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Aproape Dup ce am terminat cu suflatul n lumnri, am nceput s m-nvrt pe fiecare parte i am dat de numai att (?

) Aa c m-am pus pe aranjat cuburi n form de cerc, contient c ele nu-i aveau sensul, dect prelucrate n mine: ireturile, ploaia, lumina-n perdele i-apoi n perei, aproape orice, aproape Cu anii, mereu mai gseam cte ceva, ns toate sreau, micate din loc, nainte s ajung eu cu mna. i n-apucam nimic de fapt. Credeam ce voiam, nevzut de nimeni. Aveai locul liber acolo de unde nu mai vedeam. Loc pentru o specie rar de chei, rar i absurd sau invers. I am an open book, but I can`t tell you the page. Because I never really knew what side of the wind I was from. All I know is that I landed in your hands and the letters turned white as snow. I was walking around by myself and all of a sudden, everything got slippery and I fell on the silence, cracking it open. Out of it came a mold of some sort, made out of these living colors. A whole world, actually, a different planet even. Although the strange thing was that I felt right at home. And it got so bright, that I couldn`t realize what was happening anymore. So all I did was stare at them. They were all around me, like a beam of light. Growing and growing. I had no idea something like this ever existed I thought. Oh, what joy ! Then I`d turn around and leave them playing in my absence. That`s when they got a little pointy, but I didn`t mind, because the next day they started dripping inside me, with tingles instead.

Iulian Leonard

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