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Journal Entry # 4 The Republic (Book I)

Injustice never pays better than Justice Socrates concludes after Thrasymachus argues that injustice pay better than Justice. Both bring about fascinating arguments, ranging from the just man who is good and does everything good and the unjust man who only looks after himself. Thrasymachus believes that man only acts on his self interest and Socrates argue that the just man acts I the interest of the populace. I think that Socrates is unsuccessful to refute Thrasymachus. He does show that a just man is happier than an unjust one but the idea of justice and injustice is not clearly elaborated on the idea of justice. Socrates questions to Thrasymachus moved from just to unjust men, whether man is only focused on self interest. Socrates said

for as long as I dont know what justice is, Im hardly likely to find out...this support the argument that he does not clearly refutes Thrasymachusargument. The argument is whether both parties understand the meaning of the word justice. Socrates claims that an unjust man is unhappy and miserable therefore it does not pay to be unjust, and that a just man is happy. Socrates does not refute Thrasymarchus claim but rather just offered argument to distort his belief. Injustice is everywhere around the world, for example people getting killed because of their religion, their race or their sexual orientation, that is not justice and justice does not come to their rescue. The justice system of most countries is corrupt therefore Justice does not pay better than injustice neither does the opposite.

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