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Why Dale Carnegie?

I have heard first of Dale Carnegie when a friend of mine, which is also a young trainer suggested me to read one of this authors books, Lifetime Plan for Success because he knew that I would be able to appreciate it. All I can say is that the book has an unbelieveble impact on myself. It basically helped me quantify what I already knew to be true. Things like giving honest and sincere appreciation, smiling, and remembering the little details people tell you. It has made a difference in my life, and I think it to be a positive one at that. No book can ever teach you who you are, and I don't believe that a book can ever be written as a guide for a way of life, but if you get from this book what I did, you'll understand that you had it right all along, and you'll be able to understand yourself better. I want to share a part of the book that stood out to me in a particular way: When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.

Just the realization of this has helped me tremendously, I have come to realize that you can not change or help those who are as described as this way because they have to come to their own conclusions and understanding in their own time and there is nothing you can do to help them or get them to see things they refuse to see becuase of their preset prejudices that already exist in their minds and spirits

Why is Dale Carnegie important in American Popular Culture?

Dale Carnegie (Dale Carnegey his real name) was born on 24 November 1888 in a poor farm in Missouri and died on 1 November 1955, at Forest Hills, New York, in full glory. It is one of the pioneers in the "art" of public speaking and greatest motivational literature author. Dale Carnegie impacts on the lives of thousands of people around the world in morality, mentality and behavior. When the economic downturn, inequality, war and other demons are eroded away human for the mind, spirit and thought of the Carnegie Institution became the people walk out of the confusion and frustration of the strongest support. Even in modern society, the Carnegie Endowment on human insights, still guides for millions of people to change thought, perfect behavior, the same way.


The biggest problem is not the ignorance, but the lack of action. And the purpose of Dale Carnegies work is to bring to light and glorify a lot of fundamental truths and get you to do something in order to apply it. Dale Carnegie is one of the bestselling authors of all time. Half a century after his death, both writings and his lectures are as required as in the first years after launch. There are lots of successful people, but success is not their property. There's no chance there is no such thing as destiny- success is a treasure hidden in each of us but just little know the secrets to bring it forth. Dale Carnegie is one of them. If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. - Gospel of Thomas, verse 70

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