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What is Employee engagement Employee engagement, also called worker engagement, is

a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work". Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organizational culture.

To investigate the status of employee engagement and its effects on service performance in China hotel industry, the total of 402 samples are collected from full-time employees in 8 hotels in China by multiple employee engagement inventory (MEEI). The results show that the hotel employee engagement is significantly different with professional characteristics in age, education level, work position, length of service and salary. Generally speaking, the employee engagement increases with age, education level, work position, length of service and salary. However, the senior managers with higher education and the staff whose length of service is 11 to 15 years appear unusual decline in engagement. The performances

of the groups with different level of employee engagement are significantly different, i.e., the higher the employee engagement, the better the performance. In conclusion, employee engagement with industrial characteristics is a significant predictor of staff performance in hotel, and besides, the demographic variables, and some other comprehensive factors impacting employee engagement, such as the organization change and career planning, should be further considered for future research. Origins Employee Engagement is the extent to which employee

commitment, both emotional and intellectual, exists relative to accomplishing the work, mission, and vision of the organisation. Engagement can be seen as a heightened level of ownership where each employee wants to do whatever they can for the benefit of their internal and external customers, and for the success of the organization as a whole. Employee engagement was described in the academic literature by Schmidt et al. (1993). A modernised version of job satisfaction, Schmidt et al.'s influential definition of engagement was "an employee's involvement with, commitment to, and satisfaction with work. Employee engagement is a part of employee retention." This integrates the classic constructs of job satisfaction (Smith et al., 1969), and organizational commitment (Meyer & Allen, 1991). Harter and Schmidt's (2003) most recent meta-analysis can be useful for understanding the impact of engagement.

Linkage research (e.g., Treacy) received significant attention in the business community because of correlations between employee engagement and desirable business outcomes such as retention of talent, customer service, individual performance, team performance, business unit productivity, and even enterprise-level financial performance (e.g., Rucci et al, 1998 using data from Sears). Some of this work has been published in a diversity context (e.g., McKay, Avery, Morris et al., 2007). Directions of causality were discussed by Schneider and colleagues in 2003. Employee engagement is derived from studies of morale or a group's willingness to accomplish organizational objectives which began in the 1920s. The value of morale to organizations was matured by US Army researchers during WWII to predict unity of effort and attitudinal battle-readiness before combat. In the postwar mass production society that required unity of effort in execution, (group) morale scores were used as predictors of speed, quality and militancy. With the advent of the knowledge worker and emphasis on individual talent management (stars), a term was needed to describe an individual's emotional attachment to the organization, fellow associates and the job. Thus the birth of the term "employee engagement" which is an individual emotional phenomenon whereas morale is a group emotional phenomenon of similar characteristics. In other words, employee engagement is the raw material of morale composed of 15 intrinsic and extrinsic attitudinal drivers.(e.g. Scarlett Surveys 2001).

More recently employee engagement has become an area of focus within organizations for the purpose of retention as a means of avoiding expensive employee replacement costs resulting from staff who voluntarily quit their jobs. According to to SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management) the cost of replacing one $8 per hour employee can exceed $3,500, which gives companies a strong financial incentive to maintain their existing staff members through strong employee engagement practices. Research Studies Engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest discretionary effort. Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond to the organisation that employs them (Robinson), which results in higher retention levels and productivity levels and lower absenteeism. When reliably measured, positive employee engagement can be causally related or correlated to specific positive business outcomes by workgroup and job type. Scarlett Surveys refers to these statistical relationships as engageonomics. Emotional attachment Only 31% of employees are actively engaged in their jobs.[4] These employees work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. People that are actively engaged help move the organization forward. 88% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact quality of their organization's products, compared with only 38% of the disengaged. 72% of highly engaged

employees believe they can positively affect customer service, versus 27% of the disengaged. 68% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact costs in their job or unit, compared with just 19% of the disengaged. Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond to the organization that employs them. This is associated with people demonstrating a willingness to recommend the organization to others and commit time and effort to help the organization succeed. It suggests that people are motivated by intrinsic factors (e.g.personal growth, working to a common purpose, being part of a larger process) rather than simply focusing on extrinsic factors (e.g., pay/reward). Involvement Eileen Appelbaum and her colleagues (2000) studied 15 steel mills, 17 apparel manufacturers, and 10 electronic instrument and imaging equipment producers. Their purpose was to compare traditional production systems with flexible high-performance production systems involving teams, training, and incentive pay systems. In all three industries, the plants utilizing highinvolvement practices showed superior performance. In addition, workers in the high-involvement plants showed more positive attitudes, including trust, organizational commitment and intrinsic enjoyment of the work. The concept has gained popularity as various studies have demonstrated links with productivity. It is often linked to the notion of employee voice and empowerment.

Commitment It has been routinely found that employee engagement scores account for as much as half of the variance in customer satisfaction scores. This translates into millions of dollars for companies if they can improve their scores. Studies have statistically demonstrated that engaged employees are more productive, more profitable, more customer-focused, safer, and less likely to leave their employer. Employees with the highest level of commitment perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave the organization, which indicates that engagement is linked to organizational performance.[10]For example, at the beverage company of MolsonCoors, it was found that engaged employees were five times less likely than nonengaged employees to have a safety incident and seven times less likely to have a lost-time safety incident. In fact, the average cost of a safety incident for an engaged employee was $63, compared with an average of $392 for a non-engaged employee. Consequently, through strengthening employee engagement, the company saved $1,721,760 in safety costs in 2002. In addition, savings were found in sales performance teams through engagement. In 2005, for example, low-engagement teams were seen falling behind engaged teams, with a difference in performance-related costs of low- versus high-engagement teams totaling $2,104,823.3 (Lockwood). Life insurance industry Two studies of employees in the life insurance industry examined the impact of employee perceptions that they had the power to

make decisions, sufficient knowledge and information to do the job effectively, and rewards for high performance. Both studies included large samples of employees (3,570 employees in 49 organizations and 4,828 employees in 92 organizations). In both studies, highinvolvement management practices were positively associated with employee morale, employee performance. Watson Wyatt retention, found and that firm financial high-commitment

organizations (one with loyal and dedicated employees) outperformed those with low commitment by 47% in the 2000 study and by 200% in the 2002 study. Productivity In a study of professional service firms, the Hay Group found that offices with engaged employees were up to 43% more productive.[12] The most striking finding is the almost 52% gaps in operating incomes between companies with highly engaged employees and companies whose employees have low-engagement scores. Highengagement companies improved 19.2% while low-engagement companies declined 32.7% in operating income during the study period. For example, New Century Financial Corporation, a U.S. specialty mortgage banking company, found that account executives in the wholesale division who were actively disengaged produced 28% less revenue than their colleagues who were engaged. Furthermore, those not engaged generated 23% less revenue than their engaged counterparts. Engaged employees also

outperformed the not engaged and actively disengaged employees in other divisions. Generating engagement Recent project report of how has focused on developing as quality a of better work




relationships and values of the organization interact and their link to important work outcomes. 84% of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact the quality of their organization's products, compared with only 31 percent of the disengaged.[3] From the perspective of the employee, "outcomes" range from strong commitment to the isolation of oneself from the organization.[14] The study done by the Gallup Management Journal has shown that only 29% of employees are actively engaged in their jobs. Those "engaged" employees work with passion and feel a strong connection to their company. About of the business units scoring above the median on employee engagement also scored above the median on performance. Moreover, 54% of employees are not engaged meaning that they go through each workday putting time but no passion into their work. Only about of companies below the median on employee engagement scored above the median on performance. Access to a reliable model enables organizations to conduct validation studies to establish the relationship of employee engagement to productivity/performance and other measures linked to effectiveness.

It is an important principle of industrial and organizational psychology (i.e. the application of psychological theories, research methods, and intervention strategies involving workplace issues) that validation studies should be anchored in reliable scales (i.e. organized and related groups of items) and not simply focus on individual elements in isolation. To understand how high levels of employee engagement affect organizational performance/productivity it is important to have an a priori model that demonstrates how the scales interact. There is also overlap between this concept and those relating to well-being at work and the psychological contract.[6] Research by Gallup Consulting has shown a strong correlation between the degree of well-being of an individual and the extent to which they are engaged as an employee - high well-being yields high engagement. A well and engaged employee is likely to have less sick days, lowering the cost of lost productivity to their organization, and come to work energized and focused. A well and engaged employee is efficient and effective and a valuable asset in the workplace. As employee productivity is is considered clearly to be connected essential with in the employee effective

engagement, creating an environment that encourages employee engagement management of human capital. Drivers of Engagement While it is possible to measure engagement itself through employee surveys, this does not assist in identifying areas for improvement

within organisations. There are a range of factors, known as drivers, that are thought to increase overall engagement. By managing the drivers, an organisation can effectively manage engagement levels of its employees. Drivers such as communication, performance clarity and feedback, organisational culture, rewards and recognition, relationships with managers and peers, career development opportunities and knowledge of the organisation's goals and vision are some of the factors that facilitate employee engagement. Some points from the research are presented below: * Employee perceptions of job importance - According to a 2006 study by Gerard Seijts and Dan Crim, " employees attitude toward the job's importance and the company had the greatest impact on loyalty and customer service than all other employee factors combined."[14] * Employee clarity of job expectations - "If expectations are not clear and basic materials and equipment are not provided, negative emotions such as boredom or resentment may result, and the employee may then become focused on surviving more than thinking about how he can help the organization succeed."[7] * Career advancement/improvement opportunities "Plant

supervisors and managers indicated that many plant improvements were being made outside the suggestion system, where employees initiated changes in order to reap the bonuses generated by the subsequent cost savings."[15]


* Regular feedback and dialogue with superiors - "Feedback is the key to giving employees a sense of where theyre going, but many organizations are remarkably bad at giving it."[7] "'What I really wanted to hear was 'Thanks. You did a good job.' But all my boss did was hand me a check.'"[12] * Quality of working relationships with peers, superiors, and subordinates - "...if employees' relationship with their managers is fractured, then no amount of perks will persuade the employees to perform at top levels. Employee engagement is a direct reflection of how employees feel about their relationship with the boss."[14] * Perceptions of the ethos and values of the organization "'Inspiration and values' is the most important of the six drivers in our Engaged Performance model. Inspirational leadership is the ultimate perk. In its absence, [it] is unlikely to engage employees."[12] * Effective Internal Employee Communications - which convey a clear description of "what's going on". "'If you accept that employees want to be involved in what they are doing then this trend is clear (from small businesses to large global organisations). The effect of poor internal communications is seen as its most destructive in global organisations which suffer from employee annexation - where the head office in one country is buoyant (since they are closest to the action, know what is going on, and are heavily engaged) but its annexes (who are furthest away from the action and know little about what is happening) are dis-engaged. In the worst case,

employee annexation can be very destructive when the head office attributes the annex's low engagement to its poor performance when its poor performance is really due to its poor communications. * Reward to engage - Look at employee benefits and acknowledge the role of incentives. "An incentive to reward good work is a tried and test way of boosting staff morale and enhancing engagement." There are a range of tactics you can employ to ensure your incentive scheme hits the mark with your workforce such as: Setting realistic targets, selecting the right rewards for your incentive programme, communicating the scheme effectively and frequently, have lots of winners and

reward all achievers,

encouraging sustained effort, present awards publicly and evaluate the incentive scheme regularly. Potential red flags

Inappropriate use of Benchmark Data - some of the more well established Employee Engagement survey companies will state that the most important part of post survey follow up is related to comparison of internal survey data to numerous external benchmarks. This seems to have rubbed off onto internal sponsors who demand very specific benchmarks. Whilst some research analysts claim that the standard comparisons by industry sector are flawed others disagree. Is it right to compare a Bentley employee to one from Vauxhall (GM) because they are in the same automotive sector? The alternative argument is that both organisations would likely draw from similar worker pools

and would as such wish to better understand expectations of workers in that industry and how they compare to competing employers.

A focus on data gathering rather than taking action may also damage engagement efforts. Organizations that survey their workforce without acting on the feedback appear to negatively impact engagement scores. According to the Conference Board and other recent studies, employee engagement has deteriorated significantly in the US and the UK over the last five years. Measuring and managing the wrong or incomplete set of engagement drivers is partly if not mostly to blame. 15 Rigorous engagement formed measurement by employee encompasses attitudinal drivers

experiences. reference Scarlett Surveys


Hotel Profile Radisson Blu and Radisson

As one of the world's leading brands, Radisson is being positioned to deliver vibrant, contemporary and engaging hospitality characterized by theYes I Can!SM service philosophy Our ambition is to expand Radisson as a powerful, globally consistent, first-class brand. The positioning is being supported by a series of innovations introduced during our 2010 Global Business Conference, including new room concepts, new restaurant concepts and a series of new service concepts focusing on the guest experience. The strategy for Radisson entails an investment program of up to USD 1.5 billion in North America alone, concentrating on establishing flagship hotels in key U.S. cities and upgrading the existing portfolio. With 419 hotels in operation globally and 108 hotels currently in the pipeline, the brand is poised for significant growth around the world*. We plan to grow

the portfolio domestically and globally to at least 600 hotels by 2015.

Our ambition is to expand Radisson as a powerful, globally consistent, first-class brand. The positioning is being supported by a series of innovations introduced during our 2010 Global Business Conference, including new room concepts, new restaurant concepts and a series of new service concepts focusing on the guest experience. The strategy for Radisson entails an investment program of up to USD 1.5 billion in North America alone, concentrating on establishing flagship hotels in key U.S. cities and upgrading the existing portfolio.

With 419 hotels in operation globally and 108 hotels currently in the pipeline, the brand is poised for significant growth around the world*. We plan to grow the portfolio domestically and globally to at

least 600 hotels by 2015.

RADISSON FACTS Radisson is one of the worlds leading global hotel brands. It delivers vibrant, contemporary and engaging hospitality that is characterized by its unique Yes I Can!SM service philosophy. Radisson hotels are first-class, full-service hotels that offer a range of World of Radisson services and amenities that have been created specifically to be empathetic to the challenges of modern travel, including its 100% Guest Satisfaction Guarantee.

Service Philosophy Guests who stay at Radisson can experience its Yes I Can!SM spirit of service that ensures that they are always greeted, treated and served in a way that exceeds their expectations.


100% Guest Satisfaction If guests arent satisfied with something, the brand will make it right. Its guaranteed. About Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group born in early 2012 is one of the worlds largest and most dynamic hotel groups. The portfolio of the Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group includes more than 1,300 hotels, a global footprint spanning 81 countries and territories, a powerful set of global brands (Radisson Blu, Radisson, Park Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson, Country Inns & Suites By CarlsonSM and Hotel Missoni). World of Radisson World of Radisson services have made Radisson one of the worlds leading full-service hotel brands. Tailored to the needs of the busy traveler, every service feature is designed to make their stay unforgettably satisfying. Some of the unique World of Radisson services include Business Class rooms that offer upgraded amenities and services, like 3-Hour Express Laundry, high-speed Internet and complimentary breakfast with Grab & Run. Radisson has also recently created a number of distinctive room styles and restaurant concepts to suit every space, market location and budget. Room styles include Naturally Cool, Mansion House, Ocean, And Relax and Urban. Restaurants concepts include Filini, FireLake Grill House & Cocktail Bar, and RBG.


Tiered Branding Radisson is a two-tiered brand offering a choice of an upper upscale hospitality experience at our Radisson Blu hotels or an upscale experience at our Radisson hotels. Radisson Blu flagship properties can be found globally in prime locations, including major cities, airport gateways and leisure destinations around the world. Look for upscale Radisson hotels in major urban and suburban locations, as well as near airports and business districts around the world. Current Portfolio As of March 2012, Radisson Hotel has 419 hotels operating throughout the world with 94,372 rooms and 108 hotels in the development pipeline with an additional 23,733 rooms. Key Growth Priorities Carlsons Ambition 2015 growth strategy includes the development of flagship properties in the top five U.S. cities and a global focus on adding key hotels in major cities, airport gateways, leisure destinations and other important locations with plans to grow the portfolio to at least 600 hotels by 2015. Hotel Mission A new genre of life and style hotels developed in partnership with the iconic Italian fashion house of the same name.


Stylish, intimate, contemporary, eclectic design combined with the best bars and restaurants make this a truly unique luxury hotel experience.

The strategy for Hotel Mission is to expand the brand in key city centers and resort locations in all the glamorous parts of the world. Hotel Mission is a Rezidor exclusive hotel available through the Carlson network. Development opportunities The Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group is one of the world's largest, most vibrant and dynamic hotel companies with ambitious goals. To ensure we fulfill these ambitions, we are investing in our brands, optimizing our operations, and growing in key strategic markets throughout the world with a strong emphasis on the emerging markets.


Our carefully segmented brand portfolio offers excellent investment opportunities and positive potential. We capitalize on solid, global experience understand and and fast-responding, meet our hands-on management. needs We and business partners'

preferences. Our people are the best in the business; they drive our growth together with our owners and franchisees - open and trustful relationships are key for us. Do business with us, and benefit from our knowledgeable, innovative and successful team. Great brands, a powerful global presence, driving ambitions and a passion for delivering on our promises Together We Deliver More.

Hotels acknowledged for employee engagement Story Highlights

InterContinental Hotels Group is reported to have one of the most generous 401k plans in the hotel industry.

After a year with Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, employees can put in to transfer to any Four Seasons hotel around the world.

Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants facilitates communication among employees through employee affinity groups. REPORT FROM THE U.S.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Weve all heard this famous quote from The Shining. And some hotel companies truly stand by it.

Three of the hotel companies, ranked in Fortune Magazines 100 Best Companies to Work For, shared with what they do to keep their employees among the happiest and hardest working in the United States. A common theme among each of the three companies is a high level of engagement between executives and their employees. InterContinental Hotels Group InterContinental Hotels Group, No. 100 on the list, is reported to have one of the most generous 401k plans in the hotel industry. The company matches up to 6% for office employees and up to 4% for office staff, said Lori Gaytan, senior VP of the Americas human resources and global reward for IHG. Gaytan added the current 401k plan has been in place since 2003. IHG believes in the overall health of our employees and that includes financial health, she said. Company executives also make significant investments in employee development. IHGs total direct expenditures on learning and performance (company-wide) was $10 million in 2010, Gaytan said. A strong focus on employee engagement is crucial for executives to know what is on their employees minds, she said. For the past nine years, IHG has issued a survey twice each year to its employees. Gaytan said the company recently recorded its

highest scores ever. Employee engagement is up 17% since implementing this program, and 94% of employees say they are proud to work for the company as compared to the industry average of 73%. Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts came in at No. 85 on the list, and Melissa Sims, assistant director of human resources for the company, said she knows why. One of the most appealing incentives to work for the company is the accessible opportunity to shift to new positions and locations, she said. After six months, employees can transfer internallyfrom one position to another. Four Seasons is individualistic, Sims said. While some other companies she said. After a year with the company, employees can put in to transfer to any Four Seasons hotel around the world. People typically try to pick places where they really want to go and they really want to be a part of, Sims said. The only stipulation to the transfer program is that employees cannot move more than twice in one year. tend to follow checklists to measure employee development, at Four Seasons, its about who you are as a person,


Sims said the company has a high retention rate, and the strong sense of community is another reason why. Key players come around quite a bit. They go to every hotel and connect with every employee as often as they can. Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants Celebrating its employees comes easy to Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, No. 16 on Fortunes list. President and COO Niki Leondakis said the Niki Leondakis, company is committed to empowering employees president and and guests to staying true to themselves. This COO of Kimpton celebration of independence is what makes it a Hotels & Resorts great place to work, she said. When Bill Kimpton opened his first hotel, the Hotel Bedford in San Francisco, he carried guests bags, worked the hosted evening wine hour and kept his office in the lobby of the hotel. He referred to these actions as moments of truth that demonstrated to guests they were part of something new and different, Leondakis said. Employees are recognized through what the company calls Kimpton Moments, which describe the authentic, unscripted care provided to guests since the companys inception. At the end of the year, the employee who carried out the Ultimate Kimpton Moment is awarded $10,000 to spend on helping his or her dream come true, Leondakis said.


The Housekeeping Olympics is another way Kimpton commends its employees. The afternoon-long event happens annually across the country, either regionally or in every city depending on the number of hotels in the given area, Leondakis said. Its our way of recognizing the really important role our

housekeepers play in our business while staying true to the Kimpton spirit of fun with a Toilet Paper Your General Manager contest, she said. There is a sense of connectedness at Kimpton, Leondakis said. The company adheres to an open door policy throughout every level of the company, which allows concerns to be resolved quickly before they become problematic. Not only do we invite our employees to address any issues or concerns directly with our leadership team, we also give them an opportunity to talk face to face with us in a variety of forums, Leondakis said. The companys president also uses Twitter as a method of interacting with employees. Its done on a public platform so that there is an opportunity for them to see what others might be thinking or inquiring about but also to communicate that their voice is welcomed and appreciated, she said. In addition, the company facilitates communication among

employees through employee affinity groups. They include the


Kimpton Womens Group and Kimptons K-PRIDE group, which was formed to meet the needs of Kimptons lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees and guests, Leondakis said.


Objective of the study

OBJECTIVES OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SYSTEM For the Employees engagement system has the following objectives: 1. To provide better life and health to the workers 2. To make the workers happy and satisfied 3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the workers. 4. Overall health of our employees and that includes financial health. The basic features of Employees engagement measures are as follows: 1. Employee engagement includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status. 2. Engagement measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining 3. Employee engagement schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New engagement measures are added to the existing ones from time to time. 4. Engagement measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency. 5. The purpose of Employee engagement is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the workers to make a better workforce.


The history of Radisson dates back to 1909 when the first Radisson hotel, named after famous French explorer Pierre Radisson, opened in Minneapolis, MN. In 1962 the Radisson was acquired by Curt Carlson, a Minneapolis businessman and entrepreneur. Carlson had rocketed to national prominence in the 1940s and 50s with his successful Gold Bond Stamp Company, which pioneered the concept of customer loyalty programs. Over the brands `rich legacy, theyve launched many firsts including the first American brand in the U.S.S.R, the first travel agency loyalty program, look to book, and one of the first partnerships across the Atlantic between Radisson and Rezidor. The Radisson brand is one of the oldest upscale brands in the United States.


Indulge at our Chic, Contemporary Agra Hotel near the Taj Mahal With its modern architecture and timeless appeal, the Radisson Hotel Agra Taj East Gate Road is more than a hotelit is a destination. Located on 4.5 acres of land in the heart of the business and leisure precincts and within walking distance of the Taj Mahal, our hotel in Agra, India proudly offers everything that savvy international travellers have come to expect in cutting-edge accommodations. Guests will enjoy such amenities as flat-screen TV, safe, and large work desk in all rooms. Our conference and function rooms can accommodate up to 500 people with a full range of services. Stay with us and see why our all-new, sophisticated and luxurious hotel is the first of its kind.

Observation employee engagement -:

Employee engagement, also called worker engagement, is a business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will

act in a way that furthers their organization's interests. According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work". Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organizational culture. A business management concept that describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward his/her job. Engaged employee cares their work and about the performance of the company, and feels that their efforts make a difference. An engaged employee is in it for more than a paycheck.



Employee engagement drives performance and helps organizations hire, develop and retain top workers. Employee engagement is a means to an end- the end goal being organizational effectiveness. The engagement drivers support organizational results. It creates the zeal of achievement. Engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest discretionary effort. Engaged employees feel a strong emotional bond to the organization that employs them (Robinson), which results in higher retention levels and productivity levels and lower absenteeism. Positive employee engagement can be causally related or correlated to specific positive business outcomes by workgroup and job type. It creates friendly environment in the organization. It is helpful to retain efficient employees within the




1. Picnic at intervals on a regular basis. 2. Movie at 2 month intervals. 3. A every-day column on the intranet with announcements / programs of the company, written by CEO, 4. Use an overhead paging system to update information. The system can recognize employees based on business achievements. 5. Suggestion systems / quick responses of employees. 6. Replay on the intranet about the presidents / CEOs press conference. 7. Live version of magazine on internal house. 8. CEO spending time communicating face to face with employees. 9. CEO used FAQ questions to know more about the business operation of the company. 10. ONLINE ask the CEO mailbox. 11. Give awards to staff monthly.


12. Give annual awards to staff 13. Write blogs every week on serious issues related to business and ask employees for reading/recommendations. 14. Make appointment with management team of disaster. 15. Make appointment with management team of emergency 16. Committee in charge of problem solving. 17. Committee in charge of quality assurance. 18. Implement training programs on soft skills and other required training programs. 19. Online real-time tracking of progress. Company progress in fulfilling targets/goals can be viewed by staff. 20. Provide long-term vision for the growth of business. 21. Indoor Games as well as Outdoor games, like Chess, Cricket, Badminton etc. 22. Celebrate Birthday parties for employees.



The four engagement techniques currently favored by organizations are: ACTIONS TEAMS STORYTELLING APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY MESSAGE MAPS

Action teams are a technique in which employee teams are created with leaders to identify engagement goals and develop strategies to develop them. Employee action teams allow organizations to create an active, two-way communication program, ensuring that everyone can add his or her voice to the dialogue.


An engaged workforce is informed and involved. Yet, most organizations routinely fail to inform and involve employees in one important area communication. The general model in far too many


cases starts with communications cascading from the top of the organization and getting pushed down to the front-line employees. Thats a poor tactic because it shuts out employees at the start. Worse yet, the workers on the end of the communication pipeline rarely get an opportunity to voice their concerns or opinions. Fortunately, theres an effective and tested way to create a two-way communication system that involves employees from start to finish and keeps them informed every step of the process.

This section describes the key steps associated with starting and sustaining effective employee action teams: 1. Establish a sound business need. 2. Establish common definitions. 3. Coach senior leaders and enlist their support. 4. Explain the purpose, process and value to the workforce.


5. Establish the scope of the program. 6. Dedicate resources and funding for long-term support. 7. Select team leaders. 8. Conduct team orientations. 9. Facilitate regular meetings. 10. Recognize people and progress.

Appreciative inquiry is a communication approach that encourages employee to work with leaders to envision corporate goals and share ideas on how to achieve them. AI makes the assumption that whatever you want to develop, there will already be seeds of the right behavior, the right attitude, the right experience happening somewhere, some of the time. So rather than eliminate the occasions of getting it wrong, we work together to find, understand, learn from and expand the occasions of getting it right. AI can also be defined as the art of discovering and

valuing those factors that give life to an organization, group or individual.


When introducing AI, we often need to be able to support anxious executives while they learn to share their decision making with people in their organization who are themselves going through a growing up process, having been made passive or entitled by well meaning but ultimately disempowering change processes in the past. Helping leaders understand why AI works positive image, positive action Change can be unsettling and those senior business leaders, managers and employees who are used to more traditional communication approaches to engagement may be skeptical of AI or concerned about focusing on the positive. Helping people properly understand whats new to them will make them feel comfortable enough to leave their comfort zone and what theyre used to.


A message map is the foundation for all communications relating to an organization, a specific project or an initiative. Its the most commonly used management tool to develop the core concepts behind a specific topic, before trying to populate messages into a variety of tactics. Think of the message map as a compass that guides all of your communications. It helps you efficiently capture the core messages for: Your organization; Particular strategies or initiatives; Different departments or organizational functions; Specific programs, products or announcements; and People Message maps help identify several critical dimensions necessary for a successful communications initiative. They help:


1. Define and prioritize the audiences who will receive the messages and focus on the common ground between them. 2. Identify the current mindset of your key audiences. To address concerns and negative perceptions , its critical to know what people think and feel about a specific topic. The more you know about what your audience is thinking, the better youre able to influence them. 3. Articulate clear, credible and compelling messages about the topic. 4. Outline the key behaviors and expectations for each audience receiving the messages. You need to be able to use your messages to drive action. To get there, you need to articulate those messages in a clear way that outlines the specific actions expected of each audience. 5. Align the teams charged with communicating messages. Building trust and credibility is about consistency of messaging across different touch points. Without alignment, leaders say what they want without as much focus around strategy.


6. Validate the implementation plan and identify any gaps.


Message maps often are developed for topics that fall into one of two categories: 1. Organization/key initiative This type of message map focuses on the intangible. Its visionary and broad in nature, talking about where an organization, initiative or individual is headed, and the roadmap for getting there, etc., in a way thats meaningful for key audiences. 2. Timely announcement These message maps focus on tangible events, initiatives and announcements (e.g. a product launch). They address specific questions by answering the Five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) and the how. The content of a message map is used in a variety of ways depending on the specific deliverable. Because message maps serve as a guide for consistent messaging, they can shape both internal and external messages.









MANAGEMENT TALKING POINTS-: Effective talking points can generate interest in your organization and keep volunteers on message. Keep your talking points short and sweet. Think bulleted lists, rather than novels. Instead of writing hundreds of points which may confuse or bore your listener, come up with no more than three or four main points which support your case. The entire list should take no more than a page. Put your best foot forward. Organize your talking points so the strongest arguments are presented first and most persuasively. Stick to the point. Only use arguments that directly support your case. Get rid of any arguments that don't fit. Emphasize win-win solutions. Show how your solutions contribute to the greater good.


Marketing collateral, in marketing and sales, is the collection of media used to support the sales of a product or service. These sales aids are intended to make the sales effort easier and more effective. The brand of the company usually presents itself by way of its collateral to enhance its brand. The production of marketing collateral is important in any business' marketing communication plan.

Frequently asked questions are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. "FAQ" is usually pronounced as an initialize rather than an acronym, but an acronym form does exist. Since the acronym FAQ originated in textual media, its pronunciation varies; "fack", "faak", "fax", and "facts" are commonly heard.[citation needed] Depending on usage, the term may refer specifically to a single frequently asked question, or to an assembled list of many questions and their answers.


Direct mail-:
The mail channel is the only medium that reaches both home and businesses in India. Direct Mail combined with other marketing mediums can form an effective way to communicate to customers and can be utilized for follow up with those customer and leads.

Press releases-:
A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and/or television networks


Storytelling is distilling information about what the company is striving for and how it can get there, into more human and persuasive stories that involves employees on a more emotional level. It revolves around a carefully constructed story designed to carry you out of the day-to-day to somewhere else and change your thinking while youre there .To some managers, it sounds like a dream come true. To most of us, however, that would be a nightmare. In an organization, charismatic persuasion and the ability to direct someones thinking smacks more of cults and propaganda than modern-day work practices. And cults are less effective as organizations they are typically blind and less resilient. This chapter offers something far more powerful and positive than that simplistic view. The real opportunities for using stories in organizations to engage employees lie in listening to stories, not telling them helping employees create their own authentic stories and making sense of the stories told.


There are some suggestions which should be followed in employee engagement for the enhancement of employees and organizations. These are as follows: If you want to improve and implement new systems then here is what you can do:

Employee recognition: Spot Awards, Annual Achievement awards, outstanding performance award, Best Employee award etc. A scanned copy of letter of appreciation along with their photos should be displayed in the notice board. The letter should excel their achievements, i.e. how different are they from others? On what grounds were they nominated? How could they serve as role model for other employees?


These magazines gives a snapshot as to what is happening in their company which includes sharing Company growth, Management


Objectives, Customer satisfaction, List of new customer sign-up, Sales review, Customer delivery and feedback, Partnership details, Upcoming projects etc. The company also prints the contributions given by the employees such as Motivation stories, Paintings, Poetry, Riddles, Jokes, Technology related articles, Safety and Health related ppt, Nature photographs taken by employees etc.

Its a online forum that is available in intranet site of that particular company where employees can post their issues related to work, work environment, HR Policies, Training needs etc. Once in a month HR head along with their executives will have an open meeting with the employees (without mentioning the name of the employee) to resolve it then and there.


Department wise team meet will be conducted by HR where in each employee comes up with new ideas and concepts to improve the Quality of work, also how to deliver the same on time, how to reach out for customer satisfaction, significance of team work, etc., At the

end of the meet, department head nominates a employee and gifts him a prize for his innovative and creativeness.


This is onde department wise. Any one employee from each department should write a quote on their white board. HR should decide the best quote for the day. The department that gets the highest points for the month would be offered a gift. If you want to conduct some cultural programs on a eve then here you go : First divide your employees into four teams. Name them separately. Choose a leader for each team. For every event one person per team is allowed. The maximum number of awards won by a team will be the best team. Followings are the cultural activities-: 1. Rangoli 2. Traditional dress contest

3. Burst the balloons 4. Dance competition 5. Cat walk 6. Anthakshari 7. Talent Hunt 8. 1minute games 9. Annual sports competitions etc. If you want to gift something on an employee Birthday / Wedding then here you go : 1. Give half of his/her basic pay as gift. 2. Paid leave for a week for wedding and paid leave for 1day on birthday. 3. Painting picture of the couple. 4. For a Birthday give him/her a card and chocolates. 5. Give them a gift voucher - They will enjoy shopping. You can do the same for Birthday.

6. Decorate his/her work place and welcome him/her with sweets and flowers. Arrange for a surprise party and its up to you to decide on how to conduct the party. 7. A small holiday trip to the nearby resort. 8. Branded Wrist Watch to the couple.etc If you want to change the look of your company then you can implement these: 1. Placing money plants in all the corners of our office 2. Placing a fish tank in the main hall such that its visible to all. 3. Colorful pen stand in every desk. It consists of a pen, pencil and eraser. 4. Beautiful flower vases here and there in the hall. Cute Coffee Mugs each to every employee. 5 .Nice water bottles to every employee. 6. Colorful curtains for windows.


These are some suggestions which can be beneficial to any organization .And can help the organization to achieve its goals effectively and efficiently. These techniques enhance the employee capacity and capabilities. But it should be ensure that employee is fully satisfied with organization, colleagues, and his work.


1. Research design:- Descriptive type

Questions have been designed on the basis of various elements determining the Employee engagement which are Work Environment, Engagement, Training and Development, Communication, Salary, Policies, Work Performance, Appraisal System, Benefits/Perquisites, Others The data required is clearly defined and research process is formal and structured. 2. Source of Data:- Primary source from Hotel Employees of

various department. 3. 4. 5. Sample size:- 50 employees out of 138. Research tools:- 1.Questionnaire Question Form: - Question are in structured form with

response yes, no and why. Each response has been allotted 1 number and analysis has been done on percentage basis.


ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION FOR EMPLOYEES ENGAGEMENT SYSTEM A:-Work Environment:1- Do you have proper working hours as per rules? 2-Do you have adequate equipments to work properly? 3-Is your work area clean and hygiene? 4-Does the office conditions are comfortable? 5- Do you have safety measures at work? 6- Are the workings tools are of latest technology? 7- Do you get proper cooperation/help from colleagues? No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 50 50 No. of Answers% NO NO% 0.00% 0.00%

100.00% 0 100.00% 0


3 4 5 6 7 overall

50 50 49 42 48

100.00% 0 100.00% 0 98.00% 84.00% 96.00% 96.86% 1 8 2

0.00% 0.00% 2.00% 16.00% 4.00% 3.15%

B: - Engagement:-




0 YES% NO%


1-Do you have engagement facilities? 2-Do you have medical facilities? 3- Do you have transportation facilities? 4- Do you have canteen facilities? 5-Do you have enough time between works to rest and if then what do you do? 6- Is there any scheme or fund for your family from the side of Hotel? 7- Do you have uniform facility? 8- Do you conduct staff annual day? 9- Do you celebrate any festival functions? 10- Do you have recreational facilities? 11- Do you have some sport / curricular activities?

No. of Answers

No. of Answers%


QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OVER ALL 85.00% 49 50 0 50 45 36 50 50 49 45 47 98.00%

NO NO% 1 2.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 10.00% 28.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.00% 10.00% 6.00%

100.00% 0 0.00% 50

100.00% 0 90.00% 72.00% 5 14

100.00% 0 100.00% 0 98.00% 90.00% 94.00% 1 5 3







C: - Training and development :1-How does training benefit you? 2-Do you attend the training program held in the organization? 3-Does training lead you to develop? 4- Are you satisfied of training imparted to you? 5-Do you improve your working skills/knowledge? 6- How do apply learning to practice? 7- How your learning practiced is assessed? 8- Is your skills utilized fully through training?

No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OVER ALL 95.75% 50 50 50 50 42 41 50 50

No. of Answers% NO NO% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 16.00% 18.00% 0.00% 0.00%

100.00% 0 100.00% 0 100.00% 0 100.00% 0 84.00% 82.00% 8 9

100.00% 0 100.00% 0






0 YES% NO%

D: - Communication:1- Is communication with in your department open and clear? 2- Is your supervisor communicating clearly as to what is expected of you? 3- How is the coordination between supervisor and subordinate? 4- Do you have notice board in your department? 5- Do you attend meeting in the organization? 6- Do you get positive feedback through


communication? 7-Do you have proper communication from other department? 8-Do you face any problem if communication is not proper?

No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 50 50 50 50 48

No. of Answers% YES% NO% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 4.00%

100.00% 0 100.00% 0 100.00% 0 100.00% 0 100.00% 0 96.00% 2



47 50


6.00% 0.00%

100.00% 0






0 YES% NO%

E: - Salary:1- Is salary up to your expectation? 2- Is salary up to your experience? 3- Is salary up to your designation? 4- Are you satisfied of your salary?

5- Do you get monetary reward to good work? 6- Do you have promotion and transfer in the department for growth?

No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 OVER ALL 75.66% 35 33 35 32 46 46

No. of Answers% NO NO%

70.00% 15.00 30.00% 66.00% 17.00 34.00% 70.00% 15.00 30.00% 64.00% 18.00 36.00% 92.00% 4.00 92.00% 4.00 8.00% 8.00%






0 YES% NO%

F: - Policies in the organization:1- Do you have set rules and hotel norms? 2- Does policies have clear objectives? 3- Are the policies uniform/fair? 4- Are the policies easy to understand? No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 49 No. of Answers% NO NO%

98.00% 1.00 2.00%


2 3 4 OVER ALL

48 49 47

96.00% 2.00 4.00% 98.00% 1.00 2.00% 94.00% 3.00 6.00%






0 YES% NO%

G: - Work performance:1- Is your job interesting and up to required skills? 2- Are you satisfied with the level of job performance? 3- Do your seniors supervise your work?

4- Do you know clearly about your job profile? 5- If so then do you get in writing? 6- Do you have scope of growth with in department?

No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 OVER ALL 95.66% 49 46 49 49 46 48

No. of Answers% NO NO% 2.00% 8.00% 2.00% 2.00% 8.00% 4.00%

98.00% 1 92.00% 4 98.00% 1 98.00% 1 92.00% 4 96.00% 2






0 YES% NO%

H: - Appraisal system:1- Is your work performance get assessed and explained 2- Do you get adequate rewards/increment/promotion /incentive? 3- Does appraisal helps you to develop? 4- Does your feedback get implemented in the organization? 5- What is the duration of assessment? 6- Who assesses you?


No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 OVER ALL 97% 49 48 49 48 -

No. of Answers% NO NO% 2.00% 4.00% 2.00% 4.00% -

98.00% 1 96.00% 2 98.00% 1 96.00% 2 -






0 YES% NO%

I: - Benefits/Perquisites:1- Are you covered under ESI or medical insurance? 2- Is your family cover under any scheme? 3- Do you have any P.F. scheme/pension scheme? 4- Do you have LTA/Leave benefits? 5- Do you have any terminal benefits such as gratuity? 6- Do you get staff advance when required?


7- Do you get compensated against contribution towards business growth? No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OVER ALL 47 42 46 47 46 48 47 94.00% 84.00% 92.00% 94.00% 92.00% 96.00% 94.00% No. of Answers% NO NO% 3 8 4 3 4 2 3 6.00% 16.00% 8.00% 6.00% 8.00% 4.00% 6.00%







0 YES% NO%

J: - Others:1- Does management have grievances reprisal system? 2- Does management solve your grievances? 3- Who solve your grievances? 4- Are there adequate growth opportunities in the organization? 5- Do you believe that organization have bright future? 6- Are you member of trade union? 7- Does trade union helps you?


8- Do you think that trade union help in maintaining the management employee relation? No. of Answers QUES: YES YES% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OVER ALL 80.86% 19.14% 50 50 49 47 18 32 37 No. of Answers% NO NO% 0.00% 0.00% 2.00% 6.00% 64.00% 36.00% 26.00%

100.00% 0 100.00% 0 98.00% 94.00% 36.00% 64.00% 74.00% 1 3 32 18 13





0 YES% NO%


EMPLOYEES 96.86% 85.63%







120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00%


Series1 Series2 Series3







Employee engagement is a result of employees perception of how well their job provides those things, which are viewed important. Three important factors about Employee engagement have

been noticed. Firstly Employee engagement is an emotional response to a situation; as such it cannot be seen only inferred. Secondly, Employee engagement is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed expectations. Thirdly Employee

engagement represents several related attitudes. The importance of Employee engagement of the employees in

any organization cannot be over emphasized especially if the organization is totally labor intensive one such as hotel industry. It is must that the managers in the organization keep their needs and desires in order to have satisfied customers, so that organization does not loose its customers and thereby better business for the company. Hotel Radisson is the Largest Hotel among the Hotel industry in the city. Hotel Radisson is a good paymaster and this is the major cause of satisfaction among the employees. They feel that the

salary they get is very good with that of the other similar Hotels and is sufficient to fulfill the needs of the family. They feel that they are working for money and if there is monetary satisfaction, the level of satisfaction among the employees will increase to a large scale. Satisfaction level was found to be more among the employees who have worked in the Hotel for a longer period of time than the new comers. The younger generation was found to be more satisfied as compared to the older people in the organization. Thus satisfaction of the employees is an important factor in the organization, especially monetary satisfaction. Employees are ready to settle for other things. The employees at ITC Mughal were found to be having a preference for non-monetary rewards. The employees there are very much satisfied with their

organization and they are very much dedicated to their work and work with sincerity and feel very proud to be working for the organization, but always in hope for better opportunities specially the younger employees.


Pay scale should be increased and made comparable to other

similar organizations Conveyance facilities such as a hotel bus should be provided

especially for the employees commuting at night and from far off places Allowance such as children education should be given Facilities for loan and advances Improvement of the canteen food Fair judgment in giving rewards, increment and promotions Recognition for good work Non-monetary rewards should be made Better facilities such as equipment and working environment Change in uniform for engineering staff Standardization of policies and procedure Equal distribution of tips The role and responsibilities should be clearly defined and sufficient authority should be given.


Part A (General Questions) 1. How do you see as Infrastructural development in Agra? How do you think that will impact Hotel industry in city? (Demand Supply Gap) 2. To whom do you consider your competitor? 3. How do you see these hotels compare to your hotel. ITC , The Mughal Clarks Shiraaz Oberoi Amar Vilas Holiday Inn Hotel Amar 4. Strategies for F & B (Bar, Restaurant, Room services, banquette and Night club). 5. When several new players will be in the market then what will be modification in your strategies? 6. Target Customer a. Age group b. Income group c. Free individual traveler, Tourist from travel agency or Business traveler d. Any particular industry sector


7. How do you perceive the effect of new entrance on your hotel? How will you strategies yourself. a. Effect of 3 star and 4 Star (Low Cost Hotel) b. Effect of 5 star (Luxury class) 8. How do you think Environmental factor affected your hotel like a. Global Recession b. Taj Attack c. Swine Flue

9. What will be Challenges for tomorrows hotel industry?

Part B (To understand Guest expectation from Hoteliers Frame of Reference) 1. Name of Hotel : 2. Name of Person : 3. Designation of Person : 4. Email ID 5. How important do you think the following parameters when Guest chooses your hotel. Factors Efficient check In Efficient check Out Concierge


Room service Dry Cleaning & Laundry Choice of Cuisine Size of Room and Bathrooms Cleanness Internet Connectivity Business Centre & Conference Facilities Health club & Spa Sports and Recreational activity (Meditation, squash,Golf etc.) Distance from Airport City proximity Environment & Ambiance Brand Loyalty Value for Money 1 (Most Important) 2 3 4 5 (Least Important)


BIBLOGRAPHY Organization Behavior (13 Edition) by Robbins Judge Sanghi Human Resource Management (2) Edition By Vsp Rao Personnel Management By Edwin B.Flippo A Simple Study of Principles of Employee Engagement and Industrial relations By Dr.S.K.Gupta Collection of the data through various websites. References in Popular Culture

Dilbert comic strip One FTE comic strip Human Resources Organizational commitment Empowerment Flow (psychology) Positive psychology Internal marketing Brand engagement Work engagement On boarding Internal communications


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