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1. Annotation to the book Modern Spanish by Melztsev I.F.

Its very useful book for those who intent to widen their language basis. It contains lexico-grammatical issues to the most doubtful cases of Spanish language. Also the author included the most common language difficulties, that students come across during the process of studying with no differences in level of knowledge. Despite of everyday phrases and wide-spread expressions, its enclosed the variety of expressive meaning, stylistically inappropriate aspects. The special focus is on complicated questions of word formation, the usage and collocation.

2. Annotation to the book The Master and Margarita by M.A.Bulgakov

The greatest mystification of all times, illustrated by outstanding author. The novel alternates between two settings. The first is 1930s Moscow, which is visited by Satan (Woland), a mysterious "magician" of uncertain origin, who arrives with his assistants. And the second setting is the Jerusalem of Pontius Pilate, described by the Master. The novel deals with the opposition of light and shade, interplay of good and evil, innocence and guilt, courage and cowardice, exploring such issues as the responsibility towards truth when authority would deny it, and the freedom of the spirit in an unfree world.

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