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() ,

.,.. j
(I/1 I 1":>117
t"r- :t
. . . -
This message IS dlgitallyslgneP .
Classification: i=E;jp

For the Ccmmittee:
1) "White Paper" on press-guidance (OPA. OGe.: 01. NE)
"We've already spa!cen to will be coording with the WH as well
4) Paper on motivationsifor Green (Os;o;)
3). Contact'State Affairs for questions,on document destr.uction at-consulate (OCA)
1) to'l /warning of 'to the film and response (NE)
. .
2) Cable(s).to stations on c9/U securiiyJ!?S.-; NC$)" ',
Please send Committee responses to 9CA 7th floor coOrd:
Please send DCJA responsesto ODCIA.
Thank you!
I rc ./ I",

SeaJfe: . .
Open: '

Classification. 'fOp 8ECRETlfNOFORN
, .
. "

Classification: COr<iFlDENTiAt Classified By: 2 ...
09114/201203:1"9:00 PM
{ , -11.... ':'-1 I
r. . S-
{""l...-l .? r.--
( rA.
0911412012 03:19 PM
. I
1 . .
I . "-5.}
I .
1 .
['J(' { !
.. . W. Preston/STF/AGEN WMA.
I 1
Re: 199P1ng ODNCS-Re: Fw: FLASH eoordination - white paper:fOr HPSCI Per DCIARequest
Classification. CONFIDENTIAl::
Good point.that it coold be iiltelpreted this way -pertiaps better stated that weknow they participated in
the.protests. We donotknow.who was.responsiblefor the.deaths.
,- I ) :.) .; /J I
Director, Office of
secure: I I .
open: I I
Cla'ssificatio'!: CONP'IE)ENTIAL. By: 2 ...
09/14/201203:16:33 PM
I I 1
. -:" 1
I t.h(.( I
09/.141201203:16 PM .
,loqplng.ODNCS- Re: Fw.: FLASffcoordinaUon ,- Wfiite paper for Hf'SCI Per DCIA
Classification: CONF IOeM'fIAL

Good question -I'lt to given the CT angle.
(Added in OGe and OPA,as weUas.FYI ).
... . - .. ' . .-
. .
Second tick says we know extremists wlthties 10 AQ participated in the attack, which implies complidty in
the deaths of the American officers, Do know Ihis?
Classification: CONFIDENJ 1JS:t:Classlfied By: 2 ... 09/14/201202:52:57 PM
Iv J
Stephen.W. Prestofl/STFIAGENCY@WMA
091141201202:52 PM
Re: ODNCS -. Ri:!: Fw; wfi.ite:paper for HPSCI Per DCIA Request
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

Second tIck says we know eXtremISts with ties to AQ partlclpatei/.in the attack, which implies complicity in
the deaths .of the American Officers. Do. this?

.Classificatior:" COI';lFIOENTIALClassifie9-By.( 2 ... 09/14/2012'02:39:49 PM
A/ -
fV( .::. I I
I A..I

"; L iF1 L 1 /'l'" I I
2> I w. PrestonJSTF/AGENCY@WMA
091.1412012 02:39 PM
looping 'Re: FiN! -'white paperforHPSCI' Per DeJA
. . .:.. - .. . .
ClassificatiOn: CONFIDENT!Al

m1-:',J COO:ds o.n the ,below paper, to the earlier'editS.
We have looped inODNCS and others. to ensure everYonehas a cnance to review given the
urgency at which'this',is .. belng requested. ' . .
For.ODNCS'moming APSel coffe'e with DCJA, HPSCI members:eagerly sought some
S9rt of ftwhite paper" tiiey could 'use to reply to numerous n'ledia .requestsasking for comments
on other regarding aitaCk$,
HPSCI has asked for unclassified points immeiJliJtelj that they dan.use in. talking to the I have
been aSked /o.provlde a hilon responsibility. NE is PJ.Illfl1g logether(he'finai produql. In addition 10 other
' Ibpics. NE wllI-add material about wamings:we gave to Cairo pdor to the demonstrations, as well as '
material on wamings we iSsueqptfor 10 9/11 anniversaty. Please.. take a quiCk see if you believe
/hat this is A) accurats andS) unclass.. . . . . .
For CTClLegatl? i that I Ibis to JIOu and anybody you 1hInk see in DGe to
make sure that notl1mg we:are:saylng'hef'e Is likejy"IO Impaqt any potsn!,alfuture Irmal prosecution.
We believe based on.cunenUysvsilable information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously
inspired bythe'lhe US Embassy in. Cairo and evolVed into a,direct assaufl against the US
Consulate and'sub$equentlyits annex. This sssessmenf.may.cfiange ss'addltional infonnalion is
collected and analyzed.and ClJrrenUy:i Jvaiia/Jle infOrmation continues to be evaluated.
The crowd alinoSt cerfalii/y was a mix of individuals from across many sectors of Libyan society. That
being said., 'We,ow-thatlsla!llic extremists with ties to al-Oa'klt! Participated in the attack.
Initial press reporting linked thsaltack [0 Ansar aI-Shad a. The group has since released a statement
that the its leadership did not order the attacks, but did not deny that some of its members were
involVed; Ansar al-Sharia's facebook page alms to spread shana,in Libya and. emphasizes the need
for jihad to counierwhalit views as false interpretations. of Islam, ,!ccording to an open.source study.
It The wide.availability:ofweapons and.expenenced fighters in:Libya'almostcertainly Conlnbuled to the
lethality of the attacks.
Since April; then;; 'at less/five,other attacks agains(roreignJt1terests in Benghazi by
unidentified 'includii1glhe june attack against the BdtishAmlJassador's COf!vQY We
cannot ruleout that individuals hadpmvlously,sulVeilled the U.Sfaf;ilitif/S ,.'also contributing to the
effiCacyo.ftheattacks; .. : .
We are working'with Llliyan authorities and intelligence partners in an effort trJ:help bring Jo justice
those responsible for.the deaflls'OfU$ citizens.,
...;; 1:. ;.., _ _ ----'1 F I OENTIAb Classified 'By: 2 .. _
.09114/201202:27:18 PM
eON,Fi flEMTtAt

Date: 0911412012 02:27 PM
SlJblect Fw: FLASH coordination - white p.apef (Or HPSCI

Sorry, sent to the.wrong D"
J c' J "- --/1 I
terrorism "nalysis
secure: L-.---1
Date: 09f14fl012 .2:49 PM
Subject: .. Fw:' FLASH coordinatlon'- white paper for;HPSC(
Classification: CONJ;19ENTIAL
'--------.JI ..

I didn't ask NEJINT. Just CTC/INT.
'Please see the one suggested addition from 'OGC,
, .
Let me klJOw if you needanything:else .. AlsQ;'please be ,sure that,DI FO COpy.
LLi",I ( ;2", J
Director, Office ofT.errorism Analysis
secure: c::=J
open: .... 1 ___ ---J
-. -Forwarded .... ..:.... j -,, ( ,-, ' ...:. " ___ 09/1'41201212:47 PM'-
. From:
' To: '
(" , .I ,":-. 1 1
09/1412012'12:23 PM-
.Re: FLASH coordinatfoq - for HPSCI
Classification: . ..
h(ZJ-=i've consulted only statement th;; might have implications for
furure prosecution. Is the first bullet. recommend adding the text indicated. to add some
insutabon. please let me know. if you have any than!<s ...
.. . .
I eONFlDtNTiAl ... CJassified BY:2u. 09/14/201211:15:24AM
From: J
Date: 0911412012.11:15 AM
Subject: FLASH coordinalioi'l - white pSP.8r for HPSCI
Classification: COPdriOENtlAt
---":- . -' ===-==;=====' .."",!-'=
HPSCI has asked for' unClassified"polnts Immediately that to the media. I have
been asked to provide a bit on responsibility. NE is pulling product. In addition to other
topics, NE will add material about'wamings We gave to Cairo prior to as well as
material on warriil'!Qs we isst:ied prior to 9111 Please take a quick look to see If you believe
that this ISA) accUrate and 8):unclass;
For CTClL-egal.1 ), lasked thai I send this to you and anybody you.think needs to. see in OG.C to
ma.ka sure that1lothing we are here is likely to impact' any potential prosecution.
'. We believe based on .in'B.engflazl spontaneously
inspired by. the. protests at- fimbassyin Cairo and evolved. iritcra'dltetr aSSaulfagalnst ttJe us
Consulate and subsequently its annex. This:assessment may change as additional:Jnformation.-is
collected.and analyzed and avaiJable information continues to be'evaluated .
e The crowd almoSt certairily waS a mix of individuals from across many sectors of libyan society. That
being said" we do know 'that Islamic extremists with ties. to. .partidpated .in. the .attack.
Initial press reporting linked the attack to:Arisar al.:.sharia. The grOup has since released a statement
thatthe its leadership did notorder..the attacks . but did itsmemb.ers .
Anser C!I-Sharia's facebook .page aims to spreadshaiia in Ubya and emphasizes the need
fO( jihad to cOunter. whalltViews,as'.faJse interpretationS of.lslam. according ope'n source study.
. -. . .
The. wide availability of weaponS and experienced. fighters in .Llbya almost certainly contributed to the' .
lethality of the attacks.
Since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests 'in .BenghaZi by
unidentffled assailants, including the June attack against the-Biitish Ambassador's convoy. We
cannot rule out that individuals had previously su/VeiUed.the.U.S facilities. also cOntributing to the
efficacy of the attacks. . .
We are working with Libyan'authorities and intelligence partnersjri-an'effort'to help 'bring to justice
those responsible for.the:d.eath!>of US citizens .
I [/,;.. cT I
Director C-:-0f Terrorism Analysis
secure: J '
open:1 I

Classification: CONFIDEN i IAt.
Classification: CONFIRENl'lAL



Classification.; CONFiDENTIAL.

Classificatio,,: CPNFlOENTIAl

Classification: CONHDEN11At
ClassIfication: .CONFI8ENTtAt'"

ClassificaliQn: CONFI9EN:RAl

( I

Tommy: .
U i / 11
f.rlday. September 14, 2012..1 1:"17
Wator, Tom(nY. , ,..,
RHodes .. Benjaniin :.1.;1 /,v > .', ,, ': 1
Ecttoing my voicemail, to you:
You should be seeing some "Vinite Paper' talking points'frc;im afternQon for cQordination. They are for
Congressional use, their request" re Benghazllssues.,
Thanks .

Chief, Media Relatians
OA of Public AttaJrs

" , " 1intiar PM
-Cleaned HP,SCI TPs ,
the Media.doc
HP$CI Talking Points. for Vse with:.the Media
e We believe basedon currently available information thattha attacks in Benghazi
were spOntaneously inspired by the protests'at the US jn Cajro and
evolved into a direct I;lssauli againsttile.tJS'Consufateand subsequently its annex.
This assessmentmay change:as additional analyzed
and currently available information coritinuss to be evaluated.
B The crowd almost-certainly was a mix of individuals from. across many sectors of
Libyan society. That being we do know that .Islamicextremists with .ties to al-
Qa'idaparticipated in the attack.. . .
GJ Initial press reporting linked theattack to Ansar aI-Shana; The group has since
released a statement that the its leadership did not order the attacks, but did not
deny.that-some: of its members were invoived. Ansar facebook page.aims
to spread shatia.i,) Libya and emphasizesthe need.for'jihad to what it views
as false interpretations of Islam according to an open source study.
o The wide availability at weapons in. Libya .almost certainly
contnbuted to the: lethatlty, Of the attacks.:: -. .
Since. April, there have .been at least five other' interests in
Benghazi by assailants, including the June attack against the British
Ambassadors cOnvoy .. Wecannat rule out that individuals had previously surveilled
the US facilities, .. atsQ confributin!;J to of the a"ttacks.
<9 Weare '!'fOrking with Ubyan ai:rthorities and ihtelligence-partners in an effort to help
bring to justice those responsible .for the of
, ,
I e ' .. / (:, . 1 I . .
Friday, September 14, 2012 3:04 PM r---:;--"'"'7:----------.

hodes, '--- ___ ..J

(...'\,.,," j / : fr..i
;:. <.
or review.
HPSQ has requested talking points from the DCJA for use with:the me'dia.
review the below"and respond comments ASAP.:
Thanks very much,

Chief, Relations
CIA Office of Public Affairs
I 1
.Poil)ts for Use with'the.Media
We believe based on currentlv available information that the attacks in Bengtiazi"were spontaneously inspired by
the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault'against the US Consulate ,and subsequently
its annex. This assessment may change as addItlonal Information is collected and analyzed and currently available
infonnation continues'to be,evaluated;
<II The crow.d almost certainlv was a mixofindividuals from across many sectors'of Libyan society. That being said, we
do know that./slamic extremists with ties'jda partidpated in "the attack.
& In'itfai press reportll)g nnked the attacho Ansar al"sharla'. TIle group has since:reteased a.statement that its
leadership-did not .orner the attacks":btit drd not deny that some of were involved. Ansar al-Sharia's
Facebook page aims: to spread shafia jn l.iby'a and emphasizes,the, need foiJihad'to counter it views 'as false
interpretations of Islam, according to an open sourcestud\T.
G The wide availability of weapons libya almost certainly contributed to the lethality of
the attacks. .
e Since April, there have:been afleastftve other attacks againSt -foreign In by !Jnidentlfied
assailants, inc!udingtfle June attack agalnst the British:Anibassador"s We cannot rule out that individuals
had previously surveilled the US facilities, also contributing to.the of.the.attacks.
'.' We araworking with libyan authorities' and intelligencEfpiutnersJn an,effprt,to help bring to Justice those
. '. ..' -
responsible .for the deaths of-I)S citizens. .
. ' ....
t." I I
, ... P'. ,
,v'>'> S !>'
We still have a number of comJ!onents coordinating here on these points.and we will have further edits. We are multi-
tasking due to the time constraints,
. I'll send you an updated verslon.around 1600 today.
Thanks, .
I (I i
- --.----------------.
Sent: Friday, September: 14, 2012' 3:04:PM
Rhodes, "eo!.min .... - A- ,-' -/--"", -l-.; -S ---- - ---.
SU PSQ talking polntsJor review
riPSCI has requested talking p;Iints.from the.DClAforusewiffl the media.
Please review the below and. respond commentsASAP
Thanks 'Very muCh,
.. )

c/' .1
Chief, Media Relations
CIA Office of Public Affairs'
'HPSCI Talking PointS for Use
14 September 2012
. We believe based on currently av,lilableinformatlon'thaHhe,attacksJn Benghazi.:were Inspired by
the protests at the US ill dii"ect.assault-against'the US Consulate'and subsequently
its annex. This assessment may additional information is collected and analyzed and currently available
information. continues to be evaluated.
e' The crowd almost certainly was a libyan SOciety. That being said, we
.do know-that-Islamic extremists with ties iO'al:'-Qa'ida partidpated inthe attack .
From: Stephen'W, Preston
General Counsel
Subject: Re: !:.ooPJiIg ocNCis - Re: Fw: .FLASH coordination - ,
.whlte paper for HPscI Per CerA Request 0
C\:o ( L( ,/ .. 1 ,-'::c:: I
. C/--= 1
'---------"'->-L-"""" >.;-____ _ ._ . ....---I
This message Is digitally signed,
......... .. . ... . - . - . -
Folks, I kno; ,;-; hurry to 'g:t,this enoughto ascertain whether
providing it oontlictswith express instructions from NSSJDOJ/FBI that; in light of.thecrimihal investigation,
we are not to generate statements with as ,to who didthis, etc,.-even internally, not to
mention for public release .. 'I'am may be more with those 'instructions and
the tasking arising from the HPSCI coffee. ' . . '
ClassificatiOn, Classified By: 2 ... 09114/2012

- ;: -
,'. A (, .. -,,'1

;-'\, .... S ,;
C 7C I
,,) ,'Ii
-0 , A.-
Ste hen w .
I :--J
09llotI2012:03:29 PM' ,
(/.! I ,
L -:rJ, 1
/" A F .... '1
Subject: Looping DDNCS -: Re: Fw: - Whlte.paper for HPSCI Per DClA Request
' ,-===1 =.= __ =_====== __ ._= __
OGe coprds. on the"TPs, inclyding the:second'tick 'noted .by ,<-'7).;
wltt'lin Including attachments' and email threads" carry the controls '
I !wen whennot!:?pecifiedhJtheclas$jfication noted ..
.. .
' . . -

- - ,
From: C;'1 (. /' (i I Subject Paper Talking Points for. review before
Chief. Media Relatlons Branch White House
Office of Public Affairs --To: _. I // "" r ]
04:42 Cc- _ l;=, ===, ==., =="==--,-.--"777"" .,-------,
_ -'. ; '>C'N .: rr... Co' I.
Classification: UNCLASSiFiED ,. ::=== ... - - . -
For review before sendfng to .the White House::
HPSCI Points for Use With the Media
.t4.:Septfmibet 2012
-The currently available information' suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi
were spontaneously inspired. by the protests at the US' Embassy in Cairo and
evolved into a direct against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex.
assessment may change as additional informatioQ is and analyzed
and currently information continues to be evaluated-. On 10 $eptemberwe
warned of social media -reports calling' for a demonstration in..front' of the Embassy
and thafjihadists were,threateningto break.into
The crowd almost certaih'Jy was a mixof.individua/sftom across many sectors .of;>Ciety ... Theinvestigationis on-:Qoing as to who' is responsible. That being
said, we do know that Islamic extremists 'in .the violent
- -
-Initial press reporting linked the attack to Ansar al-5haria. The-group since
refeased a statement that its 'leadership did not order the attacks, 'but did not deny
that some of its members were involved. Ansar aI-Sharia's Facebook page aims to
spread,_ sharia in Ubya and emph!;lsizes the need forJihad to counter what it views as
interpretations of _Islam an :?pen source study' .
The wide avaIlability of weapons and exPerienced fighters iii. libya certainly
contributed to the lethality of It}e 'attacks. . - .
. - . . , . ... .
! ,/
\ .
. ,-'
r' -
.: l
eThe Agency has procfuced numerous pieces :on me threat of extremists linked. to'
al'-Oaeda in Benghazi and eastern libya. These noted that, since April, there have
hearLat least.five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi by unidentifie<t
assailants, incll:Jding the June attack against the British Ambassador's convoy_ We
cannot rule out that individuals had previ.ously sUD/eilled U$ facilities ,. a/so
'contributing to the efficacy <?f the attacks _. :. . " ..
The US is wo(king with 'libyan auffiorities and :intelligence partnerS in
an effort to help bring to justice those responsibJe'fpr the deaths of-US citizens.
I ( 1,1 t " ."f.]
Chief, Media Relations Branch, Office' of Public Affairs
I I ..

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
. ..
:;. .
f .'
Vietor, Tommy,[Thomasy._
14, eM :. " '"
.1 < . RhOdes, Ben)Clrmn J.;! . z. i "::'
. v /' .-:"<.
/ .,. : ,:1 .
BE: points'for'reliievt:
[CS')s there'an updated version of internally?:
.;;.. , ,
-....... ... ... --- ... -" ..-.. . .... .. ...... .. -...... - --- --...... -----.-.-
; (/, t). 7. , .. .. -- . , - - . "'j ,--- .. ..,
14, 2G12 3:27 PM
'I.r--'-"--"----.-J . eOOr, Tomm,Y; Benjamin ).; I /'", ;' s S v .y .. "7: ;>
We still have a number of companent:$ coordinating' !tere: :aMwewili have .further edits. We are multi-
tasking due to the time constraints. ' .
I'll send you an updated version around 1600 tpday;
I ( f.I
.; " I I-.. - ---.. ------.. .. .,.. .. .. --'----_ .. .. -'-"-'''-'''''----' '--.. -.. -.
. Sent: Friday, September :14, 2012 3:04'PM,r'- ' ____ _ _________ -.,
$f""'my; Rllodes, BenJamln:l;1 A,5. > 1.-='J':fi .> f
Cc I J {' .; "'-'0<....:....____ ____ --'
:PSCI talking points for reView'
HPSCI has requested. talking points from the OCIA-foruse with media;
Please review the below and re,spond with your comments.ASAP.
Thanks very much,
rf ... '1
0( t
,fiP$CI Talking Points for Use Media.
14 2012

,-==*ay"' ember 14; 2012 5:04 PM ,..--__ ___ _,
Vietor. Rhodes, __ _ _ __ ---1
! "0',' :; , I
Subj6ct: , RE: HPSCI for fevis\i;f
Very sorry for the defav. We've been steadily working on lhem.andlhey are now at'the final stop before coming to you
soon. I'll rush them to you as soon as,possible. '
-..... .... .. ------.- .---.. -----.-.. ---... .... . --. --_ ... _._-_ .. ...
t .... ,/ ( _ _ _____ --1
, ,
I;s there an updated version ofthis I can.circulate internallv?
-- --..... ..... -- ._--. ... - .-.- - _ --.. - - ..... .. --l'o. ---'-...... .......... .......... - ...... -.--.. .....!----... --.-----.. -__ . __ . ..
C , j <: '. 1
We still have a nurriber of components coordinating here.on' points and we will havefurther edits. Weare multi-
tasking due to tl:le time constraints ..
I'll send you an updated version around 1600 today.
. , ._. '.r-
{ / " A1
From: L1./d 0: ;
Sent: friday, September 14,.2012 3:04 PM _ __ ---,;;--_ _____ _ _ ____
To:' Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, 5enjamii'IJ.; [ /v';'5
slllitea:tipsc talking points for review
HPSCI has requested talking points from the use with.the media.
. . '
.-lease revi.ewthe below and respond with your comments 'ASAP'.
ber 14.' 2012 5:05
Cc: (--" J
Subject: !r\ .... tBll(ing points for reView ..
Should we include Shawn Tumeron the coord fur the jU;lintS? ;
';';-';'I :; i --_ .. . __ ... _ ..... -_ .. __ ......... -.--_ .... --.. ' ='''''' -"- . - - - ------. ... ---. ,. .. -,., ........ _ ... ------'-""" . '--
.' ptembeT 14; :2012 3:2TPM'
Vo: Vietor, Tommyi' Rhodes,. BeQjaml1'l 1:; I . v rV, Elf f J )' 1
.Cc ! I l '
SUbject: RE: HPSCI talking pointsJOr
We still have a '!umber of compOnents. coordinating here on paints and we wili have:further edits. We are multi-
tasking due to the time constraints. . . '
I'll send you an updated version around.l600tOOay.
"_' __ 1 _ .. -..... ..--01-- __ ..:.... __ ......./- ........ _..- ..... ___ __ . ... - .- ... ""-------
o'lOm: [(-"j .. -.- _ . n, - .
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 3:04 'Pf!1 ,;-o . _-:;,.---=-_:----:----:-"" _ _____ __ --,
To: Vietor, Tommv; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; LM .'7 ... .) i :': j, .... ,.-1. :/0' j _ ___ _ _ __ -,
. '
Subject: HPSCttalking,
HPSCI has requested'talking,pointsfromtne:OCIA for use' with the m'edia,
Please:reylew the:below and with your comments
Thanks very mUChi
Chief, Media Relations
CIA Office of Public Affairs
Use with the, Media,
, 2012'
Thanks fortne reminder .. Yes. :l told.him we'would.

.. '
Subject: RE:HPSCI talking pointsJor review'
Should we Shawn Turner 9" cqord'for the pointS? '

oNe stilf have a numbef:ofcomponents'cQi:n:dina'tiJig,!'tere on points:and ,we wlll'tlave further edits. We are multi-
tasking due to the time-constraints. '
I!II send you an l!pdated version around 1600 today_
Thanks, -
-, ,
_ ... _ ________ _ ..f'_ .._ __ . __ .. _- .... . .-____ r-_" __ ' -
Sent: Friday; September 14,2012' 3:04 PM
_, ____ _ ____ _______ _ _ --,
To: Vietor,. Tommy; Rhodes, 'Benjamin J.;., /v j -:::; /-"i) \. ,,", .'. 0_, 1JG _ _______ ..J
HPSCI tillldng pbJnts. for review
HPscr hasrequested talking points from the DCIA for use the'.media '.
Please review the below and respond
Thanks very much,
Apologies for the .delay;
Please review.thls revfsedvetslon:
HP5g White Use.wlth the Media
o The available information suggests that thedemonstratlons in' Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by .
the protests at the. US Embassv in Cciiro,and evolvE:d into'a;airect assaUlt'agalnsttf;1e US Consulate ,and subsequentlv
its annex. This assessment may change as additlonal 'information is collected and.analy;z:ed and currently available
information continues'to be evaluated. On 10 September we warned of socia I media calling for a
demonstration in front of the Embassy and, jihadists .were threatening to break lnto the Embassy.
Q; The crowd almost certainly was a mix'of-Individuals from across many sectors 'of.Ubyan society. The investigation is
on-going as to who is responsible for-theviolence. That being said, we 'do 'know that rslamic extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations.
.. ,Initial press reporting finked:the attack to Aosa .... al-Sharia. The group has since released a statement that its
leadership did not order the attaoJ(s, but did not deny that some of its were "involved. Ansar al-Sharia!s
Facebook page aims to In libya and emphasizes the need for jihad to counter what it views as false
interpretations oflslam"accordii:ig,to an stud,v,: '
e, The wide availability of weapons and expei'ienc$d fighters in libya to the lethality of
the attacks. '
$ ' The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremistS'linkedto al-Qa'eda in'Benghazi and eastern
libya. These noted that, since' April, there have been at least five 'other-attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi
bV unidentified assailants, including the against'the British Ambassador's convoy, 'We cannot rule out
that indiy.iduals' had previously. surveilled the: contribirtif1g, to.the: efficacy of the ,attacks.
, .
Q The US Government Is' working wittl,Ubyim aufhoritles and' intelligence.;partners 'in an effort to help bring to justice
those responsible for the"deathsof OS citizens,
Chief, Media Relations
Thanks. Will vet here now.
Apologies for the
__ .. _ ..... _ .. _____ .. _ ._:_ - . -. __ ....._ __ ._._ ... .. _ .. _ ... _. __ . -,- ._0. __ .
PleaSe revlewthis revised version:
HPSCI White POints for Use with the Media.
14 September 2012
The currentlv available information suggests that ;thedemonstrations:in .Benghazl .. were spontaneously inspired by
the- protests at the: us Embassy 'in cairo and evolved into:a'ditect assault against the US CC?nstilate,and subsequently
its annex. This assessment may and a!1alyzed'and currentlY'available
Information continues to be 'evaluated. On 10 September we warned of soc;.!! calling for a
demonstration in front of the ,Embassy that jlhadistS were threatening to break:il'lto the.Embassy.
. "
The crowd almost ce'rtainfy was a mix of individuals from across mariy'se'ctors of l:ibyan.society. The investigation Is
on-going as to who is responsible for the Violence.: That being said, we do know.that !slamlc extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations. ' .
Initial press reporting linked the attack-to Ansar .. :The group has,since released a statement that its
leadership did' not6rder-the attacks, but did 'notdenvthat some were, involved .. Ansar al-Sharia's
Facebook page .aims to'spread sharia.ln UbYiiI and emphasizes the need for]ihad to:CQuriter what it views as' false
interpretations:of Islam, to,an .
II' The wideavailability of we a pons ancf'exPerienced'fighter.s In libya almost certain'!y,contributed to the lethality of
the attacks: .
e The Agency has produced numerous pieces on' the threat of extremists linked to in Benghazi and eastern
Ubya. These .. noted'thai. since April; there have been at feast attacks againstforeign interests in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants, including the.June attack against'the Ambassador.'s.convoy. We cannot rule out
that lndividuals had previo'usly surveilled.lhe US.facilities,'also oontribu'tll)g ,tothe of'the-attacks.
. - - 4
, The US Government.!!; working with'Ubyan,autl\onties and il1telligentepartners i!J an.efforUo help bring to justice
. those respOnSible-for the of US. citizens. ,.; .,', .. .
. sent:
, (
These are talking points for HPSCI's media. They asked the'OCIA.for them today.
White 'House is reviewing and DNris'aware.
Chief, Media Relations
CiA OffICe of Public Affairs
C . I

Sent: friday, September 14. 2oi2 'S:09' PM!
'a: Rhodes, Benjamin J.; '-:-5:->7 .. - -f/-....
Cc:' (/.; ,,' awn 5 Turner
Subject; Revfsed HPSCI Talking Point:s
Apologies for-the,delay.
please review this reVised version: '
H"!SCI White Pape,'TalkirtgPoirtts for Use'witfi the Media
-' 201? '
The currently'avallable information suggests that the demonstrationS in Benghazi'were spontaneously inspired by
the protests at.the US EmbaSSy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against-the US Consulate and subsequently
its annex This assessment.maY.change as additlonal information is collected and analyzed and currentlv avC!ilable
information contInues'to be evaluated. ',On 10 September we warned of social media reports calling for a '
demonstration in front oftfle thatjihadists werethreatening to into the Embassv.
The crowd almost certainly was a mix of indiviquals from across'many sec;:t'!rs 'of libyan society. The investlgatlon is
on-going as to who is. responsible for the violence. '1hat'beil'lg said; we, do Islamic extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations., ' " - , ,
Initial press-reporting'linked the-attacK to'Ansar al-Sharla. The groiJp'has since,released:a 'statement that its
leadership,dld not order the !lot,deny or.itS members were
-.. .
Facebool< page alms to spreai:t sharia In'Ubya and empHasizes the neeCI for Jthag, to counter what it views as fatse
interpretatipns of Islam; accordin.g:to an open source'study,
o The wide availability of weagons and -exPerienced libYa almoSt certain IV c.ontributed to. the lethality of
the. attacks. ' ... . - . : . - .
The Agency has prOduced"humerous pie(!E!s on the thre'at of extreniistsJinked to alfQaeda in Benghazi and eastern
libya. These noted -tliat" sinceApril, have been at least fIVE! other'attacks against rnterests In f3enghazi .
tiV unidentified assailants, 'Including the June:attack:agalnst the Britlsh.Ambassadofs cOnvoy. We.cannot rule oat
that individuals had prevIously surveilled.the US facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.
. . . , . .
o The US Government is working with libyab authorities and intelligence.partnersin an effortto help bring to justice
those of :. . .
Thanks, .
ChIef, Media Relations
CIA Office of Public Affairs.
. 1
, I
... . . . . II
!c: , . f, ' c'
I I Talki,!19 P.oints for
I'm told that Chairman Rogers'inteniis,to use ti'iese talking pOintS on Sunday.
Kindly respond to this note indjcating that:vou've reviewed ,these talking points ASAP,
Subject: FW: :Revised HPSCI Talldng Points
fYl .
hese are talking points for'HPSCI's use.with media. asked the DCJA forlherrt today .
White House is reviewing and DNUs
Chief, Media Relations
. CIA Offfce of Public Affairs
[ I
.. --..... -.0_- '
To: Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; I Ai S;:, lShawn S Turner
.Sa HPSCI Polqts:for:'ReVjew'
Apologies.for delay .
Please reView this reVised verSlon:
] ,
know you're trying-to'move these fast so an initial 'round in 3 of
buUet 1 for added clarity. Denis would also like to make'sure the highlighted portlQns are full coordinated with
the State Department inthe,event they get inquries. " .
HPSCI White Paper TalkingPOints for'Usa with'the Media
14 September 2012
Q The currently available infOrmation suggests that inspired by
the protests at the US Embassy In Cairo'and evolved into a direct assault against:the liS Consulate and subsequently
its annex. ThiSassessmenl'!'ay change as additional'information is collected and currently available
information continues to be evaluated; On 10 September we warned of soda I media reports calling for a
demonstration in front of-Embassy CAIRO and thatJihadists werethreatenlngto:break into the Embassy.
- - - ..
e The crowd almost certainlY was a mix'of Individuals frofl1:across many sectors of libyan society; The is
on-going as to who is responsible for the violence.. That'being saId, we do know that Islamic extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations.
Initial press reporting IInkE!!d the attack to 'Ansar TIle groupl1@s since:released.a statement that its
leadership dId ncit order the attacks, but.did not denvlhat some of its members were invoJved. Ansar al-Sharfa's
Facebook page alms to spread sharla in libya and emphasizes the ne/?dforJihad to tounter: what it views as false
of {slam,.according to an study,
The wide availability of weapons and,experlenced,fighters' in Ubya almost.certainlV the lethality of
the attacks. . ,
e' The Agency has produced numerous pieces on of in Benghazi and eastern
libya. These noted that, since April, beenafleast.five other attacks againstforeign ftiterests in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants,.includlng the June attack agaihsUhe British Ambassador's convoy. We cannot rule out
that individuals had previously surveilled the US facilities, also efficacy of the, attacks.
The US GOVernment is working with and ,partnersJ!1 an'effort to help bring to justIce
those responsible for ttle deaths of US'
Thanks very much for.your prompt response, Tommv.
Will send over to STA.TE.
- . -"'Y' ,_ ,_ ... _ __ ____ _ ... _ ..... -.. " >-_. ___..:._ ..... ____ .... - - ....... .. _-:-. __ . _:_ ....... _,..__ .:.__ _____ __ ... __ ._ .. _ ... _ ___ __ _
From: Vietor, Tommy [mall.fu:Thomas....f._VletoO
Se . ptember 14,2012,6:21 PM '--------'
To 1:'1..) <:' //'-.,{ Rhodes, Benjamin ) :-7 .
'...y' Shawn S Turner '
ea: : 'Revised HPSCI Talking Points for 'Review:
know yOu'rlHrying to move these fast so here's an initial round of edits. One small tweak In' sentence 3 of
bullet 1 for added darity. Denis would also like to make sure the highlighted portions are full coordinated with
the State Department'il! the get inqurie?_ .
White Paper Talldng Points for Use with' the Med1"
The' currently available infonnation suggests:that the i:femonstrations'in 'Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by
the proteSts at the US Embassy in ,cairo and evolved into a direct as_sault against the US Consulate and,subsequently
its annex. This assessment may changeas.additiorial information is collected and analyzed and currentlv. available
Information continues to be, evaluated. 00, September we warned of-social media reports calling for a
demonstration in ,front of and that were' threatening to break into the Embassy.
e, The crowd almost certainly was a mix ofindililduals from 'across manv.sectors of Libyan society. The investigation is
'on-going as to who is responsible for: That being said,.we do know that Islamic extremists participated
In the violent demonstrations. . , : '
.' Initia! press reponing liriked the' attack toAnsar The group :has since released a statement that its
leadership did not order the attacks, but did not deny that some of its:members were involved. Ansar al-Sharia's
Facebook page alms to,spread shariain libya emphasizes the neetffof.jihadto counter what it views as false
Interpretations of to .an open sOlJr.ce '
The wide availability of weapons anq experienced fighters In LIbya almost certarnly contributedto the lethality of
the attacks. . '
The Agency produced numerous pieces' on the threaf of eXtremiSts In and eastern
LibVa. These noted that, since :there have been at least.five other. ags,instforefgn.interests in Benghazi
by unidentIfied assailants, -including the June attack against the Sritisij.Ambassador.'s'convoV. We cannot rule out
that individuals had previously surv.eilled the us f.ldlitles, also COritritjuting to .the'efficacy of the attacks .
I ( .. . .'
Fnaay. September 14, 201'2 6:33 PM

HPSCI.TalRing Points for review
HPSCI requested' these talkers from.the DeJA tti,is morning.
The, White House has' reviewed them and wanted to ensure that ,you saw' them - especially portions
highlighted by the White House. . '
Kindly:iridicate that you ,have reviewed these paints. ' We are;plar:anlni 'on transmitting to the Hill tonight.
, " .' ' ... . )
HPSCi White points'for Use with,the Media
The currently available infOrmation sU'ggests tnat the demonstrations'in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by
the protests at the US Embassy In Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequentlv
,its annex. This may change as.additional is' collected and analyzed:and currently available
information continues to be e\laluated. On 10 September we warned of-social media ,reports calling for a
demonstration in front of Eniba,ssy cAIRO and thatjihadists were-threatening tOibreak into the .Embassy.
- .. _. - '; .
The crowd almost certainly was a mix of Individuals'from across many sectors ofUbyan society. The investigation is
on-going as to who is responsible for the violence. That we' do know that Islamic extremists participated
In the violent demonstrations.
Initial press reporting lin:ked the-attack to ria. The group.hassince released a statement that its
leadership did not order the attacks" but did ;not'den.V that some of itS memb.ers \folere involved. Ansar al-Sharia's
Facebook page aims to spread" sharia in Libya and emphaslzes tt1t! needJor jihad to counter what it views as false
interpretations of Islam" according to an opensourc,E! study;
e The wide availability of weapons and experienced.fighters Ir:a Ubya almost certainly contributed to the lethality of
the ,attacks .
; The Agency has produced numerous pieces 011- the' linked to al-Qaeda .ln,Benghazl and eastern
libya. These noted that, since, Ap!,iI, there at least five'other against in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants,Jncluding.the June attack'against the convoy. We cannot rule out
that individuals had previously,surveilled, the US also contributing to the efficacy:of the attacks.
The US GO\lernment is workil"!g:with.Ubyan intelligence partners in an eff6rUo help bring to justice
those responsible forth,e l:Ieaths of'\JS:Citiiens.
From: shawn S Turner"
; tember 14, 20126:41 PM "
y; Rhoctes; BenjaminJ.:! /l/.i'S, .',"
t'- i/ / '''/$ J . L- , _ _ _ _ ........;----" _ ______ 1
Cc: '::-1 , . .:.... r _-,
HE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review.
I've been. very careful not to say we issued a .warning .. Any concer.':!s with adjusting.the highlighted line to say:
G On 10 September we notified Emb'lssV Cairoof social media reports calling for a .encouraging
jihadists to break Intothe Embassy; .
....... .... -.. _'.--..... .. - ,..... ___ ....... _ .... _ __ ..... ; ....... _ . /_ ... .,. .... :....--..... ..... .. --.-: ... ...... _ ... r __ __ .... . - , _ . . .... _ _ . ... . ... -
From ,,(/ i' ,
Sent: Friday, September 2012 _ ___ ________ _ -,
To: V!etQr, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; I N'- o!" ";V '>
Cc: tcJ{tj Shawn S Turner . L-, .:...; .%1,-, ' f ..... f'-"" 5 _____ _ ---'
Subject: RE: RevISed HPSCITaJldng Points for Re'!iew:
very much for your
Will send over to ,STATE,
I eN
_. '-- .. ....... -.- .. -........ ---:---"'--.. _- ... ... ' .. -';.- -.. -':'-' --- ------.-<.-,..- -.,_ .......... - ..... -.. __ .--..... --...... _- .. .. .
know you're trying,to move these fast so an Initial round small tweak in sentence 3 of
bullet 1 for addeddarity. Denis would alsOJike to make'sure the"highlighted portions are full.coordinated with
the State Department in the event that get: inquries. . ' . .
HPSCI white Paper Talking Points fur Use with
. .14Septe":1ber 2q,12
e, The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in' Benghazi;were spontaneously inspired by
the protests atthe'US Emoillssy in Cairo and evolved into a dlrectassault US Consulate and subsequentlv
itsannex. This. assessment may change as additional information is collected and 'analyzed and currentlY'available
information continues to be evaluated, On'10 September we warned ofsocial reports calling for'a
demonstration in front of Embassy CAIRO and that jihadists. were break into. the Embassy,
- - t
The crowd almost ceJ1ainlywas a mix of indlVidi,Jals from across many sectors oHibyan society. The investigation is
on-going as to whois responsible for-the:violence .. That we do 'know_ that Islamic extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations.
Initial press reporting linked the Ansaral-Shaiia. 'riie group has since releasei::t a statement that its
leadership did not order toe attacks; but did not deny that some;ofits members .were involved: Ansar al-Sharia's
J - 4

looping in State. I think that's .a good adjustment.
--'-' .. _--_ .. . - .' , --- - ' .... _ .. .. -.. -.- ... _ ........ -... - ... -..
From: Shawn 5 Turner
14,20126:41 PM
1:0: c"!;f c/'., Vietor, Tommv; Rhodes, Benjamin 1., I ,(' s: 07.t 5
Cc: / *I : ,/
Subject: RE! Revised HPSq Talkln'g POInts fOr Review
I've been very careful not to say we issued. a Any with adi!Jsting the first: higtilighted line say:
ct On 10 September we notified Embassy Cairo of scx;ial media reports calling for a demonstratibn and encouraging
jihadists to.break into the Embassy, . . .
V-' ....... .. ..... -. - _ - _ ........... ... . -.-.. -- ......... .. u - ..... ,0 .. . '
-_h. _____ ..... _ - "r-'
To: rj;, Tommy;, Benjamin ld /vS5.,. d t1..' ' , /j f;
Cc: ;J. Shawn 5 Turner '----'--....;;... _ _ '--'--",-.....::....:.......-.:...;:..:!....!.;.;.,.. _______ _l
RE: Revised HPSO T<i!king POints for Review.
Thanks verv much for your prompt response, Tommy.
Will over to STATE.
" , 0 '-__ , . . ... . . . _ , _ .... _ " , . , .... '" ... .. ........ _ _ - . _ _ . . . .... . ...... .. -
F.rom: 'Vietor, Tommv [roallto:TAomas F. - .. ,' .. - " ,', T .....,. ' " '" _..... -. no -.. .. .. . - . ,
, ptember 14,. 2012 6,r:2""'-1..L.PL.!Mc.......-.,---.......,.... _________ ___
To: CF"" Rhodes, Be!1jamln l.J tv _ _ _ _ ......J
Cc: ;; : wn STumer .
Subject: RE: Revised. HPSCLTalking Points for RevieW'
know yoU're trying to. move these fast so here"san Initial r4und of editS. One small tweak in sentence 3. of
bullet 1 for added darity. Denis wouid also like to make,sure the hlghlfghtecf portions are .full coordinated with
the State in t"e event that they get inqurles.
HPSCI White Paper Talking Polms for Use with the
14 Septe,mfier 2011'
The currently available information suggests 'that the demonStrations irrBenghazi were spontaneously Inspired by
the protests at the- US Embassy in Cairo and eyolved into a direct a.ssautt 'against the US Cqnsuiate and subsequently
its annex. This assessment may change as.addltlonallnforrT!ation is collected and analyzed available
FYI, Brennan will nave edits. 1m waiting for those.
= =====-,=========; ---'- - .--.. _._ .. _._-_... _ .. _---.-. -----.. - ._ ... --... , ..... _--...
Looping in State. I think that's' a good adjustment.
... . - .. --.. -- .-.-.-.--"I.---.-- -.... ........ .... .. ...-..... ____ ...--.. -...--.---- .----
I've been very careful say we issueci"a with.adjusting the first highlighted line to say:
On 10 September we notified EmbasSY'Cairo of social media reports'calling for a demonstration. and encouraging'
jihadists to break into the EmbasSy; . . . . - . .
From:.1 CJ; .:> . - .. --.- .- - .. --:--... .... -""7":--.. - - ........ .. - ---- --- . ---
Sent: Friday, September 14,. -2012 6:24
Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin .. l!.Jlu>L-_ ___ _ _ -l
'/ 'lg." Shawn 5 Turner' '" -'.. ."
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI.Tallcing Points fur. Review
Thanks very much-forvour prompt response, Tommy.
Will send over to STATE.
.. --- .- .. - .. ----- - . ... -.--.. ---- - --.-.
From: Vietor, Tommy maittn:Tfio!'l1M F,YletQQ I
...... 14, 20126:F21"-'-'PM--'-_ _ ----,,-___ _ -:-___ ____
To: /..J :."': . Rhodes, J.; I / 'v :.f ("{ <." t<..:,,'-J I"'-" .. ....... >.!. _ _ _ _ _ ---0-.::=1
Cc: awn 5 Turner . 7
Subject: RE: Revised .HPSO Talking. pOif!t's for.
I know '!ou' re trying to move these fast edits.,One small tweak in.sentence 3 of
bullet 1 for added darity. Denis would also' like to make surethe are full coordinated with
the State Department in the event that they get inquries. . --
1 .
. '1/
" 5
, "
Vietor . Tommy rrIi6maS::.. :oJ
14, 2012 6:52r-PwNt,--'
S Tumer
HPSCI.TaJlOr'ig ,PointS for ReView-
. .. ....
John's edits are below.,Mostly in'bullet 2.
I like the edit Shawn sent
-.... ...
all: } know these Rsfso here's'an'lpltfar round ohditS; '.Onesmall tweak in sentence 3'of
bullet 1 for added clarity. Denis would also liketb the highlighted portions are-full coordinated with
State Department in.the event that they getiliquries. -
'HPSO. White Paper TatlOng poims:for Use with the Media
. , . . .
The currently available Infoonation suggests tnat the dertionstr.atio!1s :In. Bengl1azi'!llere spontaneously inspired by
the protests atthe US Embassy in Cairo and evolved Into,s (i1rec.t assault against.the US Consulate and subsequently
its annex. This assessment"may change as.addiflonal and'analYzed and currently,available
Information continues to be evaJuated. On 10 we warned of social media reports, calling for a
demonstration in front of EmbasSy'CAIRO and thatjihadists were to?break Into the Embassy.
The Investigation is on-goingas to who is responsibleforthe:vi,olenee. aithougfi.the crowd almost.certalnly was a
mix of individuals. know that Islamic-extremists participated in t1Je violent'demonstrations.
Initia.' press' reporting linked the attacJ< to Ansar .. slrn::e.Teleased,a statement that 'its
leadership did not order the attacks, but did 'riOtdenv that some of its members were involved: Ansar
Facebook page a]msto. $pread'sharia In Ubya .and emphasizes the neet;! for 1ihad to counter what it views as false
interpretations of Islam, accofdiilg to an ape,n study.
8 The wide.availability of weap()nsandexperlenced lethality of
the attacks. . -. . - . . -
The Agency has produced numerouS' pieces on the threat of eXti:emfsts linked to,a! Bengf'lazi and eastern
UbVa. These noted that, have been at least five.other.atta!=k$ against foreign.lntere.Sts in Benghazi
by unidentified including,the )l,Ine' attack' aganlst .the:-BritlsliAmbas.sador.s convoy. We cannot ruleout
that individuals had thecUSJacilities; afSo;oontlibuth:lg .. to-tf\e'efficacy.of the attacks,
The I:'S Government Is working with libyan a",d intelligence partners In 'an effort to' help bring tojustice
those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.
> ...... -
'( /.'"
; !..=; ;
Excellent. Will implement.
Thanks, TommV
-----.. i=====:;-.--.--.. .J--- -----...- '----,.J".--........ -.. ----...
From: VIetor, Tommy [maUto:TJiomasJ ._Vletorrda.. __ -.--,-_::=J
To: ( , RhOdes, Benjamin J.;I :-v /' r ,4" '
September 14, 2012 PM .
cc: d,. Shawn S Turner l.... --__ --'--L' "-lS",""' S'--_____ -'
St,IbJect: RE: Revised HPSCl Talking PoInts Review
John's edits are below. Mostly in bullet 2.
I like the edit Shawn sent around.
--:---'-... -,-... - _ ...... . - ..----... --..;....---...... - .--.--.. .. ... ..... -..... --------.. -----.... ""--... ---.
I know you're trying to move these fast an'h'jltial round of edits. One small tweak in'sentence 3 qf
bullet 1 for added clarity. Denis would also like to make sure the coordinated with
the State in the event that they get hlquries .
HPSCI White Paper Talki"g Points 'for'USe with the.:Media
14 September 2012
The currentlv available' ir'lformatlon.suggests,that the in"Benghazi were'spontaneously.jnspired by
the protests at the US Embassy; in Cairo and evolved into.a direct ass3tJlt:against the US Consulate. and' subsequently
its annex. This assessment may change as'additional information is collected and 'analyzed and currently. available
information continues to be'evaluated. On 10 september we wa rned of-social media reports.calllng.for a
demonstration in' front of EfTlbassy CAIRO and thatjihadist5:were threateniilg-to break
13 The investigation is.orf-going as to Who is 'responsible for. the violence .. altf10ugh the .crowd almost,certainly was a
mix of individuals. Wedo know that .Islamlc.extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.
Initial press reporting linked the.attack, The. group has since' released a statement that its
leadership didnot order the' attacks, but did riot deny thatsome of .were.involved. Ansar al-Sharla's
Facebook page spread sharia in. libya and emphasizes the need 'for jihad to counter.what It vIews as false
interpretations .of Islam, according to a'n open source. study ..
(f%' C';'
Sent: .
Nuland, VlCt6lia J [nulandvjC '
Friday; September 14, 2012 7' - .
NSC Deputy PressSecre hodes,
.. 1 .
RE: Revised HPSClTalking Points for
Are these for open or hearing? If "knowing" were extremists among
the demonstrators will' come back to us at podium - do we know,.whowere they, etc ... So ,'I!
need answers to those if we line, f?<.
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
;=:===.===;----., ...
FYI, Brennan will'have
.. -. - ... ..- --"----.- .... -.. ----- --.-.. ..... -.. -..-------."'. __ .... --.. ...' . .......---_._---._--
,.. , S
('/.1 '
Subject:. RE: Revised HPSO Talking POints for Review
looping in State. I think that's .
..... . __ .. __ ... .-._.-,. __ .. ..,- ________ .. __ ._ .._ ..._____ .-_ .......... .. --.. - -:-- _ ... _._ .... IjI># ..... . l _____
From: Shawn S Turner
. ptember 14, 2012 6:41 PM
(/1.;" leWr, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; ... , ..; ,, : :' s
Cc: II 1.
SUbject: RE: Revised HPSO Talking fo,r
I've been very not to. say we .issued 'a!Naming,'Any concerilS'with adjustingtheJirst highlighted say:
I ' '
On 10 September we notified Embassv. Cairo of social-media reports calling for a demonstration,and encouraging
jihadists to break into the . . . . .
( ,:'- / .. ;. -... 7;;-- .-... ...... ... , --..... .. ---.. .. -................ -... .. -....... - h,....' ...:-_______ .. _---_--_____ _
nu t / . i.,':
Frlday, September 14, 2012:6:24'PM
0: VIetor, Tommy; Benjamin, r ------::;;-------------,

. f .
C2iJ we are faking look and I will reSpond back.
_ __ _ _
Cc ;14 cf4 r
H1 sep .. 18:04:08 2012
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for ReView
tmtold that Chairman Rogers,intends use these talking points.on'Sunday.
Kindly respond to this note indicating that you've reviewed these talking points ASAP_
Colleagues: .
These are talking points for HPSCl's use-with the media. asked DelA for them today .
. White and ONI is aware.
;' . J
Chief, Relations.
CIA Office of Public Affairs
I ,.
.. _.-_ .. _- _-.'_.- _ .. _ .... ... .. --.
To: Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; /=t1:;,) f:' i i <;. iA-/{ :'}:tU>
' 1
Sa tember 14, 2012:7:?9
/ ( )., (I I
FW: Ra; ised HP'SCI Talking:Points for Review
Guvs - - seeToria's question below. Can we.soften this i
. .
- - .... --.. ... ---... _- ."" --_ . _--..... _._.. . .. ___ ..... _ _ ._.>_ .. - . _-- - .....-.--:-0.--- "':'I - ' __ - .... -- . - .. _ ... __ t"--o ____ _ ____ _ . .. _ ..
from: Nurand, Victoria J [mallto:nulandvJQ I '.
Sent: Niday, september 14, 2012 7:16 PM .
. ShaWn ('i..J (.';."1 IRhodes,.Benjamln J.; I,A.- S 5
('.. . I ' .
L...-Lr _ _ ;"''' __ I- .. 'N' I",!, if,-'s;2[7 / . . '
Ccl t..}' ..
SU etFR'E: Revised HPSO Talking' Points
Are these for open or dosed If open, tne.line ':knowing"there were extremists among
the demonstrators will come back to us at podium - how do we kn.ow, who were they, etc... So l'l!
need answers to those if we deploy that line, tx. . .
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
.r===:.:: -.:.: - = .. .. .. -.r_- -... --... ....
FYI, Brennan will have edits. 1m waiting for those.
......... ,......,=:c,......, ....... -----,r--- --.... --:---.----.. ----.. --.. .. __ .. ... -'--
looping in State. I think tftat's a
, - - ,. --_ -' . ... - . ----.....-.-.-..- . _----.... - ... ---::.-. .. - - .. !"' - - --...... ----- --.. ... - _. _ - _ .. ---.-.=....... _ ..,-
Subject:RE: Revised HPSCI TalkJf)9 ?ofnts for
lie been very'careful not to'sav we issued'a warning. highlighted line to say:
Cc: .
SUbJect: .
I just had a convo I now understand that these ar:e.bei("!g prepared to give to Members
of Congress to use with
O'n thafbasis; I have.serious concerns about ali the' parts. highlighted below, and arming members of
Congress to start making assertions to the medfa'thatwe ourselves are not making because we. don't
wanno prejudice the investigation'. ' " .
In same vein, why do we want H,lI'to be fingering -Ansar alShar:ia, when wearen't doing that
ourselves until we have irivestigationresults.:. and the 'penultimate point-could be abused by
Members to beat the State.Department, for not paying' Agency warnings so why do we
want to feed that either? Concemed ...
+Jake Sullivan, Dave Adams here
This email is UNCLASSIAED .
- . ... . . . _ _ , ,- ._ .... .. .... "' _ _ _ ._ ,' __ . , __ __ . _. ___ ' . _. _ . ___ __,..' __ _ _ __ _-. . _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ . .......... . __ . _ , ..... . _ ._ .... _ _ _ -_ . _ -- . _ - _'"- _ _ ,. _ . _ ,
SUbject: RE: Revised HPSQ Talking Points for .Review
Are these for open or closed hearing?' 'If open, the Jlri'e about '!RnowingJl therewere extremists among
the demonstrators will come back-to us at podium f}ow:do we.know,who were-theY, etc ... So ,'/I
need answers to those if"we deploy' that line, tx.
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

C';Qm with CTO. we some CC?ncems: "
1. The.accuracy of the sentence. of the first bullet pOint which states "On .10 september we warned of'social media
reports calling for a demonstration in frnnt' of the Embassy and that jihadists were threatening to.break into the Embassy."
And- who is that is referenced?
2. We recommend editing the"1ast sentence in the seCond buller-point to "That being said; there are indications that
Islamic extremists participated in the violent 0-
' will be free to about 2O:minutes.if necessary.,
Subject: Re: Revised' HPSCI Talking Points for'RevieW
1 t/4 we are taking a look and I will back.
. ,.A j-

/"1 (
r .r. _________________ _
Sent: Fri Sep 14 18:04:08 2012
Subject: RE: Revised Review.
I'm told that Chairman Rogers intends to use ttlese'talking'points 0('1 Sunday.
Kindlv respond to this note indicatingthat you've talking ..
.-----.-- -l .. . .. ------- .. --- - .. ---'---.,..--, .... -,,--- .-----... - .-.... .. .. -- .... --..
. Fromi . '
Sent: Frida tember 14 20125:20 PM
Cc {1,le(.': -,-- .'-------------
. ec.t: FW:: Revised HPSCI Points for: Review
Sent: .
[ , '- /.,; c/EJ
Friday, September 14, 20127:52 PM
Nuland, Victoria J; NSC Deputy P
Benjamin Meehan, Bemadette;
, AdamS10avid .. ff , ,;';': , p'
I _ . . .
RE: Revised HPSCI Talking. Points for Review
On.that very issue; Toria, we are to hearback from the Bureau; R/11
. ..
. .... I ... . _ . ____ - ___
/'just had a 'convo with/ and I now.understand that these are:being give to
of Congress to use with the media.
On that basis, I-have serious concerns about all-the parts highlighted below, and arming members of
Congress to start making assertions to the-media that we are not making because we don't
'vant to prejudice the i'nvestigation.
In' same vein, why do' we want Hill to pe fingering Ansa! al. when we aren't doing that
ourselves until we have investigation results... and the penultimate point could be abused by
Members to beat the State Departmeht for not -paying so why do we
want to feed tliat efther7 Concer.ned... .
+Jake Sullivan, Dave Adams here'
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
. .
_ .. _._-_._-_ .. _-_ ... _-_ .... ..... _._-. - .-.,.......----"' ... ...... -

(/.<.1 f \(/,
" . r L I.";
SUbject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
with Toria. The last bulJet espeCiallV',!"iII reC!d to members we had been repeatecf!v warned .
. _ _. ___ __ _ . "." _ __ ".,,,,, __ "_._"'_''' ___ ___ ' '' __ ' ''' __ '_I!-_______ ._ . ____ ... ___ .. ,
From: Nuland, Victoria] _
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 7:39 PM ' -
To: Nuland, Victoria!i NSC Press [/61 {" ' :J L-:I"'1' :J
Rhodes, BenjaminJ_,1 /\);;..'J /" ," ',",,-: \ r". 7 r ISullivant.JacobJ;
Adams David S - - .. _....:.!:... _ _______ ---l.
(y iJ - -- .
Subj : RE: Revised HPSClTalking Points for-Review
, ,
I just had a convo and I. now understalld that these ar.e being prepared give to Members
of Congress to use with the media. -
On that basis, I have serious concerns about all the parts highlighted below"and arming members of
Congress to start making assertions to the that w.e ourselves arenot.making because we don't
want to prejudice the investigation,
in ,same vein, wh.v dO' we want H.iil'tobefingei:lng',Ansar al Sharia, when, we_aren't doing that
ourselves,until we.have investigation results.,', 3!1d the penultimate point .could be abused by
Members to beat the.State Department for not paying to Agency warnings so why do we
want to' feed that either? Concerned,., .
+Jake Dave Adams here
This email is UNCLASSIFIED_
Are these for open or closed hearing?lf'open. the-line .aboutl'knowing" there were extremists among
he demonstrators will come :back to hov.i do we who-were they, -etc_,. So "II
need answers to those .if we deploy that:line, tx:.
Vietor, Tommy [Thomas_F._Vietor@'t ' . ]
Friday, September 14,20128:58 PM
Nuland, Victoria J; Sullivan, Jacob J; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; Sm rt:::. PA
RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
We will use these too
----Original Message---
From: Nuland, Victoria J [nulandyj@ :1
Sent: Friday, September 14,201208:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Vietor, Tomm:y; Sullivan, Jacob J; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; St-k"\>A-
Subject: Re: HPSCI Talking Points for Review
are points for Congress to use w pres.s. Shdnt they be consistent with our own public lines if we are
recommending them?
From: Vietor, Tammy [mailto:Thomas_F._Vietor@' ]
Sent: Frfday, September 14, 201208:43 PM
To: Sullivan, Jacob J; Rhodes, Benjamin J. <Benjamin_J._Rhodes@1 .
Subj ect: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
>; PA ; Nuland, Victoria J
There is massive disinformation out there, in particular with Congress. They all think it was premeditated based
on inaccurate assumptions or briefings. So I think this is a response to not only a tasking from house intel
committee but also NSC guidance that we need to brief members/press and 'correct the record
-----Oricinal Mcssage-----
b .
From: Sullivan, Jacob J [Su
1ivanJJ@ J
Sent: Friday, September 14,2012 08:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: Rhodes, BenjaminJ.; Vietor, Tommy; S'TATE:' FA ,Nuland, Victoria]
Su.bject: FV.l: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
Skinnying list. I do not understand the nature of this exercise. And some of the statements below are new by me. Can
we have a conversation before this goes out?
From: Adams, David S
Sent: Friday, September 14, 20128:39 PM
To: NuJand, Vlct-oria J; NSC Deputy Press Secretary; , U r, ... () ? '''' ..
Rhodes, Benjamin J.; N SS I W H P
Cc:' c., A (;) c::.A .
Subject: R.E: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
; Shawn.Turner@( ,; J- "':' 1'4 0"?'1 _ f
; STATE ptA .: Sullivan, Jacob J
I'm with Toria. The last bullet especiaJly will read to members like we had been repeatedly warned.
From: Nuland, Victoria J
Sent: Friday, September 14,20127:39 PM
TO: Nuland, Victoria J; NSC Deputy Press Secretary; !
lodes, Benjamin J.; N -J W f-f P
Adams, David S
Cc: CIA oc:..A
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
CIA tl i>!'},
G tA 0 f' (\ Shawn.Turner@!

: Sullivan, Jacob J;
I just had a convo with I and J now understand that these are being prepared to give to Members
of Congress to use with the media.
On that basis, I have serious concerns about aU the parts highlighted below; and arming members of
Congress to start maki ng assertions to the media that we ourselves are not making because we don't
want to prejudice the investigation.
In same vein, why do we want Hill to be fingering Ansar al Sharia, when we aren't doing that
ourselves until we have investigation results... and the penultimate point could be abused by
Members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings so why do we
want to feed that either? Concerned ...
+Jake Sullivan, Dave Adams here
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
From: Nuland, Victoria ]
Sen"::; Friday, September 14, 21)127:16 PM
-0: l:ljes5 <:;ecretary; _ C\A Of' { . Sh?wn.T'Jmer(-
N SS} H P if1/. E-SS S'i'1'4 P J:')
'Cc: C{ A oCA
_. Rhodes, Benjamin J.;
Subj ect: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
Are these for open or-closed hearing? If open, the line about tlknowing"-there were extremists among
the demonstrators will come back to us at podium - how do we know, who were they, etc ... So I'll
need answers to those if we deploy that line, tx.
This email is UNCLASSIFIED.
From: Vietor, Tommy [mailto:Thomas F. Vietor@'
Sent: Fridav. Seotember 14, 2012 6:48 PM
To. (1 .. 1- .. Shawn.Turner@ _ c,.,\ dPA ; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; N $5 I
WI-f Nuland, Victoria J; S-m-re FA
Cc. Oc..A
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCl Talking Points for Review
FYI, Brennan will have edits. 1m waiting for those.
----------------------_ .. _-----------------
. -rom: l CUi OPfl;
Sent: Fnday, September 14, 2012 6:43 PM
To: Shawn.Turner@ OI'; 0 __ ; Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjarr; - N SSP R. $S' )
WH PIlESS nuland\a@ ;: snnE f'A
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
L?oping in State. I think that's a good adjustment.
from: Shawn 5 Turner
Sent: Friday, September 14,20126:41 PM
To: (!.IA CfA; Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, BenjaminJ.; NSS j WH
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
I've been very careful not to say we issued a warning. Any concerns with adjusting the first highlighted line to say:
o we notified Embassy Cairo of sociaJ:media reports calling for a demonstration and encouraging
jihad'ist"s to 'break into the Embassy. -
From: ell\" o?'A
Sent: Friday, September 14, 20t2 6:24 PM
To: Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin J .; N s.s -lf1J If f'P-.sS
Cc: (I" Ishawn S Turner '
Subject: RE: Revised HPScr Talking Points for Review
Thanks very much for your pmmpt response, Tommy.
Will send over to STATE.
-----. __ .... ,.. -, . ---.. -----
From: Vietor, Tommy [mailto:Thomas F. Vietor@'
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 6:21 PM
'------ '- '- - '- - ---'- ---".' .. _.-" -------- ---
To: UA JP It ; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; N SS I W rf P
Cc: QA DaShawn S Turner
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
LJjA, cr/r
, I know you're trying to move these fast so here's an initial round of edits. One small tweak in sentence 3 of
bullet 1 for added darity. Denis would afso like to make sure the highlighted portions are full coordinated with
the State Department in the event that they get inquries.
HPSCI White Paper Talking Points for Use with the Media
14 September 2012
o The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghali were-spontaneousiv inspired by
the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved.into' a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequer.ttly
its annex. -This assessment may change as additional iflformation is collected and analyz.ed and currently available
information continues to be evaluated. On 10 September we warned of social media reports calling for a
demonstration in front of Embassy CAIRO and that jihadists were threatening to break into the Embassy. {this is ok
as changed above ... }
The crowd almost certainly was a mix of individuals from across many sectors of Libyan society. The investigation is
on-going as to who is responsible for the violence. That being said, we do know that Islamic extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations.
o The wide availability of weapons and experienced fighters in Libya almost certainly contributed to the lethality of
the attacks.
~ The US Government is working with libyan authorities and intelligence partners in an effort to help bring to justice
those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.
from: ' .... C I{ 0 f'J-; 1
Sent: Friday, September 14, 20125:09 PM
To: Vietor, Tommy; Rhodes, Benjamin J.; N 55 i Yi/f-{ PP-f,.SS
Cc: c:.../A O<':A Shawn,Turner@t .
Subject: Revised HPSCI Talking Points tor R.eview
please review this revised version:
HPSCI White P a ~ l e r Talking Points for Use with the Media
14 September 2012
o The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by
the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently
its annex. This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and currently available
information continues to be evaluated. On 10 September we warned of social media reports calling for a
demonstration in front of the Embassy and that jihadists were threatening to break into the Embassy.
<I) The crowd almost certainly was a mix of individuals from across many sectors of Libyan society. The investigation is
on-going as to who is responsible for the violence. That being said, we do know that Islamic extremists participated
in the violent demonstrations.
G Initial press reporting linked the attack to Ansar al-Sharia. The group has since released a statement that its
leadership did not order the attacks, but did not deny that some of its members were involved. Ansar al-Sharia's
Faeebook page aims to spread sharia in libya and emphasizes the need for jihad to counter what it views as false
interpretations of Is/am, according to an open source study.
The wide availability of 'weapons and experienced fighters in Ubya almost certainly contributed to the lethality of
the attacks.
The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremists linked to al-Qaeda in Benghazi and eastern
libya. These noted that ; since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign Interests in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants,. including the June attack against the British Ambassador's convoy. We cannot rule out
that individuals had previously sunieilled the US faCilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.
The US Government is working with Ubvan authorities and intelligence partners in an effort to help bring to justice
those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.
Chief, Media Relations
CIA Office of Public Affairs
Here's where we stand 'as of this hour.
Everyone has submitted' coordination
The State Department had major reservations with much or moSt: of the dpcument. We revised'the document'with their
concerns in mind. the latest versio.n is below, as sent to State, '

-.-;.. .... . .. , .... -. , ....... --..---... ... -.. --_. '--- _ ... _ .. -- . .... .
. , .
We further discussed the HPSCI talking points with your comments and concerns in'mind.
"he FBt did not have major concerns with the points'and:offered only a
Here's the latest'version ofthe,poiilts. Please let us
Thanks, '
I:fPSCI White Paper raffling POints for Use.wlth the Media
1,.4 2012 .
e The.currently available information suggests thattne'aemonstrations,in Benghazi'were.sJ:?ontaneously
inspired by the protests at the US Cairo and 'evo!vedinto a direct assault against the US
Consulate and subsequently its annex. This assessment may change as additional information is collected
and analyzed and.currentlYavailable information continues to be evaluated. On 10 September the Agency
notified Embassy Cairo. of social media reports eallii'lg for-a-demonstration and encouraging jihadlsts to
break'into the . .'
el The investigation .is:on-going as. to who is responsible for the violence"although the crowd almost certainly
was a mix of individuals. That being said, there are indications that. Islamic' extremists participated in the
violent demonstrations. .
, I
L f
hawn S Turner;
Just aquesfion-. but sepamte fromthe FBI concerns, has OOJ, 'provided input? TheyWiIi have to deal with the the
prosecution and related surrC?unding investigation. .
Sent: Fri 5ep 14 19:52:25 2012
SU.bject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points 'for. Review
On that very issue, faria, we are.waiting to hear back from the Bureau. I (' . :'
--_ .. _" .- - -_ ... __ ._-_ .... . -.. ..,...,.. ------_. __ . .-. ... ..
To: Nuland, Victoria J; NSt Deputy Press secrefiiiy;lJ i."t! o.?/f phawn Srumeri ( 1./ :!/-,/. Rhodes, Benjamin J.;
'---_"-/\."--<. ..... j':$ j) k= H r;."H t ' .r.;;;,7{ / ..., - pulllvan, Jacob Ji Adams, David S
Cc: t,! 1, ' :1) i ."""" ........ -<-"-'-----___________ ..J
Subject: RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points' for 'ReView
I just ha'd a convo withJ being prepared to to Members
of Congress to 'use with the media.
. .
On that 'basls, I have serious concerns about all .the. parts' highlighted ,be'low" and afming .members, of
Congress to stai:t:making.assertiqns to the r:nedia that. we_ourselv,es are-not making because we don't
want to prejudice the.'investigation; .
In same vein, we. want Hilrto beJingering al Sharia, when.wearen'tdoing that
ourselves until we have iiwesfigatlon results ... . and the pen.ultimate point could be abused' by
to beat the Stafe Deilartment for !'Jof paying attentio.n'to ;Agency,warnings so why do we
want to feed that either? Concerned ...
jake Sullivan, Dave-Adams here
( I
NulEmd,. VICtoria J [nulantM
2012:\.-,SJ .... :z'7>4.-.r ....
l3OJ:;t ,) (}4 I ( /:' .,'":J I,. /' ........ ? I
Re: .
These don't resolVe a!l mv issues or t.hose t;lf my bUifding leadership. They ar.e .consulting wNSS.
[/-f . Sent: Friday, sePtember 14,201208:58 PM . . --.---.-... _. ----.. ....... .. -... -.-." "'- "--'''-''
Nufand, VIctoria J
Cc:L J./A Z? I !' /.1 c./A // ._ .. ____________ _____ ---l
SutJrect: Revised HPSCI taldng points
We furtherdiscussed the talking poinfswith.youpcomi'nents.and concerns in. mind.
The fBI did. not have major concerns with the points and offered only a'couple of minor.
Here's the latest version of the points. Please let us k.nowYOiJrthoughts,ASAP.
. ) e:.c f 1#
HPSCIWflite Paper' Talking Points for 'Use with the Media
14 September'2012
The currentlyavailable information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously
inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved.lntoa direct assault the US
Consulate and subsequently its .annex. This assessment may change as 'is collected
and analyzed and currently available 'information continues to be evaluated. On. 10 September the Agency
notified EmbassY'Cairo of reports calling for a .demonstration and.encouraging Jlhadists to
break into the. Embassy.
. e ' The investigation' is on-going as to who forthe violence, although the crowd almost certainly
was a mix of individuals. That beihg'said, th'ere'are tnatJslamic extremists participated in the
violent demonstrations. ' . .
e. The wide availability of weapons andexpe.rlenced fighters in.Llbya al.rrlost certainly contribUted to the
lethality of the attacks.
8 The Agency has produced numerous piec:;es on-the threatof.extremists linked to al-Qaeda in Benghazi and
easternUbya. Since April, there have been at-least five foreign interests in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants, incfudingthe June attack against the' British Ambassador's convoy. We cannot
rule out that Individuals had previous!V surveilfed the US facilities, als.o contributingto the efficacy of the
attacks. .
. 1
From: Nuland, Vidalia]
Nuland, Victoria J
Friday, September 14,20129:24 PM
Sullivan, Jacob J
Fw: Revised HPSCI taking paints
Sent: Friday, September 14, 201209:23 PM
To: . CIA c.H'/>; .
Cc: S+n. -\-c. l'A ; c _ Crt ,... cJ1>h } C I.l\ OC- f'\
Re: Revised HPSa taking points
These don't resolve all my issues or those of my building leadership. They are consulting w NSS.
From: _ _ ( 0 f' .11"
Sent: Friday, September 14,201208:58 PM
'To:- Nuland, Victoria]
Cc: - S+-o..+G. ! C A O-p.\
Subject: Revised HPSa taking points I
at!', _____ _
.---_ .... _ . -
We further discussed the HPSCf talking points v';ith your comments and concerns in mind.
The FBI did not have major with the points and offered only a couple of minor suggestions.
Here's the latest version of the points. Please let us know your thoughts ASAP.
HPSCI White Paper Talking Points for Use with the Media
14 September 2012
" The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously
inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US
Consulate and subsequently its annex. This assessment may change as additional information is collected
and analyzed and currently available information continues to be evaluated. On 10 September the Agency
notified Embassy Cairo of social media reports calling for a demonstration and encouraging jihadists to
break into the Embassy.
The investigation is on-going as to who is responsible for the violence} although the crowd almost certainly
was a mix of individuals. That being said, there are indications that Islamic extremists participated in the
viole'nt demonstrations. .

The wide availability of weapons and experienced fighters in libya almost certainly contributed to the
lethality of the attacks.
c The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremists linked to alQaeda in Benghazi and
eastern Ubya. Since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants, induding the June attack against the British Ambassador's convoy. We cannot
rule out that indlviduals'had previously surveilled the US faciUties, also contributingtq the efficacy of the
The US Government is working with libyan authorities and intelligence partners in an effort to help bring
to justice those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.
. - t>4 &,: "A
Chief, ,Media Relations
aA Office of Public Affairs
I 1,
t". :'.
I spoke with'Tommy. We'll work through this in the morning and'get comments back .
. - , . - -
From: David S
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012'08:38 PM
To: Nu!and, Victoria J' NSC . Press Secreta
<Shawn.Tu ' /47 c /' (f
__ --'

amiD J. Rhodes
tv;.;. ,;:iS5 /.rl,.C:5 .5'.7?/,'i) J.' _ __ -:--______ __ -----I
, -
Cc: I c I
Subject: RViSed HPStl Talldl;lQ Polrits for ReyieW
,'m with Toria. The last bullet will read-to members' like we had been repeatedly
:'. --_. _-, ._--.. _--.......... -
from: Nuland, Victoria J
Sent: Fridav, September 14, 20127:39 PM
To: Nuland, .Victoria ],' Nsc: De ' Press G /.
I ,"hodes, .... /...J# S(
Adams DaVid 5 ..... !.L'7 .......
ec:[ C{'.; I, .'
RE: RevISed -HPSCI Talking 'Poirits for Reylew'
I had a comio I now understand that being, prepared to give to Members '
of Congress to use with, the media.
On that basis, I have serious concerns about ail the 'parts 'highlighted below, and arming members of
Congress to start making' assertions"to i ,he media that ol:lrselves are not making becausewe don't
want to prejud!ce the investigation. . "
In same vein,.whv do w.e' want HiIIto be fingering Ansar al Sharia .. When we aren',t doing that
ourselves until we have investigation results .. and the' penultimate point.cQuld be abused by
Members to beatthe State Oepartmerit for,not'paying:attention to do we
want to feed that either? Concerned; ...
Dave Adams here
"is emaIl is UNCLASSIFIED,
, 1
" .
Vietor, Tommy [Thomas_F._ Vietor
.Frida t "
tmOit-}\ .. , .... , 1.0 , {" ";;> -"
RE= ReVised HPSCI Talking Points for Review
Given DOJ run some safe to assume,we can hold on this-until tomorrow?
Just a question- but separate from the' FBI concems, 'has OW, provided'input'/' They will. have with the the
and related legal matters,surrounding.the -
On that issue"Toria, we are waiting to hear'back,from the i c.:r:A- 0 fA
I just had a convo O$nd'! that'these are being prepared to give to Members
Congress to use with the .
Sullivan, Jacob J

Sullivan, Jacob J
Friday, September 14, 2012 9:32 PM
Nuland, Victoria J
Revised HPSCI taking points
Talked to Tommy - we can make edits.
-- -._--_. _- - - ----- ... - ---.. - .. _- - .... - -- -
From: Nuland, Victoria]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 09:23 PM
To: Sullivan, Jacob J
Subject: Fw: Revised HPSCI taking points
----...... _-- -.. . -.. -.. ---_.-------_. --.. -.. _ .. _---_ .. _--
From: Nu/and, Victoria]
Sent: Friday, Seotember 14, 2012 09:23 PM
To: _ 6/ ,n., Of N-
c, STAle I'M '. O A
Subject: Re: Revised HPSCI taking pOints
These don't resolve a/l my issues or those of my building leadership. They are consulting w NSS.
fron elf.>( {).p f<
Sent: Friday, September 14, 201208:58 PM
To: Nufand, Victoria J
Cc: PA Cl"" ';lP."<
Subject: Revised HPSCI taking points
We further discussed the HPSCI talking points with your cumrnents and concerns in mind.
The FBI did not have major concerns with the points and offered only a couple of minor suggestions.
Here's the latest version of the points. Please let us know your thoughts ASAP.
HPSCI White Paper Talking Points for Use with the Media
14 September 2012
III The currently information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously
inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US
Consulate and subsequently its annex. This assessment may change as additional information is collected
and analyzed and currently available information continues to be evaluated. On 10 September the Agency
notified Embassy Cairo of social media reports calling for a demonstration and encouraging jihadists to
break into the Embassy.
~ The investigation is on-going as to who is responsible for the violence, although the crowd almost certainly
was a mix of individuals. That being said, there are indications that Islamic extremists participated in the
violent demonstrations.
CJ The wide availability of weapons and experienced fighters in Libya almost certainly contributed to the
lethality of the attacks.
(I The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremists linked to al-Qaeda in Benghazi and
eastern libya. Since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi
by unidentified assailants, including the June attack against the British Ambassador's convoy. We cannot
rule out that individuals had previously surveilled the US facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the
OJ The US Government is working with Libyan authorities and intelligence partners in an effort to help bring
to justice those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.
ex It oPIt
Chief, Media Relations
CIA Office of Public Affairs
, .
Subject:' Re:, Revised HPSCI Talking Points for Review,
Sorry to be'late to this discussion.Weneed to resolVe this: in a W<JY that respects all:ofthe'relevant equities, particularlv
the investigation. . .- .
There is a ton of wrong information getting out into the'publlc domain from 'Congress aridpeople who are not
particularlv informed. Insofar as'we have firmed up assessments that don't compromiSe Intel or the investigation, we
need to have the capability to correct the there are sigriificanf policY and'messaging ramifications that would
flow from a hardened , '
We can. take this up tomorrow'morning ?It
_. 0:- . ,...._ __ _ .. __ _ ... _ . .... _. ___ .... _ ... ____ . ___ . _ .. ___ . _. __ 0 _ '- ______ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ --:- _. __ -- ___ _______ .. . .. . ... "-'-'- - - ' ''. - ... - _ .-_ . . ..
Given equities and States desire to run some ti:aps', safe tQ,a:ssume we can hold on,this until tomorrow?
Just a question- but separate from;the FBI concerns, M.s ObJ; provided>input? ThE;ly. will have to,deal with the the
prosecution:and related legal, maUers surrounding
" \ .) ,,'
Thanks,. Ben. in I c..1= A- I F 0
__ -.-J5hawn STumer;! etA-
Sorry to be late to this discussion. We'need to resolve this in a way that respects allof the. relevant equities, particularlv
the investigation.
There is a ton of wrong. information'getting'out into ttle public domain from Congress and people wh,o are not
oarticularly informe(i. Insofar as we have'firmed up ass.essments'that don't comprqmise intel or the investigation, we
.eed to have the capability to' correct record,. as there are and ramifications that would
flow from a hardened mis-impression.
We can take this up tomorrow morning at deputies .
, .. "' ... . . h _ . ___ _ _ _ __ . _ "' "' ,_ .... , __ _ .. ,_ ,._ ...... ... _.:;-. _ _ - ... _____ ___ . _ ....... .... . ___ _ .-:--":"'" .. . ......... _ _ ... _ _ _. ___ -.u ....
Subject:. RE: Revised HPSCI Talking Points for RevleIiII
Given equities and desire :to .run sOII!e traps, to assume we can hold until tomorrow?
-' -Original Message-
From: ' ,
l '.eDt: 14. 09: 19PM Standard Time
To: ' c.:g:: i 0 f 1 I j Viet?f,. ___ --.J
.. .. .. - . . ..

FIUsays AU (not AQIMwas:iiwolveiland they are pursuing t/'lattbeary.
So we are not ahead of law enforcement"now;
So are cleared to sen'd to,congress?'
,-,'" -,., .... -- .,---.. -.. "- '-".---'.-' .. ...... _h._',_,.,
111beJ:' 14,-2012 09,:14 PM .

Here's where we stand as ofthis 'hour.
Everyone has submittedcoordination comments.
The State Department had major reservations with'much or'most ofthe We.revised the document with their
concems in mind. The latest version is below, as sent tf,) Sta!e.

C..:t"A= dPA-" -- -- ---.. -... "' -" ---' .. --._ .. _.,
Sent: 14, 2012 8:59 PM
. - .......... # . ... .... _ ... . ... -- -- , -- - - . .... . .. - - - ... .. - _ .. .. _.
, ______
We further discussed the HPSCI falking points'with your concerns in mind.
The FBI did not have major with.thepoii'lts' and'Offered.only ofminor:sugge?tions.
Here's the latest version oUhe points. Please.letus know your
HPSCI White Paper Talking Points'for' Media
. 14 ber 2012
The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations. were spontaneously
inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo,and into a the US'
I l
' Cc:
Subject: Re: Revised HPSCI Talking . Points for Review
. . .
Including DOJ on the Dean Boyd.
Ben. -Looping C.::r A-IFO
______ ----.. .... . ....-... --...... -.":"---..... -.----- '-__
Subject: Re: Revised HPSCI Talldng
Sorry to be !ate to this discussion. We need 'to resolve this io a way that respectsall ofthe relevant equities. particularly'
the investigation. . .
There Is a ton of wrong Information getting out'iilto-the. public domain .frpm.Congress and people who are not
particularly informed. Insofar as we have firmeii up assessments that compromise intel or the .investigation, we
need toflave the: capability to correctthe:record; astl:lere.are:slgnificant-,P.olic;v and messaging ramifICations that would
flow from a hardened mis-impression. .
We can take this up at deputies.
_ ..... ---_."'!.-_ ......".---_ .... __ ... _-...--_ .. -----I ... -------_ ... ---...... - ..... ... -- -----
I ccr:1} oPt!-
[ciA- I .
'4; 20'2 9:52PM

o Note for Director on HPSCI TPs
-c=J Here's a draft the DIRECTOR
Sir- We've tried to. work the draft tallUng points fOr HPSO through the coOrdination process but have run Into major
Perhaps as a result of the afternoon teleconference, a Rumberof agendes have been looped in. The White
House.deared qulc!dy, butState has major concerns. The Bureau deared witlu few.comments.but asked that Justice.
whkh would handle any criminal prosecution, be brought In. It fs'fMdent.that wiWnot happen tonight. and Ben Rhodes
has asked thanhls Issue be reviewed tomorrow morning at Deputies"meetlng: ..
Additionally. Eric Schmitt oHhe NvT contacted us' to let us know that he had" spoken with Rep. Ruppersberger. who had
given 111m a readout of your seSsion.
._-- --_._-_._._._-.. ---... - -- _. __ .
SUbject: Re: HPSCI taklng points
FBI says AQ (not AQIM) was involved and they are pursuing that
So we are not ahead of law enforcement now.
. .
So are cleared to send to congress?
. .
..... -..-.-.... ..,. -......----,..;.----.--.-.......... --.;; .. ..:-:- -:-... ... --.-.....-------... ------- -
. .
Here's where we stand as6fthis hour.
Everyone has submittedcoordination corttmeilt.s.
The State Department had majorreservations withrraucl'l or document. We reVised the document with their
concerns in mind. The latest version is as sent to State.
IG:tru OfM
We further discussed the HPsel talking:points with your comments:and'eoncems in.mind.
The FBI did nothave major concerns with paintS and o..,-Iy of minor suggestions.
the latest version of the points ... Please Iet us.know your

. Subject:
[Q]- attached' below. is.tilelatest version ofthe HPSCI taifCers. you another email chain with Ben. Rhodes'
comment. oM.. .,
" ... -.--..
__ I
SU e: Revised HPSO taklng'points
ThanksU FVi FBI says AU.(not AQIM) was iiwolved and they pursuing that theory.
so we are not ahead of law enforcement now.
So are cleared to send to congress?
1c.;:cA - ,,--.-.... -"!"".-... ... -- .-... , ... - . . ------ -'''-''-'-'-'.''''--' '' ' --- .. - .-
20,1209:14 PM
To: 0: It oCJE
Cc: t."];
Subject! fW: Revised HP5C[ taldng poInts
Here's where we stand as ofthis hour;
Everyone has submitted coordination comments_
The State Department tlad major reservations with muth,o'r most document. We revised the with their
concerns in mind. The latest version is below"as senno State.
, . .

c..U Of J.""'-" .. -... "'r .... -_._ .. _._ ..... '-' .-.... .. --..... --'-'-- "-- _ , ------.. -----.- --.,,_ .. .. ---. - ..
, :;m 8:59PM
'c rs e cz! 0 iA/OCA
:iUbj . -taking points
1 . .
We further discussed the HPSa talking pOints with your comm.ents and concerns in mlod.
, ,' . .
,he FBI did not have major concerns with the points only a couple of minor suggestions.
Here's the latest versIon of the points; . PleaSe let. us know your .
HPSCI white P.aperTalking POints for 'Use with the Media
The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Bengh<;lzi were spontaneously
inspired by tbe protests at the US Embassy in cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US
Consulate and subsequently its annex. This assessment h'iay change as additional information is collected
and analyzed and currently available information continues to be On lO.September the Agency
notified Embassy Cairo of social media reports calling for a demonstration and encouraging jihadlsts to
break into the Embassy. .
The investigation Is on-going as to wno is responsible for"the violence, although the crowd almost certainly
was a mix of individuals. That being said, there are that 'Islamic participated in the
violent demonstrations .
G The wide availability of weapons and experienced fighters in al(ilost'certainly contributed to the
lethality of tlie attacks.
The Agency has produced numerous pieces o'n the threat of extremistsfiriked to al-Qaeda in Benghazi and
eastern Ubya. Since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests In Benghazi
by unidentified assailants, including the June attack, against the British Ambassador's convoy. We cannot
rule out that individuals had previously surveilled the us facilities, also contributing,to the efficacy of the
attacks. . ,
The US Government 'is working with libyan, authorities and 'intelligence partners';" an effort to help bring
to Justice those responsible for of

Chlef, MedIa Relations
etA Office of Public Affairs
. I"
" "," .
. . ' '.
. BPSCI White Paper POlntsfor tbe Media
. ' . - -, - ' , ': . .@ . '
o cmreotly,avaiJable Benghazi w.ere '.
, in$piied by the protests at.the US Embassy in -;:m. evolved iDto.a direct
as88lilf against the US C'onsriIat.e SubSequently its annex. ''this may cbaoge as
additi.onal iDformation 18 collected and analyzed-ad cubently available information
continues to be evaluated. 9ft 16 SSPiiiliibef me Agency nodfie4l!mbiSsj emu of sesi81
. msdia repcm; eaiting fap a deBienat1ittisa iJltl to inOO the

'J:cmi" 8m linJred to al in
least five other against
8SQtjJ2S'1is. iucludiIig the 1 attack against the
. previously surveilled
Jfle us Government is worldng with Ubyan authorities ; ' !g '
to to JustIce those responsible for the ,deaths of.
. _.f
. ....
- - .-. - ---
Ccr,'tlo ,
A.I GtJ P! rJO
. -

. .. .. 'f.:::.: r..
.': -.. .. " .. ' -. L,' r /;., . 'b/lo.;';P/ C-Q
UNCiASSlFIEO' . ' . .. .. ,'. .. .. . . ',' /:1(.[-.1 , . : .'
. . '.
> .:\.:, ':.: -7 : . : ., .:.. : . .-. .: ..... :' .,';. ':.':': : .... .;,; ::-;.:'
, . .
.0' . ' :
.... . '
. '" ':, ..

c..:t: A: 0, A I subject: Fw: DOCrA tasfdng -IMMEDIATE - by 1100 today

'! .. : Analysfs(9/15} - ooord on TPs ror.HPSCI
.1. . 'To: I L1:" A- 0 Gt c.. 1
.Data: l . 12 PM' " _
- . Thfs'message'is dlgjtally signed.
Classification; UNCLASSIFIED.
)OJ 0, 4 _

[ A.- o"fA.- -.J
IOj""'o, 0_ of IT
Just to complete the loop.
01:45 PM-
Subject: Re: Fw. iJ.oCIA lask!ng -IMMEDIATE by 1100'tooay (9/15)'- coord on IPs' for HPSCI
Classification: UNC?LASSIF.IED
They are finewith me. But, pretty HPSCI.won't like-ttterr'l. :-)
Director. OffiCe of Terrorism Analysis
L -UNGtASS.l ffED.=--..;-.;. 09/151201209:47:46 AM
I p;C f1=J; 0\ A: N E.

Fw: DDC,lA.IaSklng -:- IMMEDIAJ'E - by 1100 today '(9115)'-:- coord on TPs for HPSCI
, Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Please let us:know If You have ar:!Y commenls by 10:30,
, . '
/( I
r .....
c j):t= I
r Assistant .. !heDI Front T
- Forwarded __ -"Q,-:C=_- _____ --.JPn 0911512Oj2 09:46. AM - .
DDCIA tasking -ll'-'rylEOIATE - W 1100 today (9115) - coord on TPs for HPSCI
DDCIA requests right awaY'internal coordInation On enclosed unclass TPs for HPSCI. Please respond
HPSCI Paper TaIkmg PointsJor Use'withthe:Media
t4"September 2012
The currently available information suggests that the demonstratipns in Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired by the protests at us Em.bassy .in Cairo and. evolved into a
direct assault against the US Cougulate' and suBseqQently,its.annex.
This assessment.may change. as analyzed andas
.currently,available infonnation continues to be evaluated.
- _ . . 4 .
The investigation "is on:going, and the US Govemment.isworkiiig with-Libyan authorities
to bring to those
, ,'
. . --- .
Classification: UNCLA$SfFIEB
= -
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED,
" ,
__ ._=.t::===========:=--:-'
ClassificatiOn: UNCLASSIRED
! '
, -f
From: MaHhew G;. Olsen , Subject: [A1N}FW: Unc!asslfied,Ta\1dng"PoInl$'
Date: 09/15J2012:1'1':09 ,AM To:: : MICI;IAEJM
Please respond to AMaUhaw
. .

-----------...:7'--------- - ----------------- - ----'1-'---
Michael -- TPs sent to Ruppersberger trom .. DDNI

From: I .. . .
Sent: Sa Sap eJ!' 2012 10:51 AK
To: gicholaa J Rasmussen; Matthew G. Olsen
Ce: I PC-Tee I , , ' '
Subject: t1nclassified' ' 'Points'
Sirs':' Here is what we ' sent Heather Mallno (Rupper.sbergerl
It's very early, less than: 72 hours since the attack.
don't know.
So there is, a lot we
As time progresses, we ar.e learning more, but we still don't have a complete
picture of what happened. Fortunately we have; the FBI leading, the
investigat.ion of the Clttack. they, 'have :all too much experience. in
these matters. '
At this point, we are 'not aware
attack was planned or imminent.
reporting from before and. after
was involved.
of any action'able intelligenCe that this
The intelligence. community is through
the' attack to_determine the extent of whQ
Libya is awash in weapons. - unconventional 'Were -stored in unsecured
locations across the collO'try., Pol,lowing ;the ,revolution, ther,e still many
f '7
well-armed militia remai ning.
since the' revolution, ,we' have some Indicators {l1-Qa,'1da and other groups are
seeking to' es,tabHsh .a presence in Libya. Re\llembersoine .seni.or al-Qa \ ida
m!'lmbers SUch as Abu Yahya. al.-Lib! came from I:-ibya .
We are very cautious about drawing any f i rm conclusionS' at this point wl,tb
regard to the identification and motivati.on of ttie .attackers. The IC is
working to this end, and the continue its
Unrest ,(n the ',Middle Bast creates a enviroIl!lient for In
the days and' weeks ahead, we need to be especially in prQtecting our
people . .
_U" I / tA
I IvC.TC(() I
Legislative Liaison
Office 0: the Director
1 InterligenCe
" ('
C ''>
From: .Rhodes. 8enjaminJ, Subject: [AiN) RE: ;- , _ _ _ ,
Date: 09/.1 512012 1'1:1,2 AM To:
Please 'respond to
Benjamin.J .D
- __ _ ______ __ _____ ___ _ _ _ "__ .-_ __ .:0. ____ _
This is good by
:---"1-___ I
Rhodes, Benjami n J . i
Per the discussion at, Deputies I her'e are, the revised TPs for HPSCI. Let me
know what you think.
--The avaflab1e information suggests 'that the demonstrations in
Benghazi spontaneously inspired py 'the protests : at tbe us' Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into a direct assault aga:i,.nst the US 'Consulate and
subsequently its annex. There are indications that . extremists participated in
the vi:olern. de!tlonstratioos . '
--This assessment may change as additional information is collected and
analyzed' and, as. .currently available information, to be evaluated.
--The investigation' is on-going.
and the US Government is ,working' with Libyan
authorities to 'bring to those for- the deaths US citizens.
From: Matthew G: 'Olsen Subject: [AlN] RE:
Date: 091.1Sf2012 f1::15 AM To:
Pl9ase respOnd'CO -Matthew
G . OIsen-
.:,. ' -,.. "' ."" .. -._, .. . w:J " z: __ .. .. '.-.0 . ":Ai " .. , .,
- -- ---- --------- ___ - ____________ __ ___ ____ _
------ -------------------- -,-- ---.-.------
Michael Tliis looks' good to me.
* '** * *"* **"*"* * ........... 1r * * ** ... ** .. *" .. ..
, ;:-....
These are the points that: ONDI se.nt to Rtippersbergsl! yesterday afternoon
based on liia request:,
It's very, less .than. 72 hours since .the . attaCk.
don't know ..
So is a lot we
As time. progresses', we are leain:ing. more, but. we still t hcivea complete
picture of what happened .. we have thei: FBI l,.eading the
investigation of ' the .they have: all too much experience in
these matters.
At tbis point, we are not aware' of any'actionable 'intelligence that this
attack was planned or iiuminent. The intelligence. community is combing through
reporting from before and.after the' attack to determine the full extent of who
was involved.
Libya is awa!3h in weapons' - unconventionaLweapons were stored in' unsecured
locations across the CO'Wltry . there are still many
well:armed. milit.ia :remaining ...
Since the revolution,. we have.some indicators' t. ida. and' other groups are
seeking to establish' a .presence in Libya:. Remember some senior al-Qa I ida
members such. as Abu Yahya. al-Lfbi-came
We. are very cautious .. about: drawing any firm' .conclusions. a:t this point with
regarCi to- the identification and motivat'ion of attackers. The Ie is'
working aggressively ,to' end,,! , and the ;FBI, will cont'inue its investigation,
Unrel(lt in the Middle, East. 'creates' a permissive' env:ironmen,t for terrorists" In
the days and weeks ahead, we need to be elipeciallyv:igilant in protecting our
This is good' by me.
Per the discussion. at-.Deputies" :here: are, the, revised TPs for .HPSCr.. Let me
know what you t!llnk. "
--The currently available information 'suggests that the demonstrations in
Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at US Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into a oirect .aasau1t 1l9!i'inat th.e US Consu).ate and
subsequently' tts -annex, _ There are extremis.ts. in
the violent demonstrati'ons.
:-This assessment.may change as additional information is' collected and
analyzed ,and.ascurrently to: be. evaluated.
--The investigation is on-going, and the US is working with L1byan '
authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the-deatQs' US citizens.

From: Matthew G, Olsen Subject: lAIN] RE: '
Date: 09/'151201211:16 AM To:
Pleasa resj):OItd to ""Matthew'

------- -- --- - - -- --.-------------- - ----
Adding the correct email,
-----Original Message-----
From: Rhodes
Benjamin J .. [mailto:Benjamiri:.J' .....
Sent: Saturday, september 15, 2012 11:12 AM
To: MICBAEJM' Robert cardillo; Alan R Pino; ' Matthew G. Olsen;
sullivanj mark.giulianq H.cinglj
lis '
Cc: () opf\ C:t' 0
Subj ect; RE:
This is good. by me:.
______ ______
Rhodes", Ben,j amin ,J i
Per the discuBsi'on at" Dep1,lties, here are. the- ,revised T!?s for HPSCI. Let me
know what you think.
- -The current'ly .available information suggestla, that ,the. demonstrations in
.Benghazi were spontaneously inspil:'ed by, -the, protests, at the 'OS Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into ' a direct assati'lt .'theUS 'Consulate and
sUbsequently its annex. There are .extremists pat;"ticipated in
the violent demonstrations.'
. .
- - This assessment may cbang'e 'as . addi.tional: information. i:a collected and
analyzed and as information:continues' to. he, evaluated.
--The invest'igation is '' on-g,oing; and the US Government is, working- with Libyan
authorit:fes- to to' justice t h o ~ e . responsible. 1;or. the- deaths us citizens.
, . .
I "'7
.. .
From: Rhodes; BenjaminJ. Subject {AJNl RE:
Date: 09/,1:512012 :11 :25 AM 'To: ' Robe a

.cc:, fC.:S::-A" Qc..A- Cox: A- e> f',Q
_ E<> I t.:r::-A- F -0
,Please reSpond to cRhodas.

. yi " , ..... _ _ ,,, _____ _____ __ .,
One edi t t"or
--The currently available , information suggests that. elie. demonstrat,j,ons in
Benghazi were, by, the the us' Em.bassy in,
Cairo and evolved into a direct assa:ult ligalpi3t tihe us {cut: Consulate}
diplomatic poet in Be.nghazi a,nd subsequently its annex. JI!here are indications
that. .. extremists participated. in the violent demonstrations.
--This ass'essment may' change as information is collected and
analyzed and as available'information ,continues to be evaluated.
--The investigation is on'-go'iog, and the os is working with Libyan
to bring to responsible for ,the' deaths us citizens.
cuu;1+-----i matt. olseq ":::=J
:Rhod'es" Benj amin J: j
Per the discus'sion at _Deputies, here are the rev.ised', :l'Ps, for' HPSCI. Let me
know what you think,.
--The' 'currentl avai-lBhle, information Suggests.:that the demonstrations in
Benghazi, were spoIitaneously inspired' oy 'the protests' at t ,he: US Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into assault against the US Consulate arid
subsequently its- 'annex. Theie are indications: 'that eXtremists participated in
the violent demonstrations. '
--This may as additional irtformatiQn. is collected and
I .
analyzed and. as cU%:renbly information coIiHilues: -to be evaluated.
--The nvesti:gat';Lon. ,is on'-going; and the us Gbverom.ent. is' working with Libyan
authorities' to -bring to Just,ice those respQnsible or .. the geaths US citi zens. '
From: Sullivan, Jacob J' Subject: [AlN] RE
Date: 09/1512012 11 :26 AM To: Rhodes; aeniamfnJ., michaejm;'Rooort.Cardillo, alsnrp,
mattolsen matte. iuftano, 'cin Ii, lisa:monaco
Cc: 0 C. A cs It F (;)
. Pfease respond to DSulIivan,
------------------ ..
.. --- .. _--- .--------------- --------
. .
This looks good. Two .small edits':'
1. We call it "the us mission" or the 'n,us gipl01l!atic post" because it.
is not actually a.Consulate.
2. There is a missing "of" in the,t?ird. ti.
-----original Message-----
From: 'Rhodes, Benjamin J.' J
Sent: SaturOijIlL..J:iceJJ!ld:mqer 15, 2012 11 :'12 8M L-_________ ---J
To: 'mic:hae ; I ___ ..-J
matt.o llivan acob mark.giUiian<LL _ _ ____ -.I
j ((1 lisa. mona.c
C, ;;::-/t- f) fA F 0
This is good by me.
tilatt I
. Rhodes; Benjamin J.r
Per the discussion "at Deput'ies. hi;!re: 'are,;the: 'TPs for HPSCI. Let
me know what you. ' think.
--The infoxmatton "sugges,ts that the ,demonstrations
in Benghazi. were spontaneously inspi;red :by the', ,the US
Embassy in Cairo and evol:ved into a direct, assauit. agclinst t:he US

... ", . " .
Consulate anii sub,sequent-l,y its aDnex. , a"re that'
-extremisbs .partd:cipat:'ed; ;n the
--This assessment' may .change' as 'add;{C;i-onal iB'foZ'lllat::i:Gll- i.8 , coile"cted and
analyzed , and_as' cu2;'r.en't'ly.' ava:j,l;able, f,Dfo:rtnat'i.on cQlltinues to 'be
evaluated: " ' - . " , - ,- , - - - ,
--The investtgation is on-901'ng-" 'anci" the US: i,g worktng with,
t'o- 'l:?r-J,ng tp' tu&tice :those' for. deaths,
US cit1.zens. ' "
From: .Monaco. Usa (NSD) . Subject: [AlN} RE:
Date:.09/15f2012 11:46 AM To: r---- ----.
Please respomHo aMonaco.
Usa (NSOr. . .. ' . .
..., .1 __ __ -_____ ,," ..... ,,, __ ....

;,--- --
Michael - DOJ and FBI are' ok with these.. thimks'
matt ..
_ _______
Per the discussion at .Deputies
. bere are t he revised' TPs for HPSCI.
know what you think. . ...
Let me
- -The currently available information suggests ,that' .. the, in
Benghazi were' spontaneoUsly inspireg bY' the protests. at the US . Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into a directassauTt against -tbe"US ' Consulate an.d
subsequently its 'annex. There- are indications. that-' extremists' par:ticipated iJ;l
the violent d-emonstrations.
--This assessment may change as additional informatIon is collected and
analyzed and, as available to be evaluated.
--The is and . the us Government 'is working with Libyan
authorities to to justlce the. :deatl1.s us citizens
. , . ,
From:inglis!.John C.. :. . ..
Date: ,09f15120Hll1:58.AM -To'
. Cc: ',:
..-" ..

NSA concur's :the content and' cast of "tihs
Chris Inglis
-r:hanks, for .the chance
.oi1ie4 I
. J._;!
Per the' discussion at . De];)l,lt'ies'i .. at's, the'reviseq: 'DBs' ,for H,ESCI ,. Let
me MOW, .what . '
in. Benghazi were 'by the' 'at ,the' US:
Embassy lli Cairo ?-llii , into >a, a ,trect: .assalil-t- US
ConsuXate and- sUbs:eC{!lent']:y: -;j;t-s ,annex::. 'J.!liere. are' .'that
extremists p'.artioipatedd.ll the ,v'iolent,
. -.' '. . -
--This, ,asSessment ma;' :i:s collect.ed and
analyzed .and as , currenUY ... toJ:ie
.' ..., . -,- .. -. ' " .'
--The investigation,is .on-going-; . ;ancl :i:s- WO.rking with
Libyan authorities 'toAllrhig 't:Q just'ice: ti)iose for the deaths.
us . ::'" ' - -.. -
\,. .. '. .:
Michael ..
. Looks like just about everyone has concurred. I am standing by to foM04ard the latest
to the committees. .

Per the discussion at Deputies .. here are the revised TPs ... for HPSCI. let rne ' know what you
currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were
.pontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassyin .'Cairo and evolved. into a direct
assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its anneX. Thereare indications that
extremists participat.ed in .. the violent
-.-This assessment may.change as additional infor-mation is .. collected. and analyzed and as
currently available information continues to be evaluated:.
--The investigation is on-going, and the US Government is working with libyan authorities to
bring to justice those responsible for the deaths US citizens .
;{ !
I Dc. (t I
Before going to the- committees, m'ay I please ask you to send these to the, Director? He needs
to know in advanc;e what is going'to the Hill in his ,E;ven if Jt going with the force of
fun interagency coordination.
Cheers. /9T"O
Cheers. Et FO ' ..
-----j:rigi:al (essage
From: ot/t
Sent: atur ay. September 15,. 2912 12 :'92 PM
Cc: I v.t="A- 1>?1l f" () FO
Subject: Re:
looks like just about everyone has concurred, I am' standing byto forward the latest
version to the (ommi ttees "
Original Message -----
2012 11: 08 ,AM
Per the discussion at here are the revised TPs for HPSCI, Let me know what you
--The currently available information that the demonstrations in Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired 'by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into, a direct
assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that
extremists participated. 'in the violent demonstrations. : ...
--This assessment may change as additional information analyzed and as
cur,rently available informa'!:ion cont,j.nue's to' be 'evaluated;
-The investigation is on-going, and the U Government is working with Libyan authorities to
,-ing to justice those .responsible for the ,deaths us citizens.'
Her-e "s wher-e we are with the tweaks .after tweak's frOlll Ben and .. Jake:
--The currently available infof'mation suggests that the demonstrations in .Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired, by ,the protests at the us Embassy' in Cairo' and evolved into a direct
assault. against the US diplomatic post in Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are
indications that extremists in the violent demonstr'atrons.
--This assessment may change as addftfonal information is collected' and' analyzed and as
currently available information continues to-be evaluated. .. ,
--The investigation Is:on-going, and the US Government -iS worklng: wlth libyan. authorities to
bring t9 justice those responsible for the deaths of US citizens.
". "
From: . "::I::lT c> c....A_
Sent: Saturday .. September' 15,. 2012 12:03 PM
,,:c: [ c..rA-t>ptt, pO (..x:-A-FV
" ubject: Re: J ;
Michael, _
looks like just about everyone has concurred,.. I am standing by to fontard the latest'
version to the committees.
Original Message
Per the discussion at Deputies,. I:!ere a're 'the rev'l:sed for -let me know' what you
think. . " _. -
-.-The currently available .information suggests that the , demonstrations in' Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo ,and evolved' into a direct
'ssault against the Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that
.:xfremists participated in the. violent demonstrat-ions.
, ' , ,
--This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as
currently available Inforsat1,Of'I.. continues to 'evaluated.
--The investigation is on-'golng., ' and the' US Governlllent libyan autporlt1es to
bring to justice t hose for the US citizens, '
. "

Roben Cardillo SUbject: [AlNi'Re:
Date: 09/1512012 12:24 PM. TO: :MIC!"iAEJM; Alan RPino.
Please R3Sp0ndto RObert-
------_. --- -. - ........ -
-__ ________ --_1. _-_:_-- -- !.. _______ _ __ .... ___ _
-- - - -- -- -- -.- - - ------ -- ,- - - ----
! Michael.
Original 'Message
Sent: Saturday, $eptember IS, 2012 12:20 'PM
To: Robert Cardillo; -Alan .. R Pino
Subject: FW:
Robert,. Alan--Everyone. else -bas coordinated and H?SCI is waiting not so
patiently. Are -you guys good? Michael'
2012 12: 13 PM
Here 1 s where' we are : wi th 'the tweaks - after twe<qcs -from _,Ben and' Jake:'
--The currently avaiiable information suggests that the demonstrations in-
Benghazi were spontaneo1.:1S1y inspired oy the 'pJ;'otest{! at the. US. Embassy in
Cairo evolved inte a- direct assatil:t agains:t . the US diplomatic post in
Benghazi and subsequent-ly its annex. There_ are indications .that ext'L'emists
participated in the vfolent -
--This assessment. ma,y cha.."lge a's addie-ional is collected and
analyzed and as currently available continues to be evaluated.
- -The investiiga:t:i.on is on-:-gomg, ' . and: . the US Government is working with Libyan
authorities to bring to justice those 'for tQe deaths of us
citizens. .
("''''0, ;

\ .
jssage--'- '--
'Sent: Satur . y, September 15 I 2012 12: 03 PM
Cc: I O? I'r . F- 0 '- 1; A- f 0
Subject: . J
Michael, just about everyona has ,concurred. I 'am to forward "
the latest version to the committee,s. ,: '

----- Original Message -,----
Sent: Saturday, September 15. 201Z 11:08 AM
TO: . . Robert cardillO(' Alan R Pino; M(itthew G. o],s.en'i. "suI'livan '
<:sullivanjji C" 'mark.giul.ianol __ .-J
'Benjamin J. Rhodes ___ I ________ __
'j?ingl J c;; c 'Hsa: monac '--_ _ _ _ -'
__________ __ ______
Cc: OrA c..l=f\- F 0
______ ______
Per the "disC\lSsion at Deputdea,. here are the:,revised Tl'S- for HPSeI. Let me
know what you think.
--The currently availallle" information 'suggestts,that tbe' demonstrations in
Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the' -at US 'Embassy in
Caire;> and evolved i:nto a direct agail;lSt :the .US- Consulate- and
subsequent:ly its annex. There -are -indications -that ex1tremists participated in
the violent demonstrations? - -
--This assessment 'may change as additional is colle.cted and
analyzed and as currently available infonnat-ion, continues to be evaluated.
--The investigation is on-gaing, and the US Government is working with Libyan
authorities to _bring to j'ustice those responsible for the deaths US citizens .
. '
From: [ G..t:"A ',w
Date: 09/15J20 PM
Subject: lAlNt RE:.
To: . ' MICHAEJM.' (.j;;Pt 0 P A
Cc: Fo I
------:- ----- ----------- . . _----- ----- ---.--- :- --, '-
This is to confirm in writing: r just 'spoke: .. Al:an ,on. the phone. Allen:
said he concurred with the 'TPs.
Thanks. I will bug Robert and AI'an.
2012. 12: 13 PM
Here I s where we are with the tWl!aks from. Ben and Jake:
--The currently available information suggests' in
Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by .the pr-otests at the us Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into a direct 'assault the us post in
Benghazi and subsequently. its .annex. that extremists
participated in the violent demonstrations.
--This ass'essment may change 'as' ,addit.ional fnforniation il;l colle'cted and
analyzed 'and, as currently. available to be evaluated.
- -The investigation is on-going.,. and .. the US' 'GOverhinent is 'working with Libyan
authorlUes to bring tq jus.tice. those respon,Sl,ble -eor. the' deaths of us
--- --Original

Sent: Saturday, September. 15, 2'012 '12: 03 PM.
Co: I erA- 0 Pft, (.rA fo
Subject: Re:
Looks like just aDout: everyone has concurred. I standing by' to forward
the latest: version to the .committees ..
Origi.nal Message
Sent: Saturday, September 15,2012 11:,08 AM.
To,: Robert Cardillo; Alan R plno; G. Olsen; 'sullivarij ... --- ----,
I; ' rnark.g!uliancr I" <marrk:..:; . .-=i=ul=ian="'-_"l-__ -.J
'jcingl' I I 'lisa.monac r==---- .,....--....l

Cc: (SA-oi'A
Per the discussion at Deputies, here are the revised TPs for .HPSCI. Let me
know what you think,.
--The currently' .available informat'ion sUsgest:s thcit the demonstrations in
Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US 5mbassy in
Cairo and' evolved into a di.:tect assault aga:i:nst the US Consulate and
subsequently its . annex. There are indications that extremists 'participated in
the violent demonstrations.. . '
--This ass.seament: may change as addid.onCil information. is collected and
analyzed and as currently available information continues to be' evaluated.
--The investigation is on-going, and the US Government is working w:tth .Libyan
authorities .to bring to just'ice those responsibl.e for the deaths US citizens.
From: Ie. I"r 0 c"A I Subject: lAIN] Re:
Date: 09/151201212:43 PM .:ro: MICHAEJM
P!easa mGmIn,d to .
. /c.rA- 0;1\ I
.- - --- ----- ------- ------------ -
Copy ... on it.
:----- Original Message - '-'---
Cc: 11_ FO _ FD
SUbj'ect: R.e:
2012 12:37 PM
I '
everyone has 10' It I has the changes below. Please
run the poi nts by tne Director, tnen them to HPSCI. I spoke to the
Direc"tor earlier about St'ate" s deep concerns about mentioning the warnings and
the other work done on this., but you w.ill want to reemphasize in your note to
DClA. Thanks. Michael
2012 "22:13 PM
Here I s where. we are with the tweaks after tweaks . from .. and Jake':
. . . .
--The currently available :i:nE'ormation suggests that the demonstrations in
Benghazi were. spontaneously by the, the US' Embassy in
Cairo .and eVQlved into a direct as'sauit against the US diplomatic post in
Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are that extremists
v.iolent demonstrations.
--This assessment may change as additional. infonnati:on is collected and
analyzed currently ava.ilable. informa:tion to be . evaluated.
--The investigation is on-going" and the us ', GOvernment is; working with Libyan
authorities to bring to responsible .for tha deaths of US
-----origfnal Message-----
From: "c..61 ' . -
Sent: Satt.lrday, September 15 .. , 2012. 12: 03 PM
To: MrrpaR;lM
Cc: I (..$;.4 o{)A IQ:"Ao FO L G.:l:"A- 7=-0 I
Subject: Re:
Michael, ,
Looks 'like just about :everyone has concurred. I am standing by to forward
the latest version to the ,committees.
Y-l. ,

Sent: Saturday, September'-;J..5, 2'012 II,OS' AM
To: Robert Pino; Mat:bew G Olsen;_
<sullivanj I ' <1IIa . ....,.--.!oL .............
'Benjamin J. <BEnijamin J.
<:lisa.monacd '---- ----'
Co:! (O;j::'A D?JI!f (:r&or" c..r:A- Po
Per the discussion at I:)'eputies, here are 'the revised TPs for HPSCI. Let me
know what you, think.
currently available informati-on sugges'ts th.ft, the ' demonstrations in
Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests' at US Embassy in
Cairo and evolved into a direct assault. against the, ;US Consulate, and
subsequently--its annex. There are ind.lcat.ions that extremists part-icipated in
the violent -demonstrations.
--This assessment may change as additional information is collected and
analyzed and as information continues to
--Tbe inve'stigation is en-going, and the us Governll!ent 'is working with Libyan
authorities to bring to justice those responsible for -the US citizens.
Sullivan, Jacob J
Sullivan, Jacob J
Saturday, September 15, 2012 12:44 PM
Nuland, Victoria J
- - The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in B,enghazi were
spontaneously inspired by the protests at the us Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct
assault against the US Consulate and its annex. There are indications that
extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.
--This assessment may change as additJonal information is collected and analyzed and as
currently available information continues to be evaluated.
--The investigation is on-going
and the us Government is working with Libyan authorities to
bring to justice those responsible for the deaths us citizens.
I C-r A Deft" I . ' .
samraay, sepRmmer15, 2012 12:51- PM
__ -' ____ __ ______ ______ ___
La;-ft- F 0 I D P Cl:Pt ((,05,; I Cor A 01 A- I a A 0 c..1)
Hill. Talking PointS ,
Here are the inter agency approved pOints fo",. tile Hill. They 'were worked through the DC
tliis morning and were then shot out for final approval. As mentioned last night, State had
voiced strong concerns with the original text due to the criminal investigation. That said,
I understand NSS is working an all members briefing this coming weeR and .these are a good
starUng point. " .
With your concurrence we wih get them. to oversight. committees and. to leadership.
--The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired by the protests at the us Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct
assault against the US diplomatic post in' Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are
indications that extremists in the violent
--This assessment may change as additional information is colletted and analyzed and as
currently availaoleinfonmation continues to be evaluated.
--The investigation is and the US Government i.sworking with Libyan authorities 'to
to justice those responsible the deaths of US citizens
. '
., I
{ .,.
U'>\.JN From:
Saturday. Seotember 15, 2012 2:.21 PM
Subject: Re: SBUICLO'SEHOLD: 0800 SVTS on Movie ProtestsMolence
Please do-J have not reached out.
From: VS\.IN
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 201202: 15 PM
To: v ~ ~ V ' J . .
Subject: Re: SBU/CLOSEHOLD: 0800 svrs on Movie Protests/Violence
J'm going to email Jake on the libya points
me know . ..
From: USvfV
Sent: Saturday, September 15/ 201201:23 PM
references below unless either of you are linked in to this effort. Pis let
To: Rice, Susan E (USUN); Usul'0 'j DICarlo, Rosemary A (USUN);
:c: US\.JN
";ubject: SBU/UOSEHOLD: OBOO SVTS on Movie Protests/Violence
. '
HPsr request: Late this week, CIA Director Petraeus gave the HPSO a "hots spots" aId was asked for
undassified talking points that its members could use about incident in 8enghaLL Apparent y NCTC Director
Ma .Olsa received a similar committee from acongressiona\ committee.) The first draft apparently seemed
unsuitable (based on conversations on the SVTS and afterwards} because they seemed to-encourage t he reader
to infer incorrectly that the CIA had wamed about a s ecific attack on our embassy. On he SVTS, Morell po.ted
that these points were not good and he had aken a heavy editing hand to them. noted that he would be
happy 0 work Vlith Jake Sullivan and Rhodes to develop appropriate talking poi nts. McDonough, on Rhodes's
behalf, deferred to Sullivan. It was agreed that Jake would work closely with the intelligenc\? community (within
a small group) to finalize points on Saturday that could be s. ared with HPSCI. I spoke to Jake :mmediatelyafter
the and noted that you were doing the Sunday morning shows and would need to be aware of the final
posture that theSe! points too!<. He committed to ensure that we were updated in of the Sunday
shows. I spedfica IV mentioned .\J 511 fJ 'as the one coordinating you:- preparations for the snows and also
strongfy encouraged hem to loop in L1 :;v/J during the process .
.. ..
____ __________________ ______ ____ __
No mention of the cable to either? Frankly" I'd' just .as soon 'not use this .. then .
NSS's call, to be' sure; however .. this is certaihiy not what Vice'ChairmanRUppersberger was
hoping to get for unclas. use. Regardless. thx for' the great ' work

Sent: Saturday, 'September 15, 2012 12:51 PM
Cc: ' I 'OPC:3;A {cos. Fo lc..::t:"1'r o? fr
Subject: Hill Talking
II t'r ocfr-
Here are the inter agency approved points for the Hill. , Ttiey were worked through the DC
this morning and were then shot. out for final _ As mentioned last night .. State had
voiced strong concerns with the original text the (riminal, That .said,
I understand NSS is an all members this coming week and these are a good
starting point. -
With your concurrence ,we ,win get themto our conunittees and' to le!)dership.
--The currently available information 'suggests that the' demonstrations in Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired. by the protests at the US' 'Embassy in Cairo and evolved' into a direct
ass.ault against the US diplomatic post in Benghazi and subsequently its annex. There are
indications 'that extremists participated in the violent: 4emonstrations.
- - This assessment may change as 'additional information is and analyzed and as
currently available information continues to be
--The investigation is on-going, the us Gover.nment is ' working' with Libyan authorities to
bring to justice those responsible for-the deaths of us' .citb:ens.
---.. -

",. \
Sullivan, Jacob J
Coming your way.
Sullivan, Jacob J
Saturday. September 15, 2012 2:44 PM
\lS UN
Re: libYa - Unclass Ie pts
Original Message
From: VS vl\J
Sent: September 2912 92:33 PM
To: Sullivan,. Jacob)
Cc: US\.IN
Subject: libya - Unclass IC pts
Jake - understand from IJSvN that you're working a set of unclas s IC pts on libya for the
Hill. If these are going to be finalized by Sunday am (or COB today), can we get a copy for
Susan to ensure we're on the same msg? Happy to have VSVN work with whomever on the
State team is handling this, unless it's you - in which case happy to get them directly.
Whatever is easiest.
Many thx.
Sullivan, Jacob J
j ent:
Sullivan, Jacob J
Saturday. Seotember 15, 20122:44 PM

Check out the below. You and should confirm w Ben that Susan can deploy tomorrow.
Original Message -----
From: Sullivan. Jacob J
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2912 11:26 AM
To: 'Rhodes, Benjamin J.' <Benjamin J. Rhodes@ 'j 'michaejm@l
<michaejm@l Robert.Cardillo@r <Robert. Cardillo >; alanrp@'
<alanrp@. ) j matt. olsen@1 <matt. olsen@ >; mark. giuliano@!
<mark.giuliano@ oj <jcingli@1 >; lisa.monaco@
Cc: CIA Qt.,... _ _
FD 'j C).1it
Subject: RE :
This looks good. Two small edits:
1. We call it "the US mission or the "US diplomatic because it is not actually a
2. There is a missing "of" in the third tic.
From: Rhodes, Benjamin J. [mailto:Benjamin J. Rhodes
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2e12 11:12 AM
To: I . ; Robert. Caroillo@ ; alanrp@(
jcinglif Sullivan, Jccob J; mark.giulianof -
Of' ,<]- 0.. /-i 05:. f'r
SUbJect:: RE :
This is gooe by me.
-----Original Message-----
From: michaej[@ [mailto:michaejm@
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2812 11:88 AM
To: Robert.Cardillo@ j alanrp@, .
mark.giuliano@r _J Rhodes, Benjamin
C c : . Or- 1\ C-l 1\ f' A
) .; j cingli@l
; mai:t. olsen@
v It
; sullivanii@ _______ j
lisa .monaco@'
; : tJ k to
Per the discussion at Deputies, here are the revised TPs for HPSCI. Let me know what you
- -The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were
spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct
assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that
extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.
--This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as
currently available information continues to be evaluated.
--The investigation is on-going, and the US Government is working with Libyan authorities to
bring to justice those responsible for the deaths US citizens.
The email has been sent to the Aiil.
Original Message
. 012 37 PM
To: c.:t;A-oP It' oc.,,"
Cc: r-o FD
SubJect: Re:
has captured the changes below. Please run the points
y e Director
. then get them to, HPSCI. I spoke to the. ear.lier about state's deep
concerns about mentioning the warnings and toe other work done on but you' will want to
reemphasize in-your note to .DtlA. Thanks. Michael
2912 12:13 PM
Here's where we are with the tweaks ' a1=ter tweaks :from 'Sen and' Jake:
--The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi ' were
spontaneously inspired by the protests at' the US Embassy in Cairo, and evolved into a 'direct
assault against the US diplomatic post. in ,Bengha'zi and.subsequentlY' 'its. annex. There are
indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.
--This assessment may change as additional infOrmation is collected and analyzed. and as
currently available information continues to be evaluated.
--The investigation is and the. US Government is 'working with Libyan ,authorities to
bring to justice. those for the deaths of US citizens .

From: oc.1'l
Sent: tu September '1S', 2912. '12:03 PH
cc:l 0 r" Fe> FD
Re: I I
, .'
, '

1 I
Rhodes, Benjamin J. [Benjamin_J._Rhodes@
Saturday. September 15,20127:12 PM
uS \J N NSC Deputy Press Secretary
Sent: Saturday, September 15( 201205:59 PM
To: Rhodes, Benjamin J.; Vietor, Tommy
Subject: PN:
Is this the final language you want to use on Benghazi? Have short window to get her something on paper soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sullivan, Jacob J
Sent: Saturday, September 15,201202:43 PM
To:'-U Su N
Subject: Fw:
Check out the below. You and v;.o\\lshould conflrm w Ben that Susan can deploy tomorrow.
----- Original Message -----
':'rom: Sullivan, Jacob J
eDt: Saturday. September 15, 20 L2 II :26 AM
t o: 'Rhodes. Benjamin J,' <Benjamin J. Rhedes@: >; 'michaejm@1
RobertCardillo@ . <Robert.Cardil1o@ >; <alaorp@
<mattoIsen@ >; mark.giuliano@ : <mark.l!iuliano@. .>; jcingii@
lisa.mon3r.lllflh <Uss-monaco@t . >
Cc: : U'f,I ' ocr. CA.i: Of't;
Subject: RE:
, c..t It f 0
This looks good. Two small edits:

" .. FO
1. We call it "the US mission" or the "US diplomatic post" because it is not actually a Consulate.
2. There is a missing "of' in the third tic.
-Original Message-
From: Rhodes, Benjamin 1. [mailto:Benjamin J. Rhodes@
Sent: Saturday. September 15. 2012 II: 12 AM
To: 'michaejm@i ; Robert.Cardillota: : : matt.olsena Sullivan, Jacob J;
mark.giuliano@.: :; jcingli@ ; lisa.'monaco@
Cc: 6 ()t-F< c..4 /l 'F ()
Subject: RE:
This is good by me.
---Original Message----
'om: michaejmc@ : [mailto:michaejrn@
ent: Saturday, September 15.2012 11:08 AM
To: Robert.Cardillo@ ; alanrp@ matt.olsen@ :; sullivanii@ ; mark.giuliano@
; Rhodes,

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