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Abram Gomez

ID#: 1095304
Per. 3 Mr. Yee
Rm. 310

Under This Starry Haze

Once upon a midnight gaze, starred I into the stars
And looking into this starry haze, I thought of my life of
but just a brief phase
Compared to these stars shinning so far away, I am of but
a short wind that passeth away
Heavyhearted and lonely and feeling so gray, I pondered
thoughts of which a man is unable to say
…Then for a moment I

I pray to the God above the stars I gaze and under my

God I hearken and praise
I then think of my sorrow of but only a phase but all of the
pain from the past -it still stays
And this pain I felt for so long in so many different ways
this pain that’s never ending shall haunt me all of my
Shall haunt me ‘til I meet my grave and no longer will I be
able to save

Then while lost in my starry gaze a star from the corner of

mine eye did blaze
But I did not wish, for that was replaced, with the
shameful tear running down my face
So the star you could say is for all of my days and the
soul piercing pain of which I cannot erase
For all those who’ve come and gone, shooting stars that
Abram Gomez
ID#: 1095304
Per. 3 Mr. Yee
Rm. 310
I’ve chased -they shall shoot at my soul until it decays
…Under this starry

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