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The differences between men and women in a fisiological form is obvious but if we serch a emocional thing find a lot

of things. This differences we can see in many thing ours lifes for example in the office or at school. The paint sensibility is a less in men but in women is stronger. Men have more problems with memory and in remember dates. the distribution in the form of body in women in the case of the metabolism is more difficult which cause a little bit harder lost weight. Many thing for example the alcohol, cigarettes, dont sleep, dont eat well and more cause a mess in the women organism and in men not much. Men are a lot more relax than women in stress and concerns. Women have more anxiety. Men dont tell with others of the same genre theirs emocional problems and women have a more facility for talk about that. Sinapsis are present in different site of the brain in each. In my opinion also depends on the personality of that person.

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