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Between stimilus and response lies the opportunity for conscious choice.

You can be fired from your job and turn it into a victory instead of a defeat (Lee Iaco ca did). You can go bankrupt and move on to even greater wealth (Donald Trump di d). You can be injured to the point of disfiguration and turn it into an advanta ge to inspire others (W. Mitchell did). You can be dumped by your girlfriend, fe el suicidal, and yet still bounce back (Billy Joel did). And on the other hand, you can enjoy outstanding external success and yet abuse yourself to the point o f death (John Belushi did). For any seemingly negative event, you can find someone who turned it into an empow ering experience. And for any positive event, you can find someone who interpreted it in such a way as to destroy themselves. Avoid the trap of letting events sub consciously control you, and use the power of your consciousness to decide your own interpretation of events for the greatest good of all. When you reach the point of becoming independent of external events, you re truly free. This is the state of being detached from external events, knowing that you can exert direct conscious control over your thoughts instead of needing someth ing external to do it for you. Dr. Wayne Dyer refers to it as being independent o f the good opinion of others. No matter what happens to you, you can still choose to be at peace.

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