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Homework 2, english CTI 2013

C at alin C. Vasii March 5, 2013

2 1. Find the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar representation. 2. Find the points where the following complex functions f : C C admit derivative: f (z ) = z |z | f (z ) = f (x + iy ) = x2 y 2 3x + 2 + i(2x 3)
1 is holomorphic. 3. Find the greatest domain where f : C C, f (z ) = z 4. Show that the function f : C C, f (z ) = |Im(z 2 )| satises the Cauchy-Riemann equations in z0 = 0 but it doesnt admit derivative in z0 . 5. True or false: if a complex function f is constant then it is holomorphic and f (z ) = 0. 6. If f (z0 ) = 0, then in a neighborhood of z0 , f may be regarded as a similarity transformation. In what sense? (English language note: similarity transformation nseamn a asem anare, adic a transformare care duce un triunghi intr-un triunghi asemenea cu el). 7. Problem: lets say that you are at the Surduc lake and you have a friend on a boat. You want to transmit him a message in a bottle. How can you compute the place you have to lay the bottle on the water to be carried by the current to his boat? It is related to harmonic maps. If u, v : R2 R are the real part and the imaginary part of a holomorphic function, we say that u and v are harmonically conjugate. Both u(x, y ) = k and v (x, y ) = k , represent two families of curves indexed by the constant k R (cartesian or implicite representation, see prof. Lugojans lectures). It is proved that for u and v harmonically conjugate, the two families of curves are orthogonal. The physicists tell us that isothermal curves (the curves connecting all the points with the same water temperature) in a 2D medium such as the surface of Surduc Lake are harmonic. The current generated by the dierence in temperature ows orthogonaly on the isothermal corves. For example, if all the isothermal curves are concentric circles, then the current lines will be radii. Assume that from
y . you nd that the isothermal curves of the Surduc Lake are u(x, y ) = x2 + y2 Find the current curves and then the one passing through the point (1, 1), where your friends boat is.

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