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Change Project

Write a C++ program that thinks like a cashier at cash register. Prompt the user for the
price of the item. Then prompt the user for the tender amount given. Calculate the
change. Show how many twenties, tens, fives, ones, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.
Use any logical structure you desire. Output should look similar to:
Price of Item ---------------------------------- 15.19
Amount tendered ----------------------------- 50
Change is -------------------------------------
$20 bill(s) ------------------- 1
$10 bill(s) ------------------- 1
$5 bill(s) -------------------- 0
$1 bill(s) -------------------- 4
Quarter(s) ------------------- 3
Dime(s) --------------------- 0
Nickel(s) -------------------- 1
Penny(s) -------------------- 1


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