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a. moderate- or vigorous-intensity exercise b. lifestyle and behavioral modification Pre-modificacin 8) Adjective phrase (adverb + adjective) 1) Determinante a.

The disease b. The Mediterranean Diet c. a worldwide epidemic d. several recent studies Postmodificacin 2) Adjetivo a. Cardiovascular Health b. the potential benefit c. regular physical activity 3) Sustantivo a. a risk reduction b. weight loss c. blood glucose levels d. insulin resistance 4) Forma ing a. growing interest b. other coexisting conditions c. collaborating institution 5) Forma ed / participio pasado irregular a. impaired glucose tolerance b. refined carbohydrates c. an impoverished diet d. known risk factors 6) Combinacin de palabras (adjetivos, sustantivos, etc) a. Current Practice Patterns b. Identified Educational Needs c. a rigorous lifestyle intervention program d. the Mediterranean diet's health benefits 7) Modificadores unidos por and, coma, etc 1) Clusula relativa a. the risk of hospitalization, which has important economic implications b. other medications that patients had taken c. the 5-day period that is generally recommended for azithromycin d. patients who used this antibiotic 2) Preposicin a. Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes b. death by disease in Australia 3) Participio pasado (-ed o irregular) a. Patients treated with pharmacological agents and insulin b. criteria formulated to exclude persons at high risk c. deaths related to use of an antibiotic 4) Participio presente (-ing) a. type 2 diabetes requiring insulin b. The first epidemiologic data supporting the Mediterranean diet c. research exploring diet's relation to the health status of populations d. patients receiving usual clinical care a. highly processed foods b. an increasingly obese and diabetic American public c. the widely reported increase

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