specified life-stage and gender group. Example: Energy Recommendations: - Estimated Energy Requirements (EER): Average intakes predicted to maintain body weight in healthy individuals Example: - Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR): Ranges of intake for energy-yielding nutrients, expressed as a percentage of total energy intake, that are associated with reduced risk of chronic disease while providing adequate intakes of essential nutrients. Examples: What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

What are the four major recommendations of the DGA?

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