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LOOK AT ENTRY FOR HEAVY 1. How many meanings are there? Heavy have ten meanings: Pesado (a) Denso(a) Fuerte Grave Serio(a) 2. Write the word in the phonetic alphabet?

3. Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? It is an adjective. 4. What is its opposite? Living, light. LOOK AT ENTRY FOR JOB 1. Can you use this word in the plural? No. 2. What example phrases and sentences are there? I have finished the jobs you gave me. /He terminado los trabajos que me diste. He found a job as an electrician. /Encontr un puesto de trabajo como electricista.

3. In which expressions can you use job? Used to measure the effort made by humans. 4. Can you use these expressions in American English? Yes, i can. LOOK AT ENTRY FOR BUSINESS 1. Is it a noun, a verb, or an adjective? It is an noun. 2. How many meanings does it have? Bussines have four meanings. Negocio Cuestin Asunto Empresa 3. What example phrases and sentences are there?

/un viaje de negocios A profitable business /un negocio rentable.

A business trip

Salary (Pl salaries) n [c, u] salario [mensual, anual] Sueldo Categora salarial

Wage / (tb wages) n [c] Sueldo

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