Culture by Nehru

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Rambabu 10CE01014

Every country and state have their own appreciation for their culture, every individual has their own view towards culture but it should be in such a way that it doesnt affect others and it will help in our growth. Jawaharlal Nehru says that, the formation of Indian Council of Cultural Relations will lead to better understanding between people of India and people of other countries. He speaks about German Kultur and how the German people spread it. There was a big war to spread the Kultur and to resist it. Every country and individual had a peculiar idea about culture. Culture depends on many things; it is affected by its geography, by its climate, by all kinds of other factors. For instance Indian culture is affected, as we see in our literature, by Himalayas, Great Rivers. We can relate the growth and decline of India to when India opened mind and shut it from the outer world. The more we shut our mind, the more static we become. Culture prevails only when there is a dynamic character. Stagnation is the worst possible thing that could destroy the growth. Of course, one shouldnt forget their identity and uniqness which are considered as roots of culture. But at the same time they cannot live on roots alone Nehru says culture is the inner growth in man and the way he behaves. He feels that a person who cannot understand others viewpoint is limited in mind and culture. It is only few human beings can understand one another in a right way. If our approach is good, the response will be friendly. If the approach is bad, the response is likely to be bad. So we should approach our fellow human beings or countries in a friendly manner that will lead not only towards understanding but the right type of understanding.

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