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ow to write a reflection or commentary on a written task for SACE ESL

What is a reflection? Every time we speak or write we make choices about the words we use. For example, we speak differently to small children and adults. We write differently in an SMS message and a job application letter. The purpose of a written reflection is to show that you understand language choices. It may feel a little strange to write because you didnt really choose. The reason you wrote in a certain way was because the teacher told you to. But for this task you need to think about why the teacher told you to write in that way. You need to show that you understand the purpose of the language you have used. The reflection is quite brief (100-150 words) so you only need to write one or two sentences about the following topics: What text-type or genre do you use? Why? Eg. Report, essay, poem, letter, news article etc It is fine to say this task required me to write a.. What are the characteristics of the text-type you have used? o Format o Formal/informal language o Stages or order o Compulsory/optional elements How formal or informal is the language you have used? Why? What is your relationship to the person you are writing to? Have you used polite language? Can you give examples? What paragraph structure have you used? Why have you used paragraphs? What purpose does each paragraph have? Have you used topic sentences? Why? Is there an introduction or conclusion? Why?

Some useful sentence starters: The task required me to write a Formal letters have certain features including I have used language because One example of formal language I have used is The purpose of this text is to. That is why I have used

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