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Types of Modern Fantasy

Modern Folktales
Also known as literary folktales Features
Little character description Strong conflict Fast-moving plot with a sudden resolution Vague setting Magical elements

Modern Folktales
Write by an author. An important counterbalance to traditional tales. Famous Authors:
Hans Christian Andersen Jane Yolen (Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur)

Animal Fantasy
Stories in which animals behave as human beings. The animals experience emotions, talk, and have ability to reason.

Animals in fantasies will retain many of their animal characteristics.

Example: rabbit retain her abilities of speed and camouflage to outsmart her adversaries.

At the same time, author will permit the reader to see human qualities; caring and love.

Animal Fantasy
It can be read to very young children.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

Primary grades: Longer stories, humorous.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle Beverly Clearys mouse stories

Usually interest in animal fantasy peak at age 8 or 9, but many children and adults continue to enjoy well-written animal fantasies.

Personified Toys and Objects

Stories which admired objects or beloved toys are brought to life and believed in by a child or adult character.
The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi (Carlo Lorenzini)

The object, toy, or doll becomes real to the human protagonist and become real to the child reader. Suitable for preschool upper elementary grades.

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