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ALV - http://www.kerum.


00006 - Events in the object oriented ALV based on class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID

There are a lot of events fired in the object oriented ALV based on class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. You can receive them and use for your actions. It's sometimes difficult to realize, which action fires which events and what their order is. This template program can be helpful to follow the calls of events. It registers handler for all of them. It also activates some extra events for edit mode. The handler calls methods and stops in debugger, when the event is received. You've also a possibility to have a look on the passed parameters. This program also registers handlers for protected, inherited events of class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE. Registration is a bit tricky. To do this, the class of event receiver have to be child of the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE. Some of this events seems to be very promising, for example TOOLBAR_BUTTON_CLICK, but unfortunately in my tests they were never raised. According to where-used-list they are only fired from CL_GUI_ALV_GRID_BASE->DISPATCH and this method is redefined in CL_GUI_ALV_GRID and in such case not used. Let me know if you find out how to bring ALV to fire this events. If you want to start the program in your system, besides copying the source code, you have to create screen, GUI status, etc. See the comment at the beginning of the program for the detailed instruction.
PROGRAM zkmalvev.

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