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AssemblyTools.swp - Copyright 2005 Leonard Kikstra Version 2.



Dowloaded from KIKSTRA SolidWorks Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTRODUCTION: AssemblyTools is a SolidWorks macro that is a collection of tools that are designed to be used on SolidWorks assemblies Tools that have been included are as follows: Unsuppress All Components: Traverses thru the assembly and unsuppresses all sub components (parts and assemblies). NOTE: Time it takes to complete this task is dependant on assembly size and number of suppressed components. Copy All Components Here: Traverses thru the assembly and copies all sub components (parts and assemblies) files to the current directory. NOTE: Time it takes to complete this task is dependant on assembly size of the assembly and the number of files to copy. Reload Assembly Model: Closes all documents currently loaded in SolidWorks and reloaded the current assembly. NOTE: If another assembly is open that references this assembly, or components within this assembly, the assembly may not reload as expected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: * These macros are provided free of charge for personal use and/or reference. * These macros may be freely distributed, provided the original copyright notices remain unchanged and intact. * All macros were written to work with SolidWorks 2003. * These macros, and corresponding files, are provided as is. * There are no warranties, expressed or implied, that these macros will perform as indicated, perform to users expectations, or complete a specific task. * These macros will change the current SolidWorks document. Use these macros at your own risk. Back up your data before using this macro on any SolidWorks document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------VERSION INFORMATION V1.00 12/22/2005 * Released via website


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