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Acquainted with the Night Robert Frost Robert Frosts sonnet Acquainted with the Night is an English sonnet

also known as a Shakespearean sonnet. The rimming pattern is in four clusters, abab cdcd, efef, gg. This poem does not follow that exactly but it follows the idea. This poem is about the speaker talking about things that he has done during the night. I chose this poem because I liked the way the author chose to write. Each line is fairly simple but contains enough detail for you to see an image in your mind. The Dance William Carlos Williams Williams poem The Dance is about the painting The Kermess by Pieter Brueghel. The Dance is written in open form. Open form is writing without rhyme or meter. The poem describes the people and the setting in the painting. The author writes of the people dancing round and round to the sound of bagpipes, fiddles, and a bugle on Fair Grounds. This makes the poem more cheerful and carefree feeling. The Dance is written in open form. Open form is writing without rhyme or meter. The Parable of the Good Seed Matthew 13:24-30(King James Version, 1611) The Parable of the Good Seed uses people and objects to symbolize other things. The parable is about a man who sows good wheat seed and another man comes and sows tares among the wheat. After seeing the tares growing among wheat the servants tell the householder. They ask if the should remove the tares but the householder tells them if they do, they will destroy the wheat with the tares. So, householder tells the servants to leave the tares and at harvest they will gather the tares and burn them and save the wheat. The people and the objects all symbolize something, the wheat represents the good people in the world and the tares represent the evil people in the world. The enemy described in the beginning represents the devil sowing evil into man, and the harvest time symbolizes the end of the world. Medusa Louise Bogan Medusa is one of Greeks mythical Gorgons. Medusa is an archetype because she is an ugly creature with snakes for hair, which symbolize evil. She is used to show the evil in the world and power that it has. In this poem a man is on his own do nothing and Medusa comes in front of him and he looks at her, thus turning him to stone.

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