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Harry Lane 1/17/13 Cross Examination of Casey Key Q. Please state your name, A. Casey Key Q.

Please state your current occupation, A. I am a programmer at Face Space Q. Did you attend CPU? A. Yes Q. What where your grades their? A. I got very good grades at CPU mostly As and Bs Q. How did you end up at CPU? A. A brochure came in the mail and I was hooked Q. Why did you not go to a regular college that had a good computer program rather then a for profit college? A. Because my grades in high school where not so good. Q. What grades did you get? A. Mostly BQ. When you saw the brochure could there have been any facts that could be further explained A. Yes Q. Such as? A. The world-class education, the accredited teachers, the more then 95% employment rate and more. Q. What did your degree do for you on your rsum? A. It gave me the knowledge to succeed. Q. What did it do on paper for you? A. Not much. Q. Did most of your classmates find jobs as easy as you did? A. No, but they put in hard work and most eventually found one. Q. Where they as prestigious as yours or even close to so? A. No but they have a job.

Q. Does Morgan Martin? A. Yes Q. With all the false claims you stated made by CPU is it all Morgans fault he is not doing well. A. No Thank you I rest my case.

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