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Who is an Engineer and who is not? Who is not an Engineer!

A person who would carry out calculations based on pervious example of a specific design, a number cruncher, is not an Engineer. There are many people in the industry who are called Engineers and thats all they do, number crunching. A person who manages the finance and resourcing of an Engineering team is not an Engineer. Again you will see that most Engineers move to management of a team of Engineers/number crunchers and technicians as a progression in their career. This progress is just a false perception that has found its way in the Engineering industry. A person who do not understand the basics of Engineering mathematics and science, can not become an Engineer, although the title Engineer is awarded to the person for being in the industry for a number of years. People who are called Engineers in the society are not necessarily Engineers.

My view is an Engineer is a person who takes the available information (scientific) from various fields and applies it to overcome a specific problem. The process involves conceptual design, science, mathematics, planning (programming), coordination between various parties, production of engineering drawings and finally execution of the project (where applicable). Engineers start their project with a problem and using their experience and knowledge to over come the problem, with safety efficiency, aesthetics, and economy. The purpose of the various Institutions such as the ICE (the Institution of Civil Engineers), IStructE (the Institution of Structural Engineers), ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineers Australia and so on is to promote these qualities in Engineers. I welcome other views.

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