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Designed by :
Hamza aldeeb Maram Rabie Mohamed mostafa abd alrhman farouq



Application Standalone, Integrated and Software suites programs


Custom software (also known as bespoke software or tailor made software) is software that is specially developed for some specific organization or other user. As such, it can be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass market, such as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, or existing free software, an in-house software development group, or be commissioned from an external software development company.


A stand alone Computerized Maintenance Management system is more focused on what you and your maintenance department need. The system is frequently designed by a maintenance professional who can build a specialized system designed to make your life easier and your department more productive. An integrated system is usually focused on the numbers - it makes sure the accounting information flows through from beginning to end, the inventory balances, and the orders get shipped. It will also allow you to do Preventive Maintenance functions within their standard platform. This will make some parts of your job easier - your purchase orders for instance, will be mainlined inside their system, and your inventory will be included in their master inventory. On the other hand, searching inventory can be more of a challenge when mixed with other company inventory items. Also, responsibility for maintaining your specialized parts list might be assigned outside your department. Will your requirements get the attention they deserve in the overall scheme of things?

Stand Alone CMMS Faster Installation Easier to Set Up Maintenance Department Friendly Dedicated Inventory Listings Independent Vendor Listing Special Maintenance Functionality Pays for Itself

Integrated Company System Integrated Accounting Single Purchasing System Single Inventory System


A software suite or application suite is a collection of computer programs usually application software or programming software of related functionality, often sharing a more-or-less common user interface and some ability to smoothly exchange data with each other.

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