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I live in Trujillo which is the city of Spring. It's a quiet city in north of Peru.

Because, here the people are very sociable, funny and empathetic. Trujillo is a beautiful place, and it's great for visiting and knowing. There are lots of places for walk with family. For example Tourist Attractions, La Huaca del Sol y la Luna, El Museo del Juguete and Chan-Chan. There is many reminders of the Chan Chan's good history with fabulous architecture everywhere you look. On sunday in Huanchaco , the people sometimes going to the beach to distracted and eat in tourist restaurants. The weather here is ideal because It's quiet, The summer are beach days and the winter are days go to walk. The people don't preoccupy for the weather. Trujillo is knwon for many things, especially "The spring festival", who originated here. Every September Trujillo holds its famous spring festival, arriving people from all over the world. But I think the best things about Trujillo are the people and the tourists. Because They knwon that is very interesting. The people have a real sense of history, and that's why I like live here so much.

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