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ELE 3102

Tutorial week 6

Dealing with large classes of mixed ability

Mixed classes usually comprise students who have arrived at varying levels of achievement.

This does not mean that the weakest at speaking are not as capable at language learning.

Some may have had no English at primary school while others may have had three years.



Producing tasks which all students can Use mainly open-ended tasks where complete. learners brainstorm and contribute what they know. Some able students finish first and get Give tasks which have a core part that bored and disruptive. everyone has to finish and optional extra questions too. There is a wide range of levels and you Try mainly collaborative tasks with risk teaching three different lessons. small groups of mixed ability so they help each other and pool ideas/skills. Some need revision and the others Make revision into a team/pair game. dont. Some texts and listening are too easy Choose content/topics very interesting for some. for the age range so the ideas hold their interest.


Tr greets Ss and asks them their condition. Good morning class and how are you today?

Tr tells the Ss about the topic for today lesson. Today we are going to learn about recycle

Tr asks the Ss to seat in a group of four according to the name list on the table. Cluster grouping has been used in this session. In each group there will be Ss from mixed abilities. The groups are based on Ss previous examination results. Before we start our lesson, I want you to seat in a group of four according to the name list on each group table. Now, move to your seat.

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