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ZOMBIE FURNITURE Script: Inside a courtyard in the pouring rain, a pair of lthy ragged curtains are shaking and

groaning. Then, items of Zombie Furniture enter through automatic doors into the yard a piece at a time, groaning and arranging themselves into a nightmareish room but outdoors, unwalled. The lurching furniture is lthy and dilapidated, dead looking. The rain lashes them. CUT TO: A hooded gure brandishing a sledgehammer (the Zombie Slayer) appears in the doorway, car headlights dramatically lighting him from behind. The Zombie Slayer strides purposefully into the courtyard swinging the hammer around. He has come to destroy. As the Zombie Slayer prepares for combat, the furniture gathers together and moves in towards him. CUT TO: The Zombie Slayer lustily destroys each item of furniture in turn, yelling and swinging his sledgehammer around him. The Zombie Furniture lies smashed and destroyed all around. The Zombie Slayer stamps off, looking for more combat. THE END

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