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UniRitter Curso de Letras LET 0611 Lingustica I: elementos de fontica e fonologia Prof.

. Vicente Saldanha English Consonants Place of Articulation Manner of Articulation Stop Voicing Voiceless Voiced Fricative Voiceless Voiced Affricate Voiceless Voiced Nasal Liquid Glide Voiced Voiced Voiced /w/ (wet) /m/ (mat) /n/ (no) /l/ (late) /r/ (rate) /r/ (car) (retroflex) /j/ or /y/ (yet) Bilabial /p/ (pat) /b/ (bat) /f/ (fan) /v/ (van) // (thin) // (this) Labiodental Dental Alveolar /t/ (tick) /d/ (dig) /s/ (sip) /z/ (zip) // (ship) // (vision) /t/ (church) /d/ (judge) // (sing) Palatal Velar /k/ (cat) // (get) /h/ (hat) Glottal // (Uh-oh!)

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