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Photo Essay

Julian Hernandez


Imperialism in Asia
Dead Filipino soldiers who had fought against the American occupation. America had received control of the Philippines after they beat Spain in the Spanish-American War. This shows to what extent America wanted to keep control of the Philippines, and it shows their imperialistic intentions. America eventually ceded control of the Phillipines and the filipino people were granted their independence.

Africa 9.jpg/220px-Slave_boat1869.jpg

Imperialism in Africa
This picture shows the capture of slaves from Congo on an Arab slave ship. The Scramble for Africa was the colonization of African territory by European powers. David Livingstone was an early explorer that explored the interior of Africa and stood against the African slave trade. Before this picture, Africans were at peace but afterwards, the wars and slavery caused thousands of deaths.

Latin America 8

Imperialism in Latin America

This photo depicts Teddy Roosevelt and his team of "rough riders" in Cuba, fighting the Spaniards. After the war with Spain, Cuba was controlled by the U.S. This shows America's imperialistic intentions in Latin America. Later, Cuba became independent but was influenced by American leaders until Fidel Castro's regime was implemented in Cuba.

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