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Title: Catch Him And Keep Him - Facts, Product Info & Customer

Author: Steve & Louise Carter

When I heard about renowned relationship expert Christian Carter and his book Catch Him &
Keep Him on a talk show, women were raving about his relationship advice and I listened
eagerly, ordering his book as soon as the segment ended.

I started reading the book and I was impressed! Christian really helped explain what makes
men tick, and what leads them to a love a woman. Enlightened with this new knowledge, I
relaxed and stopped stressing about relationships so much - and actually started attracting
men - quality men!

And get this - these men were actually interested in much more than just casual sex - they
wanted to get to know ME! They wanted to learn all kinds of things about me, intellectually
and emotionally.

They wanted to know my thoughts, my dreams, my fears, even my silly's almost like
they were - get this - starting to fall in love with me already!

So instead of wasting time waiting for Mr. Right to come along or foolishly pursuing guys like
I used to, now I could easily identify and choose men who reveal themselves worthy of a
potentially serious, long term relationship. And not because I believed I was a goddess and
somehow "deserved" a better man than other women, but because these men and I were
simply right for each other. We found out what it's like to be a real couple, with real potential.

Seems like common sense, but feeling it actually happen to you is amazing!

I'm now engaged to a wonderful man (woo-hoo!) and have no doubt that Christian's revelations
will help anyone who wants to better understand and attract men.

Even if you're already in a relationship with the right kind of man, you might not be allowing
him to fully fall in love with you - even if deep down he really wants to. It's all about learning
male fears, needs and dreams, and once you know how to address those - love, romance and
commitment can be EASY with Christian's guide.

Our Verdict:

"What we didn't like about Catch Him and Keep Him: It could have been better organized, the
book jumps around a lot. But that doesn't detract from the valuable relationship advice
Christian gives you, just be sure you read it all so you don't miss any of the important
concepts. But then again it's good enough you'll probably read it twice anyway.

What we liked about Catch Him and Keep Him: You'll find the writing is brutally honest,
which means it isn't always politically correct. But if you're like me you're probably interested
in "how it really is", and not "how it should be." After all, your honesty is one of the very
things that will make him fall in love with you.

The guide explains how you should handle early relationship sex issues, such as not using sex
to attract men - which will only backfire and drive away the good men. Sound familiar? Make
a man want you for who you really are, and not just for a short-term fling.
Contains great dating advice about how you will carefully select and interact with real men
with real potential, WITHOUT "chasing" them and devaluing yourself. You'll make HIM want

The book is ridiculously inexpensive considering how much happiness, energy and security a
healthy relationship brings to your life. Seriously, how much do dead-end or dysfunctional
relationships cost you in precious time and emotional energy? Life is short."

About The Authors:

Steve & Louise were challenged by the same issues most people experience whilst
dating in the 'singles market'. Keen to get answers to their dating challenges; Steve was
keen to learn how to attract girls, and Louise wanted dating advice for women so they
spent months reviewing a huge amount of advice, help and support resources for dating
issues for men and women - some good and some not so good.

Read their independent and unbiased reports – Facts, Product Info & Customer

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