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Marathon tra|n|ng |og - 2012

Core workouts or running

1- Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat and your
arms at your sides.
2 - Tighten your abdominals, pulling your belly button in and up
towards your ribs.
1 - Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet raised with
your arms straight up over your chest.
2 - Lower one leg and the opposite arm straight down toward the
floor, keeping the other leg and arm steady.
with the opposite leg and arm.
1 - Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, place your
hands to the sides of your head.
2 - Lift your head and shoulders off the floor, keeping your feet
1 - Lie on your back with your lower body twisted to one side and
your knees bent, placing your hands to the sides of your head.
2 - Lift your head and shoulders off the floor, keeping your lower
body stable.
1 - Lie on one side propped up on one elbow with your legs
straight out on top of one another.
2 - Raise your body off the floor, resting on your forearm and foot.
under your shoulder.
1 - Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat, placing
your hands at your sides.
2 - Raise your hips off the floor, trying to make a straight line from
your hips to your shoulders.
3 - Raise one leg up, bending at the hip with your knee at a 90
degree angle.
the other leg.
1 - Lie face down on floor with your legs straight and your arms
outstretched overhead.
2 - Raise one arm and the opposite leg straight up about 18
inches off the floor.
your head steady.

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