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In French, if you want to use an expression of necessity, you need to follow the expression with the subjunctive or an infintive.

Il faut quil se couche tt.

The verb tenses you have learned so far such as the present tense and the pass compos belong to the indicative mood. There is another mood called the subjunctive mood.
In certain situations, you must use the subjunctive mood.

Use the subjunctive with expressions of necessity.

EX: Il faut que

EX: Il est importante que

The verb that follows one of these expressions will use the subjunctive.

La formation
To form the subjunctive:
Drop the ENT of the present tense ils form of the verb Add the endings

Formation Chart for regular verbs

Que je e Que tues Que ile

Que nous ions

Que vous iez

Que ils ent

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