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Special Senses Vocabulary List Word Malleus Incus Stapes Gustatory Cataract Myopia Hyperopia Emmetropia Refraction Retina Choroid Vitreous Humor Sclera Optic Disk Ciliary Body Aqueous Humor Astigmatism Pinna Oval Window Cochlea Barotrauma Tinnitus Hertz Decibel Cerumen Auditory Ossicles Blinking Equilibrium Vertigo Squeeze Valsalva Maneuver Frenzel Maneuver Definition Hammer Anvil Stirrup Taste Cells Clouding of the Lens Near-sightedness Far-sightedness Normal Vision Bending of Light Inner layer that has cones and rods to process light into information Heavily pigmented layer that prevents scattering of light Gel that supports eyeball White of the eye Blind spot that has no photoreceptors Vascular part of the eye. Provides nutrients to lens and cornea Blurred vision from any distance Outer ear that collects sound waves Membrane between the inner and middle ear. Located in the inner ear and fills with fluid and hairs for taking sound waves and differentiating between them. Injury to ear due to pressure fluctuations Buzzing or roaring in ear Unit of frequency Unit of sound loudness Earwax Malleus, Incus, Stapes Process where the lacrimal glands lubricate the eyes and the eyelids protect the eye to keep out foreign objects. Balance A dizzy feeling. When the tympanic membrane bends inward The process of gently blowing out your nose while pinching your nostrils. The process of breathing out your pinched nostrils

Reserve block Glaucoma Amblyopia Strabismus Esotropia Exotropia Presbyopia Menieres Disease Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease

and swallowing at the same time. When the tympanic membrane bends outward. Increased pressure in eye which damages optic nerve. Lazy Eye One eye has less function ability than the other. Awkward positioning of eyes. Leads to crossing. Eyes cross inward Eyes cross outward Inability to focus Fluid issues in the ear. Inflammation of the ear caused because immune system attacks inner ear cells.

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