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February 4, 2013. Vocabulary words. 1. Surrounded: To enclose all sides 2. Tightly: so close in structure as to prevent passage 3.

Dodge: the act of evade 4. Snatched: to try to grasp something, suddenly 5. Grabbed: to take hastily 6. Whispered: to speak very low 7. Bullied: (bully) a person habitually cruel to others who are weaker 8. Confidential: (confide) to have or show faith 9. Prevent: to keep from happening 10. Consequences: results January 5, 2013. Aim: Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary words. 1. The other boy pushed and ___________. Dont tell anyone or you will get hurt!. 2. Emma was playing with her friends on the playground when she saw the boys who _________ her, outside the school gate. 3. What do you think she is ___________ with her actions? 4. Two big boys ___________ her and shouted at her. 5. Emma held ________ to her purse. 6. Emma went to the principal office and told the principal about it in a ______________ way. 7. They also told them, about the negative ___________ if someone decided to press charges against them. 8. No! shouted Emma and tried to _______ the boys. 9. One of the boys ________ her bag and _______the purse.

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