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By: Brett Barkema

Squirrels are found are found all over the world. The only part of the world where squirrels are not found it Antarctica and parts of Egypt. Squirrels are mostly seen in urban cities. Squirrels were first introduced into the United States. The most common squirrels that we see almost every day are the Gray squirrel.

Characteristics of Squirrels
Squirrels have not changed much over the 1,000,000 years. The only thing that has changed is its body to live in trees. It took them 1,000 years just to adapt to live in trees. Squirrels are black, gray, brown, red and even white. White squirrels are really rare you can find them in South Asia and Thailand. There are 750 different species of squirrels. The biggest squirrel is the giant squirrel of India. ------------------------------------------------- . It is 3 ft. in length. The smallest squirrel is the Pygmy squirrel of Africa. It is 5 inches in length.

Squirrels are very athletic. They can run 20 mph and survive a 100 ft. drop. They can do this because of their padded paws. They also have sweat glands in their feet they have these is their feet for marking territory on trees. Squirrels have eyes on the side of their head to make it easy for watching for predators while they are doing something. Some of their predators are fox, hawks, and human.

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