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Apple Strudels/Tarts

Ingredients: 4/5 apples (any type) Granulated sugar Brown sugar Ground cinnamon Vanilla extract Melted butter 4 sheets of fillo dough (Athens brand is good)

Process: Chop apples into even slices. Caramelize and cook in a saut pan until brownish, and then chop into smaller chunks. Mix apples with sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Pour extra juice into a separate container. To prepare fillo dough, take sheets, lie on a cutting board/table, and place a wet cloth on top. When sheets are needed, cut in thin rectangle shape. Brush top layer of fillo with melted butter and sprinkle evenly with cinnamon sugar. Place a dollop of apples in the bottom left corner. Fold the dough starting at the bottom left corner in triangles, until you have a triangular, thick shape. Brush more butter on top and sprinkle with more cinnamon sugar. Place on a pan, put in the oven, and bake until the dough is golden-brown, crisp, and flaky. Use leftover juice from cinnamon apples, pour into a pot, and turn into a syrup. For presentation, take extra apple slices and place into two fan shapes at opposite corners of the plate. Take two strudels and put them on a slant on top of each other. Take a small spoonful of the syrup and quickly flick spoon back and forth across plate to make thin lines.

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