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Title - Determination of convolution output of two different input signals, by Graphical method .

x(n) = [3,2,1,2] ;

h(n) = [1,2,1,2] ;

Used Tools Matlab software version 7.0.1 Program :

. Theory- Same as previous Convolution Experiments. clc clear all; close all; k1=0:1:3 h=[1 3 2 1] h_start= 0; subplot(3,1,1) stem(k1,h) xlabel('--->n') ylabel('---> h(n)') k2=-1:1:2 x=[1 2 1 2] x_start=-1; subplot(3,1,2) stem(k2,x) xlabel('---n') ylabel('--->x(n)') h=fliplr(h) h1=[h zeros(1, length(x)-1)] x1=[zeros(1, length(h)-1) x] length_y=length(x)+length(h)-1; for i=0:length_y-1 y(i+1)=sum(x1.*circshift(h1,[0 i])); end start_y=x_start+h_start; y_n=x_start+h_start:start_y+length_y-1 subplot(3,1,3) stem(y_n,y)


Conclusion We have implemented the Convolution of two signals by Graphical Methods using
Matlab software, & observed the waveform.

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