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Classioom management is an essential piece of a successful classioom

enviionment. In oiuei foi teaching anu leaining to even be possible the teachei
must appiopiiately manage the classioom. An out of contiol classioom uoes not
piomote leaining anu negatively affects the teachei, as well as the stuuents.
Classioom management is a ieal issue in euucation because it is citeu that
"seventy-seven peicent of teacheis aumit that theii teaching woulu be moie
effective if they uiu not have to spenu so much time uealing with uisiuptive
stuuents" (Cantei 2u1u) The engagement anu leaining of stuuents is saciificeu
in a classioom that is not well manageu anu that is a seiious pioblem. When
classiooms aie well manageu the stuuents aie set up foi success because the
teachei's focus can entiiely be on the achievement of the stuuents. It has been
shown that "effective classioom management is tieu to stuuent success with a
confiuence-level appioaching absolute" (Bougkinson 2u1S). Stuuents aie able to
become moie engageu in leaining anu meet theii potential when classioom
management uoes not uistuib theii leaining. Classioom management has foui
ciucial components that all teacheis must be awaie of. The fiist anu gieatest
component is positive teachei-stuuent ielationships. I believe this ielationship
shoulu be baseu on mutual iespect. Teachei anu stuuent iespect foi each othei
will cieate an enviionment wheie classioom management issues uo not aiise as
fiequently. It is ciitical foi teacheis to unueistanu that "a mutually iespectful
ielationship is the coineistone of |theiij effoits at builuing positive ielationships
with all of |theiij stuuents" (Cantei 2u1u). Some conciete ways to builu these
positive ielationships aie by gieeting stuuents at the uooi, incoipoiating stuuent
inteiest in the cuiiiculum, sinceiely listening to stuuents, anu empathizing with
stuuents (Bougkinson 2u1S). The seconu component is setting cleai anu explicit
paiameteis. It is impoitant that these iules aie obseivable so that stuuents
know exactly what is expecteu anu what the consequences aie if these
expectations aie not met. (Cantei 2u1u) Cleai anu explicit paiameteis ensuie
theie is no confusion oi misinteipietation in iegaius to the iules. It is much
easiei foi stuuents to follow classioom iules if they know exactly what they neeu
to abiue to. I believe this is impoitant so classioom management is faii anu
consistent foi the stuuents. The thiiu component is monitoiing skills. Stuuents
neeu to be monitoieu foi the classioom iules the teachei puts in place in oiuei
foi enfoicement to be effective. Stuuents shoulu be helu to high expectations anu
most impoitantly, consequences foi not meeting these expectations shoulu
always follow thiough. It is vital foi teacheis to unueistanu that they shoulu "not
give a uiiection to stuuents if |theyj aie not piepaieu to follow thiough with a
uisciplinaiy consequence" (Cantei 2u1u). Stuuents aie always watching what
teacheis aie uoing, thus if uisiuptive behavioi is not coiiecteu it senus a veiy
wiong message. The ignoiing of uisiuptive behavioi senus the message that the
iules uo not neeu to be enfoiceu anu misbehavioi is acceptable. Piopei
monitoiing of behavioi shoulu incluue immeuiately iesponuing to off-task
behavioi anu following thiough with consequences. The fouith component of
classioom management is consequences. Nisbehavioi shoulu be coiiecteu
immeuiately anu consequences given as soon as it is appiopiiate. While giving
consequences it is impoitant foi stuuents to unueistanu that they aie choosing a
consequence by ueciuing to uisobey the establisheu iules. Eveiy stuuent must
take iesponsibility foi theii own actions anu the consequences of those actions.
Some stuuents will continue to misbehave so "iemoving the auuience of peeis
may inciease the effectiveness of youi limit-setting effoits" (Cantei 2u1u). While
auuiessing misbehavioi it is impoitant to not engage in an aigument oi powei
stiuggle, but simply take asseitive coiiective action.

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