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A surprising place


Founded in 1662 by the Spanish governor Angel de Peredo, him confers the title of city on January 5, of 1875.

Park Isidora Cousio couCousio

Wise that...

It has 83 vegetable original species of Chile, North America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa, and a collection of more than 50 vases, benches and pedestals proceeding from different places, being the most important collection of Chile in his type.

Lota was the people first in having electrical light in Chile and the third party in the world.

Museum Corporation Baldomero Lillo

Places that you can visit!!

Mine Chifln Del Diablo
The mine worked between 1857 and the decade of 1990, meaning in the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century an important economic area for the mining companies. The mine was closed on April 15, 1997 by the president at the time Eduardo Frei RuizTagle for economic reasons. Chile was created by the Foundation on December 17, 1998, from a house constructed in 1864 to store the objects of value and to provide rest to the administrative officers of major range of the coalbearing company in Lota

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