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mientras caminaba hacia la cocina, escuchaba musica en mi celular y todas las luces de mi casa estaban apagadas cogi un vaso

el agua de la refrigeradora, y mi madre me preguntaba si estaba bien. la bateria de mi celular se termino, rompi el vaso hice mucho ruido en ese momento. despues de 15 minutos mientras limpiaba la basura un silencio horrible hubo a mi alrededor. observe hacia todos lados, y no encontraba a nadie llame a mi madre y no me respondio, busque a mi gato y no se encontraba cerca empece a tener mucho miedo y preocuparme por la situacion sentia que me observaban y entonces escuche un sonido sobre la ventana. yo estaba en la cosina por mas de 20 minutos mientras tomaba agua y limpiaba el dao que hice finalmente el sonido horrible me preocupo en ese momento me sentia asustada. con tanto ruido llegaron mis padres hacia la cocina cuando yo corri, para ensearme que el ruido que escuche era una rama golpeando la ventana de la cocina

I'd gone to the kitchen in the night to get a drink of water When suddenly i noticed the sound of something tapping against the window

as he walked to the kitchen, listening music on my phone and all my house lights were off I caught a glass water from the refrigerator, and my mother asked me if I was okay. my cell phone battery was finished, I broke the glass much noise at the time. after 15 minutes as he wiped away a horrible silence was around me. note to all sides, and could not find anyone to call my mother and I answered, find my cat and was not around I started to have a lot of fear and worry about the situation felt that I watched and then I heard a sound on the window . I was in the Kitchen for more than 20 minutes while drinking and cleaning water damage that horrible sound finally did worry me at the time I felt scared. with noise both my parents came into the kitchen when I ran, to teach me that the noise I heard was a branch hitting the kitchen window

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