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Obesity day: between sport and food, the day to battle the extra pounds Every 44 in 100 Italians

are overweight, while 1 in 10 are obese. A growing phenomenon: in 2025 there will be 20 million. Brochures and initiatives for promoting correct behaviours. Specialists are available for advice and care from VALERIA PINI. Its not only a question of aesthetics. When one faces a topic like that of excess pounds, they stop talking about health. Diabetes, high pressure, cholesterol and respiratory problems are only some of the related diseases to being overweight. This problem touches many people: according to the experts, in 2025 over 20 million Italians will be obese. Obesity is the second preventable cause of death after smoking and, according to statistics, 44 in 100 Italians today are already overweight and 1 in 10 are obese. To encourage prevention on 12th October last Obesity day, the 12th edition: to know what to eat and drink in order to remain in shape or to know con precision how many centimetres the waist should measure to avoid risk, which is information that welfare favours.

Knowledgeable Choices This year the slogan of the manifestation is Not prohibitions, but knowledgeable choices. A way of promoting la diffusion of healthy behaviours and correct styles of life able to counteract obesity. For a day the specialists in dietetics e nutrition of ADI will be available for free for the citizens in order to give advice and help the patients. At the end of the day we have blamed the single patient without keeping count that when we speak of obesity we need to do more.

Physical Activity in the City According to a recent statistical study, the most appropriate solution for the Italians against obesity is food-related education and structural interventions that promote physical activity in the city. Almost all of the people interviewed agree with the fact that it would be necessary to invest in food-related education, to start from schools and the structural interventions that promote movement and physical activity in the city.

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