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Evaluation Parameters Course Code : MGT711 Weightages : Atd Course Title : READINGS IN MANAGEMENT C.A MTE P 0 0 0 Th 50 ETE P 0 Th 50 L :0 T :0 P :0 Cr.

1. Course Objective: To inculcate the reading habits in the students and raise their intellectual level. 2. Parameters of evaluation: split up of 100 marks in detail During the course, the students will have to appear for two written exams, one during MTE and one during ETE based on the number of pages allotted. Each exam will be of 90 minutes duration

3. Who will evaluate i.e. a single faculty or a panel, internal or external jury? Written Examination

4. Periodicity / Frequency of evaluation: During MTE & ETE

5. Pedagogy: During the term, the students will be required to read one book related to management. The students will be required to read first half of the book before MTE and remaining after MTE. (Students will read first 115 pages of the book before MTE and remaining pages after MTE.)

6. Any other information relevant to the course : TEXTBOOK: Krames A. Jeffrey, The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership McGraw-Hill Publishers

Name, Designation and Sign of Course Planner

Approval of HoD-F

Approval of HoF

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